ANNOUNCEMENT April Update - Coming 23 April 2019


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Hi Slopey
and supporters

Can we have a talk here while game is broken? We posted all tickets already, what do we have to do if game is broken? Just a talk at the forum. This is positive talk. All bad things went to the magic issue tracker

Feel free to discuss, however, tickets should be raised with the issue tracker. It will take some time for FD to respond - adding more detail to the issue here is pointless as FD will likely never see it, so direct people towards the tracker - remember you can "up vote" an issue now, so if you want to make it a higher priority, that's how to influence FD.

Just playing Devils Advocate - people like to talk about April Update issues in virtually every topic posted at the moment, but unless they're logged in the right place, FD won't see them....YMMV
If you say 10 minutes then maybe it was that, but it certainly wasnt 30 minutes and I only got one notification - but then I am in NZ so maybe it took twenty minutes to make it over here!

I'm not sure about the missions being discarded because I have just docked and delivered my cargo for one mission - the others expired after I left that station.

I do have a problem with restocking as I'm getting a server error but hopefully the devs will resolve that soon.
Ah, a Kiwi, that explains a lot....!
Maybe. Can you please give me one? I have my FPS below 30 and CPU cooking up even on LOW settings, as well as module power priorities reset and several other bugs widely mentioned here. So I would like to get the unbroken copy as well. Please.
I noticed an FPS drop, but I was still 60+ FPS in stations; 100+ in space. That's really weird. What CPU/GPU do you have, out of curiosity?
Maybe. Can you please give me one? I have my FPS below 30 and CPU cooking up even on LOW settings, as well as module power priorities reset and several other bugs widely mentioned here. So I would like to get the unbroken copy as well. Please.
Having no problems on my 1x other than the controller seems to be vibrating a lot harder than it did before the update. Hope it doesn't break!
Having no problems on my 1x other than the controller seems to be vibrating a lot harder than it did before the update. Hope it doesn't break!
A vibrating controller? Sounds like you have the 'rumble' turned on. Turning it off in your controller's profile or Xbox settings will fix that in a large hurry. Didn't even know ED supported Rumble on controllers.
A vibrating controller? Sounds like you have the 'rumble' turned on. Turning it off in your controller's profile or Xbox settings will fix that in a large hurry. Didn't even know ED supported Rumble on controllers.
Yeah it's rumbling so hard I'm worried it's gonna fall apart! Thanks for the advice, let's see if that fixes it.
Actually I've checked gameplay videos we tend to make time to time and compared the ones from before and after the update. There's a very noticeable difference in RES when it comes to framerate. Xbox wasn't gem of stability, but we've never got that bad framerate around the rings before.
Feel free to discuss, however, tickets should be raised with the issue tracker. It will take some time for FD to respond - adding more detail to the issue here is pointless as FD will likely never see it, so direct people towards the tracker - remember you can "up vote" an issue now, so if you want to make it a higher priority, that's how to influence FD.

Just playing Devils Advocate - people like to talk about April Update issues in virtually every topic posted at the moment, but unless they're logged in the right place, FD won't see them....YMMV

The issue comes from the fact that new FD Ticket System requires you to have Frontier Account... which some people DO NOT have, mainly the console players. And I don't think people are patient enough to create yet another account just to report bugs, too.
I would like to have the old functionality back. While nice, I don't want or need a manual toggle. I would like the ship to throttle down if I am alt-tabbed out of the game, but keep the throttle up if I am in the game. That was the most helpful configuration out of all the permutations this feature has gone through. If my ship makes a jump while I'm typing a forum post, I want it to stop moving forward and NOT crash into the sun. If my ship makes a jump while I have the game window on top, then I'd like it to maintain throttle.

comments like that are akin to non use of hands free in RL WHEN DRIVING as well as it can carry over from either
Star Citizen = Over 5 years of development, donations/investments of a total of $200 million, lots of empty promises/release dates and still no clear development plan. The team just jumps from one unfinished aspect and starts doing a new one. Good luck waiting on that one... ;)

are you joking? i'm not for their economic system but RSI is an example of good comportment ,they listen their player community and have a real roadmap and now their update are less broken than what do frontier.
each week they communicate on dev status

everything frontier does not do , respect their product and their consumers , they are not pro and need to learn a lot on how work video game industry by begin reflexion on real quality processes. Litteraly.
if frontier wanted to do everything to force the players to go on star, they would not do otherwise .
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are you joking? i'm not for their economic system but RSI is an example of good comportment ,they listen their player community and have a real roadmap and now their update are less broken than what do frontier.
each week they communicate on dev status

