Bring back the bourbon - CG Guide

Bring back the bourbon
Thanks to the efforts of CMDR Light Fingers of Sacra Oculus and CMDR Limoncello Lizard a player driven community goal to bribe Federation officials at Mansfield Orbiter to permit Indi Bourbon to be reclassified as a legal commodity (presently illegal) is now underway. To pay off the corrupt Federation officials, please bring illegal rare alcohol to Mansfield Orbiter (details below). If successful, a restored rare trade commodity (Indi Bourbon) will once again become available in game.

The CG is available at Mansfield Orbiter in Epsilon Indi, check bulletin board to sign up

The CG requires any of the following rare commodities to be delivered to Mansfield Orbiter:
  • Burnham Bile Distillate - available at Burnham Beacon in HIP 59533 max allocation is 16t, 135ly from Epsilon Indi, station is over 500,000ls away from jump entry point and no large pads
  • Eranin Pearl Whiskey - available at Azeban City in Eranin max allocation is 12t, 53ly from Epsilon Indi
  • Leestian Evil Juice - available at George Lucas in Leesti max allocation is 14t, 109ly from Epsilon Indi
  • Wuthielo Ku Froth - available at Tarter Dock in Wuthielo Ku max allocation is 17t, 192ly from Epsilon Indi
Caution all these commodities are classed as illegal in Epsilon Indi so you will incur fine if scanned, however profit made from trading these commodities will outweigh fine should this happen to you ;)

Guide for anyone new to Community Goals by Fennster:
Active Community Goals Thread CG thread:
will be updating with more info soon!
Good luck and enjoy cmdrs! o7
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Really looking forward to this one. Many thanks to those Commanders who have put it together, this Rares trader salutes you all!

I think we can expect the usual 'emergent gameplay' to make an appearance, so I for one will be flying something very fast. Fly safe, Commanders, and let's get that Bourbon back on the map. [yesnod]
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Paging Ben Ryder, white courtesy phone. Mr. Ben Ryder, please pick up on a white courtesy phone.
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I am all set to go for this CG - I believe in the legalisation of booze across the galaxy as my avatar will attest to! I wrote a little bit earlier in the CG thread about collaborating to fill up medium long-range ships like the AspX and DBX so that we can smash the CG. There is of course absolutely no obligation to do any of the things I have described below, but it does work remarkably well, and is normally a great laugh, especially at the weekend!

And when I use the term 'tea-bagging' - I mean collaborative loading of medium ships for the benefit of all. If you have not come across any tea-baggers yet, please do not fear us. We may all be a bit weird and such, but we don't condone any naughty behaviour related to the name we hold as a Union of democratic haulers of goods!! On the other hand, if you choose to join in in the fun, we will gladly let you wear the badge of a tea-bagger as created by our awesome CMDR Craith!

So, we normally run in Mobius but many of us will switch modes if it is to help load up - just send me a PM, or a friend request in game etc., if you are unsure of what the hell I am on about, and I will try to explain!

But I hope that the tea-baggers are able to contribute to the success of this CG, so as an unelected 'spokesweirdo', feel free to ask anything you want of course, but no condescension is intended at all.

Here is the post from the CG thread; poke your heads in and you will be welcomed by all!

For the attention of any Tea-baggers and Mr Jupp, Mr Lizard, and any other folks who want to reacquire this boozy rare to the game! I have now got to George Lucas in my newly pimped out golden Asp, and will be running Mr Lucas' Juice for this CG to EI.

Already there have been three tea-bagging legends who have asked me in Leesti if I am there to perform some bagging duties - I had to take a break to get the Pimpmobile fixed up and am just about to get some dinner. However, if any of you wish to perform some bagging in order to ship larger quantities of the rares purely for the CG outcome, then I feel it is only right to chip in and set up some tea-bagging excellence!

As mentioned I won't be back for another hour or so, although I am in game [AFK]. However, as it is a coriolis we won't need to move to the 10km NFZ: I believe it is around 6km or so for this station type. So, I propose that if anyone wants to come and have a go at tea-bagging, then I will happily begin a hosting session! I will be back out the front of Mr Lucas' house at around 18:30 game time, with some booze and limpets; armed and ready to begin loading up other sorts of ships. I suggest Asps are best, or the faithful DBX just because the range is good. And if people are to make the trip themselves, there is another food-rare in Lucas that I can't remember.

