Any New Plans on ED ? Or is it still Maintenance Mode without any Future ?

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Volunteer Moderator
I see how it work now. When Frontier announce something (however woolly) and it actually turns up, it's factual. When it doesn't turn up, it's aspirational.

So for example, Odyssey was aspirational when released in 2021 and gradually becomes factual by August 2022 (maybe September) :)

The great news is that by and large when FDEV has stated something was confirmed as coming it actually has. Sometimes with delays, and a few were cancelled. But track record still suggests FDEV more often than not will make good on those statements. Weather you like the result or not is a different story, but either way those were not maintenance mode.
The great news is that by and large when FDEV has stated something was confirmed as coming it actually has. Sometimes with delays, and a few were cancelled.
Making good on statements is normally the default position, especially when money has been exchanged for goods and services.

ED can on occasion appear to be in maintenance mode for the simple reason that Frontier hide away details of upcoming development. Apparently commanders squabbling in social media can irreparably damage the game if fed too much information. I tend to think releasing expensive expansions in a clearly unfinished state and taking over a year to make good has been far more damaging to ED than all the consumer based drama on social media has ever been.


Volunteer Moderator
Making good on statements is normally the default position, especially when money has been exchanged for goods and services.

ED can on occasion appear to be in maintenance mode for the simple reason that Frontier hide away details of upcoming development. Apparently commanders squabbling in social media can irreparably damage the game if fed too much information. I tend to think releasing expensive expansions in a clearly unfinished state and taking over a year to make good has been far more damaging to ED than all the consumer based drama on social media has ever been.
Surprisingly, not much to disagree with there! Although a significant part of Elite content has been also produced at no extra cost in "free" updates. And not just optimization. As for how damaging EDO has been for Elite as a franchise going forward, that it is still a bit unclear though.
It is, it is exactly what you asked, except you dont like it. Which is fine.

I fully understand it is not easy to accept things we dont like.

No, FDEV track record is Factual Information. They have announced what is coming in exactly the same way as they did previously in numerous other occasions ("New Era", 2.4 The Return, mining/explo overhaul etc), all exemples given. None of those were maintenance mode. You are free to believe that this time it will be different and that it will be maintenance mode, but Factual track record suggest it probably wont be maintenance mode.

What you seem to be really looking for is a Guarantee. And I am afraid that is something a developer will rarely offer. You will have to live with the uncertainty until those updates arrive. Although track record may help alleviate some of the anxiety.

No its not.
Mind You. I explicitly asked for Information fitting my Definition.
Your Interpretation therefore is without Relevance to me.
Indeed. For example it seems you are absolutely not willing to accept that I will Judge Information according to my own Interpretation and not according to yours.
Considering you repeat the same Example ignoring my counter Example of this not being the case. I am not sure if that is such a Good Track Record.
From my Viewpoint. FDevs Track Record is Pretty bad. They often Implied Big things. Allowing for alot of Interpretation. And it only very very rarely actually Delivered.
The Mining Update actually being one of the things where I consider FDev Delivered.
On Engineers, The Crime System Rework, Planetary Landings and Exploration, Mission Rework, Multicrew Release, Guardian Tech, Exploration Rework etc.
All of these were quite Underwhelming if you ask me.
And Mind you. All of them were better Announced.
Nobody can give a Guarantee. What I am looking for is Commitment/Promise.
Effectively I am looking for a Statement which FDev cant later on Say "We never Promised anything beyond this." and goes into Maintenance Mode because they Judge a Future Expansion to no longer Promise enough Future Profits.
No its not.
Mind You. I explicitly asked for Information fitting my Definition.
Your Interpretation therefore is without Relevance to me.
Indeed. For example it seems you are absolutely not willing to accept that I will Judge Information according to my own Interpretation and not according to yours.
Considering you repeat the same Example ignoring my counter Example of this not being the case. I am not sure if that is such a Good Track Record.
From my Viewpoint. FDevs Track Record is Pretty bad. They often Implied Big things. Allowing for alot of Interpretation. And it only very very rarely actually Delivered.
The Mining Update actually being one of the things where I consider FDev Delivered.
On Engineers, The Crime System Rework, Planetary Landings and Exploration, Mission Rework, Multicrew Release, Guardian Tech, Exploration Rework etc.
All of these were quite Underwhelming if you ask me.
And Mind you. All of them were better Announced.
Nobody can give a Guarantee. What I am looking for is Commitment/Promise.
Effectively I am looking for a Statement which FDev cant later on Say "We never Promised anything beyond this." and goes into Maintenance Mode because they Judge a Future Expansion to no longer Promise enough Future Profits.

