Are you guys satisfied with the game content?

Framerate is the killer for me as 40fps on walking around is truly painfull, even when I go single screen at 1440p

I generally like the aspect I can finally leave my ship, walking around and just being free from the cockpit. Having that mostly connected to a settlement murder simulator am not so keen on.

One of the aspects of X4 and Star Citizen is feeling your a person inside a universe. Take X4, I can disembark and walk around a station then get one of my ships and pilots to taxi me to a capital ship. While there is not much to do as a walking avatar, the immersion factor is excellent. It was one of the reason I could never get into the older X games.

I hope after the optimization rounds are completed. FDev start looking at the more social aspect of "Space Legs". As some of us don't want just the murder of settlements to be the only on foot gameplay loop.

Walking around inside my ship would be an absolute fantasy and comparing to Star Citizen, it is one of its main attractions. As some of us really want to fully escape for a few hours and live inside the Elite Universe
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Based on the speed they introduced airless planets I assumed (stupidly as it turned out) that within 7 years we'd have liquid and gas worlds - and comets you could actually see.
When they announced legs I (stupidly again as it turned out) expected space walking (floating?), exploring ghost ships and star base cities to explore.
I also expected the Thargoid / Guardian story line to actually progress.

What I didn't expect was 3 different (and tedious) grinding mechanics to be foisted on the players (engineering, Thargoid combat and landlegs gameplay).
I have to agree with OP.

Regarding the ships situation:
Ships have been very stale for a very long time and as the owner of the big 3 for a very very long time now with all of them being fully engineered I was even disappointed at the Corvette. Anaconda does everything better than the Corvette. Has better DPS, same manouverability, almost same shields regarding stats, but admittedly the Anaconda has slightly worse SCB-s (C6 vs C7). In 95% of combat situations you are far better off with the Anaconda. There has been no new ships the past 3 years. Yes 3 years for a game where the focus is suposed to be on ships and space itself.
The Cutter is a fun mining ship. I like it.

Regarding equipment and weapons:
There hasnt been any new core weapon system for a very long time now. Why didnt we get C3 and C4 railguns for example? Surely would be easy to implement them compared to coming up with something completely new.

Regarding Thargoids:
They are supposed to be the pinnacle of combat. Thargoid combat imo is badly implemented forcing us to take niche weapon systems which are otherwise useless. Why couldnt I just use my regular weapons? I understand that they are considered to be the pinacle of combat but to have a completely separate niche fit for them is not my cup of tea. Its like for these specific bosses you cant deal frost dmg but your favourite spec deals frost damage.

Regarding the Odyssey:
I have completed the tutorial for space legs and realised why the hell would I want to play the FPS part when I no longer play any FPS games. If I would I would return playing Titanfall 2. Imo Elite is NOT about your person (your avatar) per se but your ship and your journey in it. I bought Odysses but I had zero interactions for it. I basically kept playing the old content as I have no interest in it.
Smuggling still broken (though finally slated to be looked at, thanks to a surge of votes)
Thargoid Tissue sampling still broken
Xeno tissue sampling more broadly still a content dead end
Megaship looting broken again (provided it hasn't been fixed again again)
Still no FE2- style military career path with dedicated sources of missions against a superpower.
Scenarios and outpost/ megaship interaction mechanics under-used.

So... not really content with that.

The current CGs/ story arcs keep me periodically checking in because they're interesting, but the gaps in between with all the activities I'm interested in being broken or unexploited.
tl;dr: generally I dislike the type of content that are developed for the game, and I'm wondering if I'm in the minority, or more people feel this way?

So I've been wondering about the content that have been developed for the game since the launch (not a full list):
Season 1-2:
-community goals // did not participate in it, but I like the idea
-power play // did not like it very much
-wings // cool
-CQC // didn't play at all, I'm PVE guy
-planetary landing/SRV // I grew to like this feature
-engineers // love it
-holo-me // absolutely useless
-thargoids // do not want to farm a whole set of almost the same gear
In season 3 I think there were only improvements and balacing mostly, and the carrier. // I do not see the point of fleet carriers. The way I see it is that a lot of development has gone into this needlessly.