Anyway, this is all theoretical based on the number of participants willing to tea-bag it, but it is for the overall progression of the CG and the legalisation of EI Bourbon! I figure a bunch of Asps or DBXs moving into EI full of rare liquors will move the target up quicker than just moving 28T at a time - I obviously chose Leesti because of the rare limit being highest.

If any of the folks from Mr Jupp and Mr Lizard want to come and tea-bag with us, we have previously operated in Mobius, but are open to switching modes to help push this CG to a blinding success. Therefore, please feel free to come and meet up if I am still there, all lonely and heckling the NPCs [ask Ninj ..... !!]. Otherwise, please friend me in game or on here and we can try and arrange some meets. This is of course only if you want to guys as has been the case from the inception of the Tea-Baggers Union, but it is a bit of a laugh, and tends to get interesting on the weekends if nothing else!

Best place as you all know to drum up business is straight out the mailslot, but I will have to check the NFZ distance. I think it is much shorter than normal though so get out and tout for business guys if you want to tea-bag to legalise booze!

Peace everyone, and lets haul some liquor/booze for the benefit of the galaxy!! Cheers,

The Hat

PS: In no way am I disregarding the trade-CG - and I am in no way the king of the tea-baggers union!! It is a democratic collective, and we run on a first-come first-serve basis unless people are really chilled out and don't mind who fills up first [which is normally the case!!]. So good luck on the trade CG as well of course from me, and I hope to see some regulars and new tea-baggers as well. Fly safe y'all o7
Was thinking of visiting the 4 pick-ups in one circuit. I had a quick look here: I think I might try: Wuthielo Ku>HIP 59533>Leesti>Eranin>Epsilon Indi
I just did something similar apart from Wuthielo Ku. And thanks for the link as hadn't come across that yet.
Some notes:
1. It's roughly a 20 minute trip to the outpost at HIP 59533
2. Worthwhile buying the ~4t of Azure Milk at Leesti to take to Epsilon Indi as profit was 9,239 CR/t
3. Burnham Bile Distillate is illegal at Eranin

Just dropped off 17t of Wuthielo Ku Froth at 15,938 CR/t profit.

So after HIP 59533>Leesti>Eranin>Epsilon Indi>Wuthielo Ku>Epsilon Indi
made ~690K CR profit minus a scan at Eranin (19K fine) & Epsilon Indi (90K fine - managed to avoid scan on 2nd visit).
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Could it not be a good idea to link to the actual live Community Goal thread, for more info?
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Wow, I am around Epsilon Indi for some time and I had no idea this is happening.
After a while a really cool-looking CG!
Thanks for bringing it to DD. I really ought to check the CG section and GalNet more often. :x


Volunteer Moderator
Thank you Hat for your dedication to teabagging. I am currently en-route to Leesti and will help to fill up others with Evil Juice. For anyone new, no compensation is asked for, so whoever wants to be filled up just has to have some cargo space, at least 2 collector drones, and the will to get filled with the evil juice from George Lucas (why am I thinking of Spaceballs?).

It is appreciated, but in no way required to help filling whoever is getting his fill. Great also for new players, since they get a lot of rare, expensive commodities, for free! Aaaand, they reach higher tiers in the CG than they would be able to alone!

Why Teabagging?
Glad you asked:
Every rare has a maximum amount you can get. Leestian Evil Juice has a maximum allotment of 14t, so you will get a random amount (sometimes the amount is fixed for CGs) of Leestian Evil Juice, as long as you are below 14t (you will never get more than it would take you to get to 14). As long as you are not full, you will get a new allotment about once every 10 minutes.

So if a roundtrip to your goal takes longer than 10 minutes, than it is more efficient to add all the juice to the load of a single ship, which then gets it to the target. Alternatively it is possible to bank juice, so you can get your cargo full. So just get out of the station, 10km straight ahead out of the no-fire-zone (to avoid fines), look/ask who is getting loaded, and drop your juice. Or just wait to get loaded, there is no real line, whoever asks can get loaded. If you just want a bank, just ask. Warning: never drop to much Juice at once, if there are more than 20 cannisters in space, the older onces will start exploding!

