Any New Plans on ED ? Or is it still Maintenance Mode without any Future ?

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You missed a ) out there. Your triggering me
EDO it is not in a good position to bet on investing millions again. Not, in its current performance condition where they were forced to give up on consoles (red flag)
Sony and Microsoft sample again? Sony and/or Microsoft could buy Frontier, shut it down and they would not belch at the loss. Fdev is not in the same league.
No Man's Sky was one of those rare miracles ... we need miracles.

The reality is heavy financial "commitments" for EDO don't look good and there is cause for concern on that front ... nothing else.
I am not saying stop playing or suggest what game you should play. Just looking at where the financial clues point.
Financially, I have spent hard earned $ for hardware / time and effort on the game .... I have an interest in the game just like everyone else.
Do I walk into Microcenter and invest further? Its the same question, no?

You missed my point regarding Sony & Microsoft, but it's ok.
And that’s why I said that some players can’t tell the difference between aspirations and promises. I think it’s as clear as day. It’s literally in the second paragraph of the Kickstarter: “The £80 pledge tier and higher now also includes free expansions for Elite: Dangerous! For more information on likely expansions check the Development Plan video further down the page.” The fact that there are paid expansions is also repeated several times in the FAQ as well, two of which I quoted above.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that if you need pay an extra 60 pounds to get all future expansions for free, then some of those expansions won’t be free for those who paid the 20 pound minimum. But just in case, Frontier made it clear repeatedly in the FAQ that some expansions would be required to purchase separately.
I don't really see the relevance, it's the content of ED's updates that are the issue, not the cost.
Frontier will not put out what they are intending to do because they will be held to it . If the players don't know what they could get they won't be disappointed when they don't get it. It's gone quiet on the CM side with some taking a further step back (if possible ) ? I personally think the EDO drop hurt their reputation badly and then add to that the backlash of console drop for EDO? As to the future we will have to wait and see we will get told only when Fdev want us to know . We can only hope something good comes

Another Possibility is actually that FDev has not yet themselves decided wether or not ED is worth a further Investment for Development.
Meaning the reason for their Vagueness is to make sure that should they decide to go into Maintenance Mode next Year. They can say they never Promised any new Content.

Once someone gets something then everyone will want something.
It won't stop and will echo on the forums for months
I really don't want to groundhog this thread every day because the novelty will wear off very quickly..

It is your Choice to stick around or not.
I will actually leave this Thread after Today. Because it seems that the Financial Report will be the last useful piece of Info I get right now.
So as always I will dissappear and then come back in a few months to ask again.
Maybe then FDev has made Announcements to clarify the Future into one way or the other.

Im surprised this is still going and hasnt been locked already, no matter what anybody would say it will never be good enough.

Thats the Problem to be Honest.
For some Reason you guys think the Goal of the Thread is to Convince me of something.
But thats the the Goal.
The Goal of the Thread is for me to get Information on Future Development that I may have missed because I dont Actively Follow FDev on all Platforms.
Meaning that if for example they talk about Future Development or Content in Streams. I will simply miss it cause I dont watch the Streams etc.

And all I care for is that Information.
If there is no such Information becasue FDev is so far refusing to Nail their Colors to the Mast and thus keeping themselves the Backdoor open to Announce Maintenance Mode next Year and stop Development alltogether. Then you cant come up with the Information I want because its doesnt exist.

Unfortunately it seems the Answer ""FDev has not provided any Information on Future Development"" doesnt seem to be Acceptable to alot of People here.
And they instead try to Convince me of an Interpretation they made of a Vague Statement and take that instead.

Please give an example.

Those two sentence fragments can be interpreted in many ways. To me, it says, "They're not reading my mind and doing things my way so I'm mad about it."

I actually gave the Examples right after the Statement.

On Engineers, The Crime System Rework, Planetary Landings and Exploration, Mission Rework, Multicrew Release, Guardian Tech, Exploration Rework etc.
All of these were quite Underwhelming if you ask me.

Are you Really gonna tell me that these Updates were Good Successful Deliveries on what FDev Promised ?

The meta discussion can often be more engaging than the actual topic yes. But remaining within the rules of the forum isn't a sneaky tactic, and it's a pretty low bar too.

I actually rue to have engaged on it.
The Topic became something I didnt actually want due to that.

I tend to be somewhat brazen unfortunately.
So its just extremely obvious what I think when I make Posts.

