Be honest everyone. Who will most likely purchase the Python MkII..?

Days? I thought it would be more on the scale of hours. The light that tells us that a solar flare is happening isn't that much faster than the blast of charged particles that can cause problems.
Light from the sun takes 8:20 minutes. Plasma travels at about 500~1000 km/sek. The difference in speed is huge. Only plasma causes the electrical problems.
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It takes about 3 days for solar wind from a solar mass ejection to reach the Earth.
And after 40 years of waiting, I got to see what happens when a bunch of charged particles slam into oxygen and nitrogen atoms high in the atmosphere at the weekend. Totally worth that wait. Can we get aurora in Elite please, a la Space Engine. :) (Also, whatever happened to the comets Mike Brookes once said were modelled in Stellar Forge?)
Actually as a customer you should not need to think about a company's finances.
A vague generalization at best and highly dependent on the circumstances. I don't think indifference to the continued success of a product you enjoy and have spent time using is the way to go, but I guess going by your own advice, you should be indifferent to what Frontier do to bolster their finances as well.

The base game and EDH had a public roadmap, which Fdev used for advertising. That is the difference, customers knew up to a certain point, what they will be getting for their money.
I have purchased the Stellar, and an excellent investment, when and excellent min-max opportunity to save on ship transfer fees, rebuy (not that my piloting skills suck), and be an overall solid ship that I can pull around the "Bubble" without dropping millions needlessly. Plus, the Python mk2, is an excellent ship and alternative to the FDL.

I could have waited but eh ... Frontier does not charge a subscription, so I thought it's a kind exchange to support the game for a ship I'd end up buying anyways.
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