Your style is truly a work of art, Sir, but too much art may be contra-productive, and once you realize you cannot change the game or FD's decisions about it in the slightest, it's like in the Proverbs where the Wise in contrary to the Fool simply keeps his thoughts to himself and his lips shut. May be true for text too 🌻

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Frontier will not put out what they are intending to do because they will be held to it . If the players don't know what they could get they won't be disappointed when they don't get it. It's gone quiet on the CM side with some taking a further step back (if possible ) ? I personally think the EDO drop hurt their reputation badly and then add to that the backlash of console drop for EDO? As to the future we will have to wait and see we will get told only when Fdev want us to know . We can only hope something good comes
Nobody can give a Guarantee. What I am looking for is Commitment/Promise.
Effectively I am looking for a Statement which FDev cant later on Say "We never Promised anything beyond this." and goes into Maintenance Mode because they Judge a Future Expansion to no longer Promise enough Future Profits.
So you're no longer asking for info on what fdev have said (which you've had over and over), but now you are demanding fdev respond to you.

Cool. Good luck with that.
Nobody can give a Guarantee. What I am looking for is Commitment/Promise.
Effectively I am looking for a Statement which FDev cant later on Say "We never Promised anything beyond this." and goes into Maintenance Mode because they Judge a Future Expansion to no longer Promise enough Future Profits.
I expect you to remain etarnally frustrated in such a desire.
Frontier would not commit on something that was not already well-enouugh developed to be known working, and just in need of tidying up, and would be foolhardy to do otherwise.
This whole thread is feeling like talking to a flat earther. You point out all the evidence of the roundness of the world, the horizon, images from space probes, etc, etc. But they are adamant that the earth is flat since they can only see for a few miles around them and it appears flat.
I suggest players (and formers players) can tell the difference. Either way round, if the features trailed do not turn up (because Frontier were being too aspirational) then the players who wanted them have less incentive to stay with ED.
I beg to differ. How many times have we seen this frequently quote mined video, despite the fact that the original Kickstarter made it clear that:

The £80 pledge tier and higher now also includes free expansions for Elite: Dangerous! For more information on likely expansions check the Development Plan video further down the page.
We do plan to charge for additional updates, to be available sometime after the original release. These will offer additional content, features and gameplay.
Some new features and content will be paid for, especially those that build significantly on the game. If you have pledged to £90 tier or higher then any expansions or updates are free.

Now, this is just one example of how players, even the original Kickstarters, can’t seem to tell the difference. Communication is a two way street. Frontier most certainly has problems in this regard, and have frustratingly decided that silence is golden in this regard, but every single time someone posts that video outside of the context of future paid expansions, they are guilty of spreading misinformation.

Especially if they’re an original Kickstarter.
This whole thread is feeling like talking to a flat earther. You point out all the evidence of the roundness of the world, the horizon, images from space probes, etc, etc. But they are adamant that the earth is flat since they can only see for a few miles around them and it appears flat.
I'm betting on a minimum of 20 forum pages. The op isn't going to break any rules and mods are fine with it.

OP is good at not breaking any rules and making statements that draw a response out of others. The OP obviously doesn't give a rat's butt about the actual topic, its just a fun game. OP getting quite repetitive but there are always more forum users to respond that can't be bothered with reading all the pages. As long as the op doesn't get tired I'm curious how long it will go. And the op is too.
Please give an example.

Those two sentence fragments can be interpreted in many ways. To me, it says, "They're not reading my mind and doing things my way so I'm mad about it."
Darkfyre99 linked to an excellent example in the post immediately before yours.

Here for example (ship interior stuff):

A plan for the game was given. Time passed and the game has evolved, sometimes in such a way that it's clear that original plan is no longer practical. Updating that plan in the light of new information seems pretty reasonable to me, and keeping the playerbase informed so that they become accustomed to it would engender a lot more (evidence based rather than faith based) trust in the company imo.
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