But I actually really just wanted Information because I only read the News and thus always miss it when stuff is said in Livestrams, Twitter or other Platforms etc.
And thats the thing. In the past FDev constantly had Lifestreams and would make Statements and Tease stuff on Lifestreams and other Platforms where they talked about the Future and their Plans for ED.
Yet none of that came up as an Answer in this Thread. Which actually Promotes my Opinion that there isnt any.
I actually wonder if there even is Streams anymore of Frontier talking about EDs Future. Did they stop these Streams or something ?

If ship interiors are the hill you choose to die on with all the other content in this game...

Wow. Just wow.

Ship Interiors were simply one of the many Examples of FDev Promising Future Content that never came.

Please don't come up with old Braben videos and then take each and every word as promised. As you wouldn't do with any person on the Spectrum. Don't hurt anyone with words. Please.


Well. This is however the Vision for this Game which many Players Subscribed to. And due to which many Players decided to Play this Game.
So FDev dropping this Feature Explicitly has actually been a Big issue for ALOT of Players.

Hmm, I think that's another attempt to shift the blame onto customers whose expectations are based on the material that Frontier produced at KickStarter time. As ever, Frontier were vague about what would require a paid expansion and what would be at no additional cost, but everything would require cash to get hold of at some stage. It is interesting that the video is still available to view and has never been withdrawn by Frontier. It's also interesting that nothing has ever been officially cancelled by Frontier as far as I'm aware.

There are plenty of other expectations that commanders have come up with on their own account (and presumably the suggestions forum is designed to encourage that) which I do think it's a bit unreasonable to criticise Frontier for not producing, but that's really a different matter.

I actually think its also FDev not yet having decided on a Future Course.
With the Information they have Provided so far. They can go in any Direction.
Starting next Year they can basicly either Announce Future Content Development or they can Announce that Elite Dangerous will go into actual Maintenance Mode.
And nobody can Point to past Announcements and say FDev Lied or Promised something.
Or of course they may just push it off further by providing further small scale Improvements and narrative. Thus pushing the actual Announcement for Maintenance Mode further out.

Its even possible that FDev is Gauging further Interest.
Meaning that right now FDev is checking if ED can Retain a Large enough Playerbase after the Odyssey Failure. To still Justify a Future Investment.
And then announce Maintenance Mode if Odyssey was too damaging.
Or announce further Update is they believe the damage form Odyssey to have been controlled enough to try again.

I have 2K+ hrs in game …. Love it.

Let’s be a little bit honest / logical & realistic:

EDO was supposed to be "big" but failed miserably on the financial side.

Yes ... it works somewhat but crippled with performance issues & bugs.

If performance had been great in ALL the hardware they recommended, the bugs could have been a little bit easier to swallow & sales / reviews could have been much better.

EDO failed so badly, they decided to write it off ... 6+ millions or so...

If we read between the lines, that write off was probably investors telling FDev ... never do that again. Specially if rumors are right and Odyssey was developed by third party, which means FDev did not have enough of their own staff to attempt EDO. Their own staff is dedicated to newer and bigger projects.

If this was your own money ... would you try something BIG on Elite again? The answer is most likely no.
Amazing Elite Horizons had a very good run for many years but I bet investors would rather put their future cash into something new and shinny.

If FDev says something Big is coming to Elite in the near future, it won’t be millions worth of development … not after a write off … never again.
A write-off is a slow death sentence in most development worlds.
We will probably get extra crumbs of Thargoid stuff / mystery at new locked systems etc ... maybe a few new ships but nothing of substantial cost on the development side.

Sad but nothing ever lasts forever. All we can do enjoy while on life support until they announce funeral arrangements.

BUT, miracles do happen … not very often but they do. ;)

This is unfortunately also the Risk I see.
People seem to Ignore this Reality way too often it seems.

FDev is a Company.
And Expansions cost Money.
So unless FDev is Convinced a Future Expansion will bring in Profits. They will not make one because its wasted Money.

I am not convinced this is the case yet.
As said above. I actually think FDev being so Vague right now. Is because they have not yet Decided wether or not ED is worth a Further Investment. And thus only Release Information that they can use in either Direction later on.
But it is indeed a very Real Option that ED will simply not get any further Big Investments and thus will slowly but surely drop into Maintenance Mode the currently developed assets are used up and thus there no longer is any Cheap way to keep Updating without actually Investing Serious Money and Dev Hours into it.

wait people are still making these treads?? i tought you all moved to what ever scam chris goberts was doing or playing that cartoony space game that people praise for addint content (when in actually they didnt any new content apart from remaking its story line but insted of cryptic texts now they have criptic space stations with texts ??..

did yamicks do a new video on ed because his youtube revenew is dying or someting??