No, seriously, why teabagging?
Ok, ok, you got me there, the real reason to teabag is to hang around in front of a station, chat with friends and strangers alike, fool around, do some bluenosing, be friendly, be stupid, AND at the same time help to push the Community Goal to higher tiers than otherwise possible.

And why is it teabagging?
Because it all started during the last outbreak of a strain of the Cerberus plague in Nespeleve (Cerberus was an extremly dangerous plague that has caused many quarantined stations in the past, nearly getting out of control. After a tremendous combined affort of the so called ~700 Bast-erds, a cure was finally found: Heike Ceremonial Tea). At the beginning the tiers required looked impossible. But by combining our rares we were able to blow through the tiers and prevent another outbreak.

Is there a catch?
Ah, a clever one. There is always a catch. You will find new friends, have a lot of fun, and get more people in the galaxy drunk.

I teabagged, where do I get my badge?
The badges can be found here in different sizes, if you need another one, send me a PM:
No, we won't police the use of the badge, its a gentlemen's agreement to only wear one, if you have taken part in a tea-party (Boston, Heike, Leesti, wherever ... not neccessarily with tea either)

Remember, fly responsibly, don't drink and fly, or at least make sure you have insurance!
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Illicit rare alcohol, distance from Epsilon Indi:

  • 53ly Eranin (Azeban City 290ls) - Eranin Pearl Whisky (12t)
  • 109ly Leesti (George Lucas 261ls) - Leestian Evil Juice (14t)
  • 135ly HIP 59533 (Burnham Beacon [outpost] 529,600ls) - Burnham Bile Distillate (16t)
  • 192ly Wuthielo Ku (Tarter Dock 174ls) - Wuthielo Ku Froth (17t)

Legal rare alcohol, distance from Epsilon Indi:

  • 10ly Alpha Centauri (Hutton Orbtal 7,000,000ls) - Centauri Mega Gin (7t)
  • 54ly Bast (Hart Station 202ls) - Bast Snake Gin (10t)
  • 64ly Geras (Yurchikhin Port 1,052,931ls) - Gerasian Gueuze Beer (27t)
  • 87ly Aegaeon (Schweikart Station 11,600ls) - Chateau De Aegaeon (14t)
  • 113ly Lave (Lave Station 284ls) - Lavian Brandy (7t)
  • 129ly Thrutis (Kingsbury Dock 288ls) - Thrutis Cream (11t)
  • 146ly Kongga (Laplace Ring 250ls) - Kongga Ale (16t)

Note - these don't count for the CG
Rare goods near Epsilon Indi:

  • 9ly Delta Pavonis (Hopper Relay 195ls) - Pavonis Ear Grubs (26t) - illegal
  • 10ly Alpha Centauri (Hutton Orbtal 7,000,000ls) - Hutton Mug (30t) & Centauri Mega Gin (7t)
  • 17ly Altair (Solo Orbiter 667ls) - Altairian Skin (14t-25t)
  • 17ly 36 Ophiuchi (Katzenstein Dock 4,218,813ls) - Ophiuch Exino Artefacts (10t)
  • 26ly Bento (Snow Moon 331ls) - Crystalline Spheres (12t)
  • 27ly George Pantazis (Zakam Platform 45ls) - Pantaa Prayer Sticks (9t-13t)
  • 29ly Mulachi (Clark Terminal 690,000ls) - Mulachi Giant Fungus (22t)
  • 30ly Vega (Taylor City 1,100ls) - Vega Slimweed (28t) - may be illegal
  • 32ly Tiolce (Gordon Terminal 158ls) - Tiolce Waste 2 Paste Units (13t)
  • 32ly Zeessze (Nicollier Hanger 489ls) - Zeessze Ant Grub Glue (18t)

Rare goods near Wuthielo Ku:

  • 49ly Rapa Bao (Flagg Gateway 2,338ls) - Rapa Bao Snake Skins (11t)
  • 58ly Holva (Kreutz Orbital 22,000ls) - Holva Duelling Blades (7t) - illegal
  • 61ly Delta Phoenicis (Trading Post 3,760ls) - Delta Phoenicis Palms (17t)
  • 66ly Yaso Kondi (Wheeler Market 112ls) - Yaso Kondi Leaf (5t)

Rare goods near HIP 59533:

  • 14ly Anduliga (Celsius Estate 626,220ls) - Anduliga Fire Works (16t)
  • 33ly Toxandji (Tsunenaga Orbital 7,622ls) - Toxandji Virocide (18t)
  • 56ly Any Na (Libby Orbital 581ls) - Any Na Coffee (11t)
  • 59ly CD-75 661 (Kirk Dock 339ls) - CD-75 Kitten Brand Coffee (12t)
  • 60ly Ngurii (Cheranovsky City 1,265ls) - Soontill Relics (5t)

Rare goods near Leesti:

  • 3ly Diso (Shifnalport 284ls) - Diso Ma Corn (15t)
  • 4ly Lave (Lave Station 284ls) - Lavian Brandy (7t)
  • 8ly Zaonce (Ridley Scott 390ls) - Leathery Eggs (1t)
  • 8ly Uszaa (Guest Installation 4,350ls) - Uszaian Tree Grub (14t)
  • 10ly Orrere (Sharon Lee Free Market 961ls) - Orrerian Vicious Brew (16t)

Rare goods near Eranin:

  • 18ly Aganippe (Julian Market 133ls) - Aganippe Rush (4t) - illegal
  • 26ly V1090 Herculis (Kaku Plant* 1,233,592ls) - V Herculis Body Rub (20t)
  • 31ly Vega (Taylor City 1,100ls) - Vega Slimweed (28t) - may be illegal
  • 32ly LFT 1421 (Ehrlich Orbital 773,000ls) - Void Extract Coffee (13t)
  • 41ly LP 375-25 (King Gateway 514,700ls) - Honesty Pills (13t)
  • 42ly Zeessze (Nicollier Hanger 489ls) - Zeessze Ant Grub Glue (18t)
  • 42ly Dea Motrona (Pinzon Dock 1,759,055ls) - Motrona Experience Jelly (11t) - illegal
  • 42ly Ethgreze (Bloch Station 348ls) - Ethgreze Tea Buds (7t)

Illegal rare goods (not alcohol), distance from Epsilon Indi:

  • 9ly Delta Pavonis (Hopper Relay 195ls) - Pavonis Ear Grubs (26t)
  • 55ly Aganippe (Julian Market 133ls) - Aganippe Rush (4t)
  • 66ly Kappa Fornacis (Harvestport 918ls) - Onion Head (8t)
  • 77ly Dea Motrona (Pinzon Dock 1,759,055ls) - Motrona Experience Jelly (11t)
  • 79ly Tarach Tor (Tranquillity 359ls) - Tarach Spice (8t)
  • 101ly Gilya (Bell Orbital 462ls) - Gilya Signature Weapons (9t)
  • 120ly HIP 112974 (La Cosa City 12,645ls) - Onionhead Beta Strain (10t)
  • 131ly Rusani (Fernandes Market 73ls) - Rusani Old Smokey (10t)
  • 132ly Xelabara (Navigator Market 303ls) - Onionhead Alpha Strain (10t)
  • 151ly Kamorin (Godwin Vision 445ls) - Kamorin Historic Weapons (10t)
  • 167ly Yaso Kondi (Wheeler Market 112ls) - Yaso Kondi Leaf (5t)
  • 178ly Holva (Kreutz Orbital 22,000ls) - Holva Duelling Blades (7t)
  • 183ly Kamitra (Hammel Terminal 83ls) - Kamitra Cigars (6t)

