ANNOUNCEMENT April Update - Coming 23 April 2019

Beginners zone is a good thing, and the new "Interstellar Initiatives" sounds good.
But, I don't get how letting an AI do everything for you is a good thing. I think it's even worse to provide it directly to new players, if you don't learn to land properly in your sidey (without risking to lose lot of money if things go wrong, and it's way more easier in a small agile ship) what's going to happen the first time you land your big cutter after your DC has been sniped/destroyed....
I will never let my life in the hands of a buggy machine, I saw all the destroyed belugas inside the stations...
Beginner's Zone

Will these new systems be present in the main galaxy map or in a separate area, a la Tutorial Island?

Advanced Docking Computer

Are you replacing the docking computer, or is this separate?
Supercruise Assist

Okay, this surprised me. I guess it's not quite the speeding-up of supercruise travel I've hoped for but it's something, and the "Orbit" feature sounds pretty cool.

Free module slots for everyone!

Ultimately, this is good news (I'm sure explorers will rejoice), I just can't help but wonder if a dedicated slot for "computer & navigation" stuff would be better than it remaining Optional Internal stuff.

Navigation Tab

Okay, you've got my attention with this.

Pilot's Handbook


Trading Screen Improvements

Oh? Wonder if any players are up to comparing this with using, once we can get our hands on it - if it can indeed serve that function, then awesome! Hopefully "nearby systems" still includes a decent range....

Interstellar Initiatives

But 'Community Events' is easier to say. :p

Sounds like a neat concept. edit: Hopefully someone's made a note to remind Brett & the forums team to update the relevant forum subsection.

Join us on Thursday 18 April (at 19:00 UTC) for a content reveal livestream, where Executive Producer Adam Woods will be showcasing how all of this looks in-game!

I just may have to.

p.s. Does the UI adjustments perchance include customization options yet...?
Sounds decent enough, although for the purpose of protecting newbies I doubt the noob areas will do much. Keep in mind what you have done to the rate of progression in game lately: I'm barely exagerating when I say gaining your first rank can be done just by undocking considering how much and how often the game rewards you these days, especially with regards to trade and exploration ranks. A newbie wont stay Harmless for more than a few minutes in the current state of the game, at which point they are kicked out of the area, probably without much more experience than when they started. And of course, a seal clubber doesn't need an engineered FDL to farm newbs in sidewinders if they are really intent on causing trouble and don't mind resetting their save once in a while.

Now what I'm really worried about, is the arbitrary addition of yet another internal slot. David has led us to believe back in the early days that the internal layout for every spaceship was part of the design process, for the sake of keeping things consistent down the line when you guys finally add spacelegs with ship interiors. With that in mind, can you assure us that these concerns are still taken into consideration when adding or changing internal slots and that you have managed to magic shoehorn these slots into every ship without breaking things too much?
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I think the idea I've floated in the suggestions would be better than extra optional slots: Computer program slots. In addition to docking computer and supercruise assist, different types of limpet controllers could also be programs.

If that's too much zots, one could make the new slots restricted to the computers and controllers only.
IMHO you really, really need to rein in the modular system, particularly with regard to defences because both the discrepancy between stock and engineered ships and the constant hikes in TTK are fully out of hand.

Please consider introducing these new slots (and retroactively restricting existing ones) as "utilities only" or "CPU slots" or something or this bloat will never end.
I completely agree with you. I haven't done the math, but I can imagine a Sidewinder or Eagle now having the hauling capability of a pre-update Hauler. It's to the point where it doesn't even make sense unless these ships are bigger on the inside than the outside.

I'd go the extra step by making forcing specialized modules to used specialized slots, meaning you can only use HRP and MRPs in military slots. The idea that I can fill up a Type-7 with HRPs like I'm pouring molten iron in the cargo bay to make a solid brick is silly. Since this would require a retcon of certain "bullet sponge" builds, I doubt Frontier will actually do this, but then again, they retconned the ADS for a better system, so who knows!
Also, will there be a Evil Commander Alert module?

With everyone flying on full auto its going to get........messy when they get bopped on the head
Вы издеваетесь.... Это Elite Dangerous! Хочу планеты с гравитацией за 30 g , выпрыгивать из прыжка в корону звезды или сразу в джет нейтронки, гравитационные аномали или на крайняк раздавленный корабль в ЧД. Молчу уже про метеоритные потоки и вываливания посреди прыжка , как и саму систему прыжков .
in the annual report they did write they want to pull new players to Elite always good but now we start to see slowly on what kind of players they aiming to.
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