General / Off-Topic Best & Worst Sci Fi Movie Ever

Oh no, I've got to admit to it, still have hundreds of figures, Warhammer and others. It all started with Airfix figures (anyone else got the space figures complete with moon buggy).
In the warhammer range, the Eldar were my favourite. With oil paints rather than acrylics you could get some cool shading effects.
It's one of the downsides of computers, you get such amazing ready-made worlds I couldn't get my son to be bothered with making them!

I've always been keen on a computer version of EPIC 40K - being able to walk Titans across the battlefield and seeing the Eldar vs Marine Titan battles would just be brilliant. Unfortunately they seem to be more interested in the full scale type battles - which admittedly are still a laugh :D


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
I personally would recommend "Dark City Directors Cut", which is a minor masterpiece IMHO. The directors cut reinstates a few interesting scenes and themes and makes the film a bit more mysterious in the beginning, by not having the doctor describe what happens in the city in the prologue.

Is that the one with Keither Sutherland & Jennifer Connelly in it? if it's the one I wass thinking of, that was a very good example of film noir.
Off topic??? Surely this is just to help Frontier understand the tastes of it's potential customer base: a kind of free market research;)
And of course Jennifer Connelly helps as well :D

As a small side note....Steve, can you remember when posting off topic was frowned on???

Is this not on thread topic? I thought we were talking about movies here? And we all know where this is leading :D To the Elite movie ;)


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Is this not on thread topic? I thought we were talking about movies here? And we all know where this is leading :D To the Elite movie ;)

Steve you are a Genius!:D

Let me know when the casting couch sessions are!!!!
What would a Elite Movie be like? Plot etc...

As long as G Del Toro can design the aliens, I co-write the story, all of us on the forum get bit parts flying ships, and S Speilburg direct it I think it would make the best sci-fi movie ever.
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As long as G Del Toro can design the aliens, I co-write the story, all of us on the forum get bit parts flying ships, and S Speilburg direct it I think it would make the best sci-fi movie ever.

Ridley Scott to direct,Syd Mead to design.ok with the rest.:)


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Ridley Scott to direct,Syd Mead to design.ok with the rest.:)

Are we thinking Bladerunneresk???

Dark, Brooding etc.?

I know I am.

Commander Jameson as a Bounty hunter type character...
Are we thinking Bladerunneresk???

Commander Jameson as a Bounty hunter type character...

The problem is, if we wanted the project to get enough funding to do it justice, Commander Jameson would have to become caught up in some kind of struggle for freedom, learn that some things are worth fighting for out of principle, and end up sailing off into the sunset with his inevitable romantic interest.


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
The problem is, if we wanted the project to get enough funding to do it justice, Commander Jameson would have to become caught up in some kind of struggle for freedom, learn that some things are worth fighting for out of principle, and end up sailing off into the sunset with his inevitable romantic interest.

Ahhh, you mean formulaic American film making. Demographics...etc... Unlike films like 2001 which just based itself on a great story and cinematogaphy?
Another big 40k fan here, I used to paint some of their display armies many years ago :)

I have heard a rumour that there's a straight to DVD CG movie about the Ultra Marines due out some time later this year. But it's probably just a rumour. Although something of the quality of the Dawn of War intro would be excellent.


I think there was some sort of fan based effort which initially had GW's blessing then had the rug pulled form under it or something, maybe its back on again? or else maybe they got something "real" being made and thats why the other project was stoppered?

It is well overdue time they put together a movie even if it is all CG it really wouldnt detract much from it, in fact for many of the things I think CG would probably be the only way to go - a terminator suit just wouldnt work with a real actor - the head is level with the shoulders :D

I have to say 40k Lore is fantastic, its had a long time to brew, and depth of the universe is fantastic. Its amazing how many back stories theyve created over the years, mini rebellions, historys of systems, religious uprisings etc etc, much of the stuff is actually very well written.

The oldest 3 of my 4 kids and my wife all have their own armies :D. I have a "space wolves" based army although with my own fluff and paintscheme, but using space wolves models and rules. My wife has her sisters of battle with some customised machinery. My oldest son collects dark angels, the daughter collects dark eldar and the next son down collects orks.

Anyone here ever heard the games workshop album it called oblivion by d-rok. Sells for a fortune now as hard core queen collectors snap it up - Bryan May played guitar for the album!!

An elite Movie would be great as well, seeing the interior of space ships and space stations, seeing "daily life in the elite work in the bacground crowd etc" just helping to bring the place to life. Also great of course would be collectable "toys", come on who here wouldnt want to collect a load of elite space ships :D
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