What I'd like Elite to be: focused on ship building and combat. Trying out builds, spend days on coming up with a config that could work and then eventually try them out.
For me there has been basically no new content in elite ever since engineers. There are no new weapons, nor new ships, nor new engineers/special effects that could create new builds, which I think is extremely sad, as I very much like the game itself, and I'd like to play more, but it is just boring after all this time.
I also think that it would be quite fun to have some "endgame", because currently I fail to see what I can do with my fully engineered Corvette or Anaconda, except maybe do some winged assassination missions... Currently I feel like I have no reason to play.

I realize that Elite Dangerous is not an RPG, and maybe even I do not want a new weapon and a new ship every week, but I'm very disappointed how the new content turned out to be.

And then there is Odyssey and this whole "I want to walk around in my ship, and customize my looks" and sh*t like that. I'm quite furious about this. I want to play a space simulation game, not an FPS. I cannot believe that instead of implementing a gazillion of new content for the core game (combat, exploration, mining), we got this. Judging by the sales I think a lot of people did not really want an FPS, and I'm wondering why they even started developing one in the first place.

Am I in the minority that feels this way, or do you guys think most of the people would want Elite to put more focus on the ship building aspect?

I have 2 main dislikes. It's been the same 2 dislikes I've carried for the past 3-4 years and hasn't changed in that interim:
  • Engineering RNG & lack of balance (which is currently on their main plate, finally)
  • XP splitting as a result of any interaction with wings and/or crew

I love Community Goals a lot. It's a very underrated aspect of the game - I was amazed they removed it for a spell and I'm glad they brought it back.

Powerplay, I don't really 'get'. There's no permanence, thus no reason to really care, and it somehow runs extraneously yet also alongside the BGS system (???). I don't really know why it's there, except to appeal to people who like stirring up political drama or roleplaying heavily.

CQC is quite underrated, the grind is too long and the development on it should be extended at some point. One only needs to look at Star Wars: Squadrons to see that CQC has a lot of potential to be one of the best competitive space shooters on the market, when that's the best that EA + Disney + et. al. can churn out. They need to get away from looking at World of Tanks as a good example (it's not, in any regard), and look closer at games like Rainbox Six and Battlefield, in terms how how to add more content, sort out progression, and set a reasonable grind pace. Also, it desperately needs AI to fill in the matchmaking queues until such a time as it has marketable qualities.

Planetary content is great, goes without saying.

Holo-me feels...superfluous with Oddysey being out now? I'm not a fan of the whole "Telepresence" idea they've evidently stuck to.

I feel the same about Thargoids, yet at the same time, it adds to the sense that they are a new grade of threat that takes special preparation to deal with. I just wish doing so didn't come at a disadvantage in dealing with anything else.

I like the Fleet Carrier thing a lot. It has a lot of quirks and kinks that need ironing out, not to mention balancing & parking issues, but being able to have your own mobile star base enables a wealth of content that I've longingly craved.

I think Oddysey is a very bold idea, with endless amounts of potential - the only real issue is whether that will be biting off more than Fdev can chew, with everything else to deal with at the same time. The FPS aspects look solid enough, if viewed in a vacuum. Making it fun to play, alongside keeping the main game's gears turning will prove to be the test for Fdev moving into the future. I'm still on the fence of purchasing it myself, but I'm also still in the process of catching up with the base game.

I think the ship building has more than enough 'depth' at the moment. What it primarily needs now, I think, is balance - on ALL levels, whether discussing ship size, module grade, Engineering, everything - and one or two more new ships. (And while I can use a Flight Carrier to sort of do this, give me a ship-launchable Eagle, darnit!)

All that said...after burning out on the likes of Path of Exile, FFXIV, various FPS shooters in the last few years, I'm quite enjoying my return to the game. There's been a lot of understated QOL improvements in many regards - quiet sorts of improvements that make the experience smoother and more fun. I have my gripes, but there's a lot of charm to Elite Dangerous that just doesn't exist anywhere else.

Most people here seem to be complaining about performance, not content. Apart from console players - who are also complaining about performance, but just don't know it ;)
As Soonas the performance gets fixed (if at all), the focus will move to content altogether, don't worry!
A while. List away!
Engineering blueprints
Balance (of everything)
Crime & C+P
Military careers
Developing concourses + linking lore / features
More destroyed assets (not just big stations)
Thargoid war (possibly changing?)
Ships (more, and properly balance them)
Crew (lite RPG like)
Superpowers (as in Feds etc, not being a super person)

And so on.
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