People will always make threads to Ask for Information they missed.
Unfortunately FDev has a History of just making alot of Statements on Streams and other Platforms rather than the Official News.
So those of us not following these often only get to know about it from others talking about it. Or us explicitly asking others for it.

As for Roberts.
He is not Trustworthy.
It doesnt matter what he Promises. Because in his case I would not believe him to actually Deliver on it.

FDev in that regard is different.
If FDev stopped being Vague and made an Actual Announcement to be working on some kind of further Expansion or Content for ED. I would believe them.
Because FDev while often Overstating the Scale of things they Develop. Does generally at least not Lie about it.
Somethings coming.
The fact they've remained tight lipped is their MO.
Yeah they've left alot on the wayside.
Content that would take time to fix.
Seems to be to be a pattern. They run with something then it's abandoned in favour of some new fangled project that consumes them.
Their MO once again.
But something is coming.....

In response to the OP.

1. Yes


2. No
It isn't in maintenance mode. See 1.

And finally.

I've measured the incidence of inappropriate use of capital letters per sentence of the OP and determined that their post and all replies from the OP within in this entire thread can be safely ignored as bridge dwelling goat munching guff.


Volunteer Moderator
EDO failed so badly, they decided to write it off ... 6+ millions or so...
Just a quick comment there, It was not really a "write off", as in a bank writing off debt payments that have been defaulted by the debtors, or similar. FDEV is simply applying the totality of the EDO development costs into the FY2022 accounts instead of the usual practice of spreading it out over several years.
I don't really see the relevance, it's the content of ED's updates that are the issue, not the cost.

I can understand that. Wanting ED to be feature complete relative to Frontier: Elite 2, I have a bit of an issue with some of the content Frontier has added over the years… primarily the free stuff. Especially how they frequently bungled it. CQC (waste of time), PowerPlay (so much potential lost to bad design), and Fleet Carriers (have they not been paying attention to past MMO mistakes?) are the three biggest ones IMO. And of course I wanted more full atmospheric planets before Elite Feet… though Odyssey is an understandable compromise between two vocal camps of the player base.

But it shouldn’t take genius to understand that a software development company needs to expect to make a profit from the sales of their product in order to develop it in the first place. David Braben said in an interview that was the point of the Kickstarter in the first place. Not to raise enough money to make the game, the Kickstarter only raised about 20% of ED's initial development cost IIRC, but to judge whether there was a large enough audience to make developing a niche game like ED profitable.

And it also shouldn't take a genius to understand that goes for future paid expansions as well. Which is what that often quote mined video was clearly about, given its context. Which was, again, "The £80 pledge tier and higher now also includes free expansions for Elite: Dangerous! For more information on likely expansions check the Development Plan video further down the page."

Which is repeated twice in the FAQ:
  • "We do plan to charge for additional updates, to be available sometime after the original release. These will offer additional content, features and gameplay."
  • "Some new features and content will be paid for, especially those that build significantly on the game. If you have pledged to £90 tier or higher then any expansions or updates are free."
Not free updates like some people want to believe. But paid updates. And again, it shouldn't take a genius to understand that Frontier Development needs to expect to make a profit from sales in order for such an update to be produced in the first place. That everything in that video is contingent on Elite Dangerous both making enough money, each previous expansion being purchased by enough of the player base to cover the cost of its development, and each future expansion to likely do the same.

Which is why Frontier's bungling of the Odyssey expansion is so worrying. Not about the content itself. That IMO was a brilliant compromise regarding which of the remaining three initially planned expansions to develop next. But how Frontier still insists on treating a player testing environment as a marketable commodity, and one that provides limited access to boot, rather than a vital component in ensuring that game braking bugs and obvious optimization issues get fixed before release, both in regards to expansions, as well as patches.
But I actually really just wanted Information because I only read the News and thus always miss it when stuff is said in Livestrams, Twitter or other Platforms etc.
And thats the thing. In the past FDev constantly had Lifestreams and would make Statements and Tease stuff on Lifestreams and other Platforms where they talked about the Future and their Plans for ED.
Yet none of that came up as an Answer in this Thread. Which actually Promotes my Opinion that there isnt any.
I actually wonder if there even is Streams anymore of Frontier talking about EDs Future. Did they stop these Streams or something ?

I'm not sure if you actually got this answer yet (instead of the discussion about maintenance mode over and over).