everything frontier does not do , respect their product and their consumers , they are not pro and need to learn a lot on how work video game industry by begin reflexion on real quality processes. Litteraly.
if frontier wanted to do everything to force the players to go on star, they would not do otherwise .
No, I'm not joking. Did you play it? Everything feels unfinished. Yes it looks nice on the videos, but not the actual game. For example, you were promised with over 100 systems by release. Now it's been lowered to 5-10. The company didn't say anything for ages. A lot of money goes into the game, from SC patriots, but not a lot of stuff comes out. I understand people standing up for the game though - they put money into it.

I have played Elite Dangerous for a long time - yes, there are many cons, and stuff to work on. There are bugs and flaws, but the game has changed a lot for the better since when I started playing. By the way, Frontier responded to the complaints and said that they are planning to release a patch next week to fix the new and some old bugs.

Another reason why I dislike SC is because of the pay to win system. I know, Elite sells some additional stuff aswell, but it doesn't affect gameplay, and is for cosmetics. SC is just a money hover.
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how many ships on star citizen "alpha" ? yeah it's an alpha ,don't forget this point.
lot more than on elite who is released ;)
in elite you have lot systems yeah ,99% are empty and useless
just let this game grow and wait
but yeah i have same opinion than you about SC patriots.a sociological problem pushing to question the limits of the relationship players $$$$$ / game shop
sc players don't want admit about for the moment sc is p2w, it's a fact. But that will change in the future , that is clear and announced since long time

but they are making great progress compared to the "awesome" content on elite. because finally apart the redesign of features that are broken at their output and "shop"cosmetics well you can search the content, crumbs

here we are...
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how many ships on star citizen "alpha" ? yeah it's an alpha ,don't forget this point.
lot more than on elite who is released ;)
in elite you have lot systems yeah ,99% are empty and useless
just let this game grow and wait
but yeah i have same opinion than you about SC patriots.a sociological problem pushing to question the limits of the relationship players $$$$$ / game shop
More ships than systems, and the physics/aerodynamics of these ships suck. But Elite is more of a simulator - space is empty, boring and repetitive in real life. Travelling takes a ton of time, but it just gives a sense of how gigantic the galaxy really is.

SC is like an arcade - there's FPS warfare, unrealistic content and so on. I agree that Elite can improve, but SC is not better.
Do they realize the game is virtually unplayable until they fix the power priority changes.

1. You can't do long range travel. Power changes will knock you out of supercruise to often and cause damage.(exploration including current trips, Small jump ranges, etc.)
2. You can't use ships with unpowered shields.
3. You can't do anything involving consistant instancing or loading.
4. There is a problem with jumping into systems turning in your hardpoints screwing up power and not turning them off.
5. I believe there is more but I can't remember.

Maybe this sounds insignificant to some but this is literally stopping anything but play close to a station and it's still lethal there. The game is broken until these things are fixed. It is literally in an unplayable state!

Anything power wise short of something that works not matter the power loadout is unusable. Anything involving loading of any instances is unplayable. That is most of the game. There are only a few things that are doable in the game atm.

Do they understand how bad this is. Are they even working on it right now?
Do they understand how bad this is. Are they even working on it right now?
Yes, they are.
Hello Commanders,

We have been monitoring the feedback you've been making here on the forums, across social media and on the Issue Tracker. We wanted to give you an update on some of the concerns and bugs that have been raised.
  • Drag Munitions
    • Based on your feedback, we will revert the change that we made to Drag Munitions, changing them back to how they worked prior to the April Update. However, this is something we may look to revisit in the future.
  • Frame Rate Issues
    • We believe the cause of this is down to the 'FX Quality' setting in the graphics options. We're currently investigating a fix for the issue, but would recommend lowering your graphics settings in the meantime.
  • We are also investigating fixes for these known issues:
    • SRV damage multiplying when in multiplayer sessions
    • Module priorities resetting
    • Shield module turning on (after previously being deactivated)
    • ‘Restock All’ quick option not functioning
    • Buying/selling commodities is now faster – whilst using a mouse it will incrementally speed up, and when selling it will default to the maximum amount you have in your hold
We are not able to give you an exact date on when the patch with these fixes will be deployed, but aim to release it next week. As mentioned, investigations for these fixes are ongoing so times are subject to change.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.
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