[BGS] Backgroundsimulation, New Superpower Bounties Mechanic and Bountyhunting after 2.3.

the current BHing CG should give us a good idea of superpower bounty effects after the patch, as there are 3-4 federal factions in system, and federal superpower bounties count for the CG.
What is the correct % 2 factions need to be within each other to start a war/civil war? And what % is needed to win?

I've searched but am getting different numbers.
What is the correct % 2 factions need to be within each other to start a war/civil war? And what % is needed to win?

I've searched but am getting different numbers.

Dead even to start. And then 3% for CW win, 5% for War
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What is the correct % 2 factions need to be within each other to start a war/civil war? And what % is needed to win?

I've searched but am getting different numbers.

you can find most information in the updated first post of this thread: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/193064-A-Guide-to-Minor-Factions-and-the-Background-Sim - and if not, just ask there.

winning margin for civil war is 3%, and for war is 5%.

conflict goes pending when influence is matched, when none of the faction has a blocking conflict state (pending, active or recovering) and if they would change "position" (the lower one overtake the upper one in influence, or the upper one dropping below the other).

Well that explains why we didn't go to war yet.

experience is that in 95% of all cases the reason for a conflict not triggering is a conflict (war/civil war/ election - pending/active/recovering) of one of the two factions in another system
Updated analysis through 2-May. Change in 2.3.02 seems to have slowed the reductions but the situation remains grave for controlling factions.
2.3 Influence Issues update 2.JPG
Updated analysis through 2-May. Change in 2.3.02 seems to have slowed the reductions but the situation remains grave for controlling factions.
View attachment 120017

interesting, again!

question: does, for exampel, "no other feds" include systems with one federal alligned minor faction and two imperial alligned minor factions?

otherwise, why do superpower aligned minor factions not even win from this on average if they are the only superpower aligned minor faction in system?
interesting, again!

question: does, for exampel, "no other feds" include systems with one federal alligned minor faction and two imperial alligned minor factions?

otherwise, why do superpower aligned minor factions not even win from this on average if they are the only superpower aligned minor faction in system?

Yes - the "No other Fed" and "No other Imp" buckets could have 1 or more of the other major power. I separated them in this manner because of the inherent disadvantage to a controller with other factions of the same power under the new rules. I'll take a look at a different split by which we look at the impact by the # of superpower factions in the system regardless of which one.
+1 for charts!

However, our experience as a controlling Independent faction is as follows since patch:

System 1: - 18 %.
System 2: - 19 %.
System 3: - 14 %.

System makeup:
System 1: 4 Indi, 3 Emp.
System 2: 4 Indi, 3 Emp.
System 3: 3 Indi, 2 Emp, 2 Fed.

And for extra fun and freak show type of data, here's a snip of a system we'd like to get out of. We have not done anything in the system. The controlling faction is the far left column, and we are the one that was at ~ 1% for 3 days:
This change is causing our small fed pmf increasing headaches and has frankly introduced grind into the BGS that I rarely felt before.

1000's of player hours invalidated and disregarded by FD.
We have our bgs by the short and curries again but has taken a huge change to our methods.

Missions and trade are now off the table. Explo data is the top tactic now. We have 10 routes netting 28m each which the team are systematically farming and dropping system by system in rotation.

In terms of bgs effect to time ratio they are excellent but we are rather sad that bounties, Missions and trade have fallen by the wayside.
We have our bgs by the short and curries again but has taken a huge change to our methods.

Missions and trade are now off the table. Explo data is the top tactic now. We have 10 routes netting 28m each which the team are systematically farming and dropping system by system in rotation.

In terms of bgs effect to time ratio they are excellent but we are rather sad that bounties, Missions and trade have fallen by the wayside.
That's messed up. I wonder if FD turned a BGS wrong when they were messing with pax/explo mission payout and rank rewards, which were first not enough, then way too high, now...something else.
This change is causing our small fed pmf increasing headaches and has frankly introduced grind into the BGS that I rarely felt before.

1000's of player hours invalidated and disregarded by FD.

I completely agree. Support completely ignore any data that shows them they are wrong. We reached out to them because smuggling was not working correctly before 2.3 and they assured us it was and that we should continue what we are doing.

Then after 2.3 I tried to get them to confirm that smuggling is now working. This is the response I got:

"The part you're quoting from the patch notes refers to a error that caused smuggling weapons to increase faction influence rather than decreasing it. You're quite right about it.

However in the grand scheme of things it's a pretty minor change and had the influence generated from smuggling made enough of a difference to cause another faction's stock to rise, you would just stop doing it and try something else."

So after we told them the BGS is broken and they assured us it is not, they tell us we should have known better. Even though we showed them data that it was not working and they brushed us off. Needless to say we lost that conflict and wasted thousands of man hours.
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If all this is a cunning ploy to make players to shop playing with BGS and abandon factions then yes, it is definitely working as intended.
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