are ship interiors never coming?

I wish I had some say in your use and abuse of obnoxious emoji, LOL.
😯😂🩲🦨🚗🎱🚽📯🤷🚀😀🤘 ...

May we all get exactly what we want for Christmas, with hopefully "next gen" Elite first!!

(Also indeed I use emojis like everyone, though I don't know how I "abuse" them, I feel I use the exact right amount for any given situation! 😯😂.)
😯😂😀🤘🤞 .
VR is not a prime feature, its a feature used by a minority.
But... but... but...

Millions of VR headsets have been sold, dontcha know? Every one of the owners wants to play Odyssey, on-foot, in full VR 😤

Or, at least, that is what some VR users would have Frontier believe...

Yes, I play games in VR too, but am not a fanatic, which may explain my laid-back approach to playing games in general.
I wonder .... perhaps this is technically not possible , or perhaps there are legal reasons but hypthetically speaking, coming from this as an old man gamer who used to love the modding community back in the day with quake or doom or unreal fan made maps.

I wonder if FD could not spend some pretty serious devtime creating a sandbox ship designer.....
each ship would have an empty internal space split into the different internal compartment sizes.l supplied by FD
then every other month month they could have a competition with players tasked with designing internal compartments for 1 ship ..... covering all the possible options for each ship. at the end of the competition FD could vote on each compartment size and module and the best ones make it into the game with the winners getting their name inserted somewhere into the design.

performance wise again am sure once designed the software could run some tests on it to work out memory usage etc and if it falls outside of certain limits it fails .

yes this would be work..... but surely such tools would be useful for their engine anyway?

just random spitballing. I imagine it would generate huge interest from players as well as lots of coverage in pcgamer etc

before you shoot me down for being silly take a look at the fan made sidewinder and viper ship interior done in unreal engine

IF this worked it could be later expanded to base internals etc
I am not going to say it's a bad idea. But the amount of work that would be required for such a system is gigantic and the time that is used would be better spend to improve the game.
If you create a tool that can design different variants of a Sidewinder you already designed different variants of a Sidewinder... The quality of the final product would be much better if you simply start with designing a Sidewinder...
VR is not a prime feature, its a feature used by a minority. If it was used by a significant number of people, it would be higher up their priority list.
It was apparently used by enough players that FDev reversed their decision to not include VR at Odyssey’s launch after some of us expressed our disappointment.
Having enjoyed looking/wandering around every cockpit/bridge in the game thanks to VR, I could see ship interiors being done in a modular fashion - every SRV and hangar bay is the same throughout all ships, for example. It might cut down on the amount of graphical work required, though it’d be nice to eventually see stylistic variations between manufacturers (a bit like when we got different station interiors, years ago).
It’s hard to accept any of Frontier’s decisions as final, when ‘plans change’ frequently.
They shed the dead wood, Apple, Console - no doubt soon PC too, if it ain't makin' money, it ain't worth carrying on with, surely?

Accepting their decisions, whatever they might be, is all one can do. but it is entertaining to read the railing against their decisions.
Of course not, but you could look for a replacement, especially for such a prime feature. What I was saying is that VR should not have stayed the project of just one person, if that indeed was so.
They never saw it as a prime feature. It was a side project by an enthusiast. I don't know if he even got paid any extra for it. More like a free-time hobby.
Ship interiors...


(Laptop goes BANG from drooling onto the keboard, Homer Simpson 'aaaaaarrrrrrgggghghhhhh' audio to be heard in the background)
if so then it is fair to say FDs marketing of the game as built from the ground up for VR as well as other such comments in VR circles as well as selling on a vr only store was unfortunate.
I suppose so, but then marketing people rarely touch base with the same reality developers inhabit.
The general impression I get, regarding VR, is that David Braben lost interest in it as a technology. It’s relatively easy to convert a cockpit sim to VR, but it requires a lot of extra work to translate a FPS experience into VR well. I’ve suffered through a lot of VR experiences where the Devs clearly thought they could flip a switch and have a good experience right out of the box. And they were wrong. And that’s not even counting how many people have get nauseated by the types of forced movement inherent to FPS when seated in VR.

