The majority don't mind because they believe in paying for what they get. This is a HUGE undertaking by FD. The current game is 4.15 gigabytes. And it's not just planetary landings. It's a whole years worth of expansions. The planetary landings are just the headlines. If it's not worth it to you, then don't buy the expansion. No one is forcing you to. It's worth it to the majority because they love the game and understand that FD has to make money. Since there are no subscriptions, the money has to come from somewhere. Basically there are subscriptions, but they are cloaked in download content. How much is World of Warcraft? If you purchase a 6 month subscription (the cheapest) it's $155.88 a year. And this is in addition to the $19.99 you have to pay to download the game. Let's compare that to ED. $60.00 a year (this includes the download). That sounds like a bargain. You're going to pay for the game on an ongoing basis if you want to keep current no matter what game you play.
So the WoW users are paying more than 3 times (for the 1st year) what us Elite Dangerous players are. And almost 3 times for all succeeding years. And you're complaining about content? Man. Talk about entitlement.
And I am OK with that; I am not blaming anyone for being happy with what they paid for.
If you ask a guy that has no money, if he is happy about his used 40 year old car; he may say that he is happy; but mostly because that's what he can afford; not because that's what he desire.
This game (and most of the games), follow a similar logic: this is what you have...can't get a refund so gotta either love it and hope that it will improve, or simply file it as loss; throw away the game code and forget about it.
I do not complain about the number of updates; but look at what they released: find me a single feature that can be considered on par or innovative, compared to what we have nowadays, and try to find a single feature that you may define as completed and engaging, for modern standards.
Let's face it: ED is a 1:1 port of Elite for the 201X years, with sprinkles of awesome here and there; which are nothing more than the teasing that you get, when you see a giant city to explore and then you hit an invisible wall.
The expansions are priced in an absurd way, for something that is almost a you remember the original KS campaign? I believe the pages are still there on google history.
The " nobody is forcing you" does not apply here: I am forced to buy it, because the game is incomplete, unfinished, lacklust of features....I am getting with this expansion, the second part of the release game; which was divided in 3 parts for time and budget reasons. I am buying a car without engine and wheels; and then you tell me "nobody force you to buy it"; right; I will keep my car without engine and wheels, parked on the bricks in my garage; playing in it like if I am driving it for real (including the broooom broooom sounds!). Nice approach; do you support this model, if it would be applied to anything in your day to day life? I find it hard to believe.
Subscription model is working for certain products: WOW still does it; they will never go F2P, because they have a fan base; they will give Blizzard money for as long they are able to play; in the same way that people that love Star Citizen will continue to buy ships for real money, to "support" the development of that game. And this is what the fans of this game do; "supporting" the game with overpriced expansions, because it is a way to get a better experience.
I am fine with the expansion, and I am fine if it is priced honestly; or if you aks full price, better be awesome, adding something not present in the original game (fps and planetary landing was included, so does not count). Then I am all for it; because good ideas and good products has to be supported.
Instead here we have a similar model to the EA sports games: updates, few feature here and there; which sound awesome but that in reality took not that much to achieve, and out at full price, adding a +1 to the year; good to go.
I just mentioned WOW to mention the most well known game that use subscription model; with ED a subscription model would never work, and they didn't even bother thinking about it; because this is no MMO after all