"Our funds are low, what should we do?"
"We can't keep asking customers to pay for further development, so we carry on until the money runs out"
"Our funds have run out, what should we do?"
"Well, time to shut up shop and kill the servers. This game is over, I'm afraid."
"What will our customers do?"
"It's a pity, but perhaps they can sign up to Eve Online. That's still going strong."
"Yeah, we should have gone with a subscription model..."
"Customers didn't want that, remember? Or there is Star Citizen. They've got tons of money, and their demos look pretty good. Looks like a winner."
"--When it comes out..."
"Yeah, when it comes out (how long has it been?). I sure hope it meets people's expectations... we both know how tricky games development can get..."
See the problem?
And nobody wants that. But what if things were like:
Act 1:
Guys, we gotta make the best space sim; let's start a campaign and let's make some money so we won't have to fork a single dime out of pocket!
Ks campaign goes on; people are skeptic, but the project gets funds:
Guys; I see that SC is gathering a ton of money!
Yeah, they sell ship, and they made a totally fake video with stuff that does not even exist, but people love it and buy ships like crazy.
Dang! instead we go for getting the game out faster, let's start to pull out stuff that takes time and effort; we will eventually sell it later.
Yeah, good move! They will buy it like crazy because that's why they came here to support the game!
Right, SC won't be out before another couple of years; by that time we will have all the features out and sold as expansion.
KS campaign end....money get allocated, development continue with Alpha and Beta subscriptions.
Guys; money are not enough; what do we do? We promised plenty of stuff and we can't do it with the 40 guys that we have in house!
No worries; do this: shoot for the 400B system; people love big numbers; then just put randomly generated planets and put some real data in it, and the star creator will do the rest.
Then implement the basics of what we promised; we can always say that we will improve later.
The game get released:
Guys; the game sold plenty but still is not enough; what do we do?
Let's start to sell what we promised in the beginning, and then we pulled out; we have to implement the basics as usual, and people will be hyped to land on planets!
Since we can't do the FPS part, let's add the dune buggy; which is like the walker in Evochron; so we avoid to have to do the FPS part too. We can always make it next year when we will need more money, and call it an expansion.
Great! This assure us that we can actually continue to keep the game running, and instead of getting small chunks of money, we get a big cut when we sell the expansion.
Time will go by, money will run low; they will release finally some expansion that implement something new; which will be priced at....49 dollars! Pretty sure that we will pay for the overhaul of the various profession, which is basically what we were promised from the beginning