As long as Frontier doesn’t shut down in-cockpit VR, I’m fine. That’s all we asked for when Frontier first announced no VR support at all for Odyssey. Anything beyond that is gravy in my boat.
They shed the dead wood, Apple, Console - no doubt soon PC too, if it ain't makin' money, it ain't worth carrying on with, surely?

Accepting their decisions, whatever they might be, is all one can do. but it is entertaining to read the railing against their decisions.
I don't care whether Frontier make money (though their annual figures suggest they are doing okay as a company), I care whether they make a product which is worth buying.

In the case of ED, I bought a product sight unseen, certainly wouldn't do so again.
In the case of ED, I bought a product sight unseen, certainly wouldn't do so again.
Funny, isn't it?
I also bought ED (and NMS on the same day), sight unseen, and it has proven to be the most used piece of entertainment software I have on my PC. But... I bought it without any 'promises' of "things to come", so don't have my perception marred by "broken promises" - I got exactly what I bought, then a lot more on top!
I don't care whether Frontier make money (though their annual figures suggest they are doing okay as a company), I care whether they make a product which is worth buying.

In the case of ED, I bought a product sight unseen, certainly wouldn't do so again.
Thanks for letting us know.
I care whether they make a product which is worth buying
They have made many, Elite is by far my most played game over the past two years, its kept me away from GW2 and was even responsible for me stepping down as raid leader in an Everquest Guild i have been in for 19 years, that's how good an experience i get from playing odyssey.
Im also a fan of their JW franchise and Chaos gate is pretty decent to, so as far as my gaming goes they are dong very well.

We should all care that they are making money, and plenty of it so they can continue.

The Situation is as follows:

Community Manager Arthur Tolmie has in fact stated that "At the moment there are no plans for full Ship Interiors".
Which is not really as important as what he further stated:
"It doesn't add enough value to the gameplay loops, that is what is the believe behind the development team."
However he contradicts himself later by saying:
"I don't know. That's my thoughts and it's not necessarily Fdevs but at the moment it doesn't add any value ... "
Then he goes on saying the same stuff any opponent to Ship Interiors usually comes down to (which A. Tolmie unfortunately undoubtedly is one of).
Basically, it getting boring fast unless done properly, which in their eyes would be a rework of the entire game and thus not be worth it and that the walking would get annoying
(... even though one could just ... keep the blue circle and or a similar teleport-mechanic despite Ship Interiors ... ?)

This was on Jun 8, 2021. Just shy of three weeks since the release of Odyssey.
Check it out yourself:

That alone though is definitely not yet the nail in the coffin that some would take it for though.
Simply because there is actually still a HUGE amount of hopes and hints left.

1. The fact that Ship Interiors were in fact promised COUNTLESS times over in the early days of Elite. (Braben is not the only one who makes decisions I dare assume)
2. Their statement that Odyssey is by no means the End of Elite but instead a "Set of tools" to build with, surely that means more than just one more type of Goid-interceptor.
3. The fact that even in this interview with Arthur Tolmie he did not exactly seem to speak from a position of a final decision done, just listen to it a few times over.
3.5. This might be hairsplitting here BUT he said "no plans for full Ship Interiors", that does not mean no Ship Interiors.
4. The wording of Odyssey's announcment "not included at launch". They could have simply said, 'not included.' Period. But they didn't.
5. The fact that Fdev could have, at ANY TIME, done a simple forum-post in the manner of:
'After careful debate and consideration we have come to the final conclusion of not including Ship Interiors, yada yada yada ...'
instead of merely a contradicting statement within a fairly well hidden Live-Stream with some CM.