They are doing biweekly livestreams, which in a lot of cases don't have any relevant info about future development. However, during the livestream that happened on the same day they released the roadmap, they -did- comment on future development on the stream. To specify, I'm talking about Frameshift Live #7 (

Starting at about 24:30, they talk about the devs attempting something that's never been done in Elite before. And it'll come with "extra stuff, that you'll be able to engage with". However, they can't provide details about what will be in it, because it'll ruin the experience. Somewhere else, I don't remember if it was in that stream or in a forum reply, they also specified that this narrative "stuff" you can engage with will -not- only be community goals, but actual stuff to interact with.

I will admit, these little hints and tidbits are burried between tons of noise and are all very vague. But the comments very clearly hint at actual content - now how much and what kind, we'll find out. But it does hint at actual content development a bit more clearly than just looking at the roadmap.
Ship Interiors were simply one of the many Examples of FDev Promising Future Content that never came.
Odd. I can see interiors in my ships.

Are you Really gonna tell me that these Updates were Good Successful Deliveries on what FDev Promised ?

The problem is that nothing is good enough for you. You must be an absolute pleasure to live with. :rolleyes:
Starting at about 24:30, they talk about the devs attempting something that's never been done in Elite before. And it'll come with "extra stuff, that you'll be able to engage with". However, they can't provide details about what will be in it, because it'll ruin the experience.
I worry that a subset of the community will have a meltdown when this "never been done before" content hits, squashing future attempts at such content by Frontier. I'm of course thinking about the Gnosis "event", which even I complained about at first but later learned to appreciate. Frontier got raked over the coals for that, but in hindsight it was actually a pretty epic "never been done before" event (a LIVE attack on a megaship by Thargoids) that has never been done again AFAIK because people lost their minds over it. I do think there were mistakes made and lessons to be learned from that event, but sadly Frontier decided to play it safe and not even attempt to do anything that stirs the pot of status-quo.

Another such event was when Palin's engineering base was shut down for a week (again, something never done before), which I thought was another great example of "Wow, that's different!" gameplay, but people were losing their minds because they couldn't G5 their ship right now. So whatever Frontier attempts to do new, I'm sure there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth and it'll end up being a one-time event rather than cool, new gameplay that becomes a regular feature in Elite. Though sometimes even stuff that gets overwhelming praise (like the CG to rescue escape pods from Thargoids) ends up being a one-off, so...
I can understand that. Wanting ED to be feature complete relative to Frontier: Elite 2, I have a bit of an issue with some of the content Frontier has added over the years… primarily the free stuff. Especially how they frequently bungled it. CQC (waste of time), PowerPlay (so much potential lost to bad design), and Fleet Carriers (have they not been paying attention to past MMO mistakes?) are the three biggest ones IMO. And of course I wanted more full atmospheric planets before Elite Feet… though Odyssey is an understandable compromise between two vocal camps of the player base.

But it shouldn’t take genius to understand that a software development company needs to expect to make a profit from the sales of their product in order to develop it in the first place. David Braben said in an interview that was the point of the Kickstarter in the first place. Not to raise enough money to make the game, the Kickstarter only raised about 20% of ED's initial development cost IIRC, but to judge whether there was a large enough audience to make developing a niche game like ED profitable.

And it also shouldn't take a genius to understand that goes for future paid expansions as well. Which is what that often quote mined video was clearly about, given its context. Which was, again, "The £80 pledge tier and higher now also includes free expansions for Elite: Dangerous! For more information on likely expansions check the Development Plan video further down the page."

Which is repeated twice in the FAQ:
  • "We do plan to charge for additional updates, to be available sometime after the original release. These will offer additional content, features and gameplay."
  • "Some new features and content will be paid for, especially those that build significantly on the game. If you have pledged to £90 tier or higher then any expansions or updates are free."
Not free updates like some people want to believe. But paid updates. And again, it shouldn't take a genius to understand that Frontier Development needs to expect to make a profit from sales in order for such an update to be produced in the first place. That everything in that video is contingent on Elite Dangerous both making enough money, each previous expansion being purchased by enough of the player base to cover the cost of its development, and each future expansion to likely do the same.

Which is why Frontier's bungling of the Odyssey expansion is so worrying. Not about the content itself. That IMO was a brilliant compromise regarding which of the remaining three initially planned expansions to develop next. But how Frontier still insists on treating a player testing environment as a marketable commodity, and one that provides limited access to boot, rather than a vital component in ensuring that game braking bugs and obvious optimization issues get fixed before release, both in regards to expansions, as well as patches.
I don't disagree with any of that. I do disagree with those who label expectations that Frontier raised as unrealistic.

I still hope for both ship interiors and atmospheric planets, either would be nice.
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