Notice ARX and Frontier Points Conversion

Great ... players with less money pay more for the one paintjob they really want, then players with much money. So much for fairness. Well done FDev ... well done.

Edit_001: corrected a typo

Well, this is normal that prices are lower if you are buying at bulk. It is the same with all computer games and also in RL.
Frontier points were:


By memory a paint job was 100.


Volunteer Moderator
okay. lets presume that they don't adjust the value...
at the moment a standard 6 pack of skins costs 3 pound.
3 pounds gets you 5000ARX
so 5000ARX is worth 6 skins?
and you have a limit of 400 you can get for free per week.
so to get 6 skins you would need to play for +13 weeks


edit: I am just wildly predicting here btw!

I believe it was mentioned in the stream we will be able to get individual paintjobs aswell, so around 2-3 weeks per paintjob (asuming the 400 / week is correct).
[QUOTE = "JonLuis69, publicación: 7997397, miembro: 152404"]
Yo si tu me esperabas, lo van a convertir en arx en breve.
yes i know,but maybe is better buy 6 paints now ,with 3,50 (euros)
Amazing how people are complaining about the ability to get stuff for free.

Its a strange world we live in.

Yes, you are right.

BTW, I am playing in Solo, so cosmetics are not a thing I will buy probably. But something like 2-3 weeks of playing for one paint-job seems like a fair price.
Maybe I will buy one of those 55 Euro ARX packs just for fun.
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