All rare booze route:
Start Epsilon Indi
10ly Alpha Centauri (Hutton Orbtal 7,000,000ls) - Centauri Mega Gin (7t)
61ly Geras (Yurchikhin Port 1,052,931ls) - Gerasian Gueuze Beer (27t)
90ly Thrutis (Kingsbury Dock 288ls) - Thrutis Cream (11t)
90ly Kongga (Laplace Ring 250ls) - Kongga Ale (16t)
165ly Eranin (Azeban City 290ls) - Eranin Pearl Whisky (8t)
119ly Leesti (George Lucas 261ls) - Leestian Evil Juice (14t)
4ly Lave (Lave Station 284ls) - Lavian Brandy (7t)
75ly HIP 59533 (Burnham Beacon 529,600ls) - Burnham Bile Distillate (16t)
198ly Wuthielo Ku (Tarter Dock 174ls) - Wuthielo Ku Froth (17t)
232ly Bast (Hart Station 202ls) - Bast Snake Gin (10t)
54ly Epsilon Indi (Mansfield Orbiter 143ls) - Indi Bourbon (11t)
If you want to work out your own rare booze route, here are the distances between systems:
Well done to the Tea Baggers and thanks for offering to let us join you. I'll be running in Open as usual but deliberately with just 16t of Wuthielo Ku Froth (allocation is 17t), so no hanging about to Tea Bag.

I live for smuggling. If you see a Black Cobra III in Silent Running and heavy armoured, then yep, that's me. Pirates if you interdict me, the most I'll drop is 4 tons, the other 12 I'll keep regardless. Hey you guys/gals have got to earn a living too.
This is my route planner for the CG

I have done a Long and Short version. Long includes the 17 minute Burnham Outpost (no large pad), Short doesn't

I am planning a 'Buckystyle Bootleggers Bourbon Challenge Race' like we had for the Onionhead, I will post details/rules here tomorrow AM if someone doesn't get in first!

route stopover
Long 1 Epsilon Indi [Federation - Corporate - Agriculture], cruise 2mins/143ls to Mansfield Orbiter (L,BM) , next -> 52.96LY to Eranin (Azeban City)
Long 2 Eranin [Alliance - Confederacy - Agriculture], cruise 2mins/294ls to Azeban City (L,BM) buy 8 Eranin Pearl Whiskey for 1620 (12960) (often illegal), next -> 118.78LY to Leesti (George Lucas)
Long 3 Leesti [Independent - Dictatorship - High Tech], cruise 2mins/268ls to George Lucas (L) buy 7 Azure Milk for 4123 (28861) and/or 14 Leestian Evil Juice for 457 (6398)(often illegal), next -> 76.58LY to HIP 59533 (Burnham Beacon)
Long 4 HIP 59533 [Independent - Cooperative - Extraction], cruise 17mins/529325ls to Burnham Beacon (M) buy 16 Burnham Bile Distillate for 806 (12896), next -> 197.34LY to Wuthielo Ku (Tarter Dock)
Long 5 Wuthielo Ku [Empire - Corporate - Agriculture], cruise 2mins/174ls to Tarter Dock (L) buy 17 Wuthielo Ku Froth for 420 (7140) (often illegal), next -> 192.60LY to Epsilon Indi (Mansfield Orbiter)

route stopover
Short 1 Epsilon Indi [Federation - Corporate - Agriculture], cruise 2mins/143ls to Mansfield Orbiter (L,BM) , next -> 52.96LY to Eranin (Azeban City)
Short 2 Eranin [Alliance - Confederacy - Agriculture], cruise 2mins/294ls to Azeban City (L,BM) buy 8 Eranin Pearl Whiskey for 1620 (12960) (often illegal), next -> 118.78LY to Leesti (George Lucas)
Short 3 Leesti [Independent - Dictatorship - High Tech], cruise 2mins/268ls to George Lucas (L) buy 7 Azure Milk for 4123 (28861) and/or 14 Leestian Evil Juice for 457 (6398)(often illegal), next -> 245.27LY to Wuthielo Ku (Tarter Dock)
Short 4 Wuthielo Ku [Empire - Corporate - Agriculture], cruise 2mins/174ls to Tarter Dock (L) buy 17 Wuthielo Ku Froth for 420 (7140) (often illegal), next -> 192.60LY to Epsilon Indi (Mansfield Orbiter)
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A word to the wise: if 250,000cr profit appeals to you, then it is well worth the 500,000ls to Burnham Beacon.

Me? I don't need the money, I'm just plain foolish when it comes to profit. Fly safe, Commanders, it's awfully quiet in HIP 59533. Maybe too quiet... ;)
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