Now, one could see this as Fdev actually nurturing false hope, as to not scare away potential customers.
You never advertise with what your product CANNOT do after all XD

In this specific case, that would be very short sighted if not outright dumb, for a fundamental feature such as Ship Interiors is not something you can trick your customers with.
(Roughly similar to the PvP-Arenas in Elden Ring)
And just like FromSoftware, I do not judge FrontierDevelopments to be that short sighted.

So long story short:
Yes I do believe that Ship Interiors are still comming, they will most likely won't be as fancy as some would hope them to be but nevertheless.
I wouldn't bet my soul on it but I do believe so.
Yet should they NOT come then an official statement on the matter in clear written form would be the LEAST that they should do for us.
And because I do believe that Fdev would in fact be at least decent enough for that:

I do believe that Ship Interiors are comming :)
The Situation is as follows:

Community Manager Arthur Tolmie has in fact stated that "At the moment there are no plans for full Ship Interiors".
Which is not really as important as what he further stated:
"It doesn't add enough value to the gameplay loops, that is what is the believe behind the development team."
However he contradicts himself later by saying:
"I don't know. That's my thoughts and it's not necessarily Fdevs but at the moment it doesn't add any value ... "
Then he goes on saying the same stuff any opponent to Ship Interiors usually comes down to (which A. Tolmie unfortunately undoubtedly is one of).
Basically, it getting boring fast unless done properly, which in their eyes would be a rework of the entire game and thus not be worth it and that the walking would get annoying
(... even though one could just ... keep the blue circle and or a similar teleport-mechanic despite Ship Interiors ... ?)

This was on Jun 8, 2021. Just shy of three weeks since the release of Odyssey.
Check it out yourself:

That alone though is definitely not yet the nail in the coffin that some would take it for though.
Simply because there is actually still a HUGE amount of hopes and hints left.

1. The fact that Ship Interiors were in fact promised COUNTLESS times over in the early days of Elite. (Braben is not the only one who makes decisions I dare assume)
2. Their statement that Odyssey is by no means the End of Elite but instead a "Set of tools" to build with, surely that means more than just one more type of Goid-interceptor.
3. The fact that even in this interview with Arthur Tolmie he did not exactly seem to speak from a position of a final decision done, just listen to it a few times over.
3.5. This might be hairsplitting here BUT he said "no plans for full Ship Interiors", that does not mean no Ship Interiors.
4. The wording of Odyssey's announcment "not included at launch". They could have simply said, 'not included.' Period. But they didn't.
5. The fact that Fdev could have, at ANY TIME, done a simple forum-post in the manner of:
'After careful debate and consideration we have come to the final conclusion of not including Ship Interiors, yada yada yada ...'
instead of merely a contradicting statement within a fairly well hidden Live-Stream with some CM.

Now, one could see this as Fdev actually nurturing false hope, as to not scare away potential customers.
You never advertise with what your product CANNOT do after all XD

In this specific case, that would be very short sighted if not outright dumb, for a fundamental feature such as Ship Interiors is not something you can trick your customers with.
(Roughly similar to the PvP-Arenas in Elden Ring)
And just like FromSoftware, I do not judge FrontierDevelopments to be that short sighted.

So long story short:
Yes I do believe that Ship Interiors are still comming, they will most likely won't be as fancy as some would hope them to be but nevertheless.
I wouldn't bet my soul on it but I do believe so.
Yet should they NOT come then an official statement on the matter in clear written form would be the LEAST that they should do for us.
And because I do believe that Fdev would in fact be at least decent enough for that:

I do believe that Ship Interiors are comming :)

That CM rant is infuriating, because it’s assuming the only way to do ship interiors is a bad way that will cause problems. A seconds thought or even reference to existing games would provide many options that would invalidate his passionate rant. Sad and frustrating that’s all they could manage.

Ship interiors could also provide so many ways they could montise elite which is important for frontier.. so it’s up to them.
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