Just a small update on preparation.
The system of Choeng Yu, 66cc, is also being prepped in addition to Dhak.

We don't want to get into a prep war between these 2 systems. Both are ok.
Lets wait a few days and see which one is higher, then focus on keeping that system first, in place of any bad systems that might pop up.

It would be nice if we could spend our merits on fortification instead of preparation this week.
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Outstanding folks!

I couldn't find a video of this that wasn't an hour long, so don't watch it for more than 20 seconds or so :)

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LOL as for me, i am sure nobody wants to see an old hippo (for the youngsters: a hippo is a old hippie) chearleading. This would be real perverse sexism. I would do it if some of your Cmdrs will fall down by seeing it ;P But not for taking clicks on youtube ;)
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From Antals reddit, something I found amusing

Its only funny to someone who has an understanding of the systems positions and the events of last cycle though :)
Out of curiosity why should we not try to expand this week? I understand fortifying is important but we busted our asses to make sure those systems were prepared
Out of curiosity why should we not try to expand this week? I understand fortifying is important but we busted our asses to make sure those systems were prepared

Every system we expand to is another one we need to fortify.
We barely fortified enough last week

Unless we increase our fortification levels, we will hit Turmoil.

We pushed the terrible system off our preparation list because the people preparing it would expand it, and the empire would not oppose it, since they are the ones who benefit from the 5th column players helping them.

They are back at it again this week.

(!) ALERT:
- 5th column activity spotted. HR 8737, with potential value of -11cc, is being actively prepared. We must keep Dhak on top of it!


- Glanet predicts us to start with a negative balance of -133cc next cycle if nothing changes. To avoid turmoil, especially taking into account we will get more of our systems undermined, focus on fortification.


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Front page updated on November 24th 1:00pm CST
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24 hours left to go.
We need to make sure Dhak is our number 1 prepared system, not HR 8737.
Make sure to put your nominations into Dhak is you haven't already.

Galnet currently has us on -60.
Ngbato is nearly undermined and Lusonda is nearly fortified, so that will basically cancel each other out.
We may get a few more systems undermined, but all our profitable systems are already hit, so another 3 or 4 fortified and we should be fine.
These 4 will help the most:
Arawere 77%
Halbangaay 16%
San Muss 24%
Ngbato 6%

The expansion at Brynhilo has probably safely won 631% vs 194%
If you want to earn more expansion merits, VVo 19 would be a better use of your time since we are losing there 503% vs 1007%

But an even better use of your time would be to undermine Patreus.
HIP 101846 20% is the best target right now, then HIP 98211 2%

If Patreus doesn't lose a system due to undermining he will probably be ranked above us again.
I'll spend some cash and move a load of preps to Dhak and a cargo of marked slaves from somewhere else close to 100%.

5Cs have moved Dhak to 2nd on the prep list behind HR 8737 - by 1100 merits as of this posting. Please use your nominations on Dhak, and move some prep materials there from nearby control systems.
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