Community Event / Creation Buckyball Racing Club Presents: Kick the Alien (and run like hell)

Just a quick scoreboard update to include a couple of times from the Ghost Giraffe livestream

Our host, Cmdr Mars Yurip, managed a commendable 21:31 (especially considering he was gingerly making his way back with 2% hull at one point - hence the SRV name) which puts him in 11th place (not too shabby at all), and, in a race against Nookie and Raijiin (both of whom died), Cmdr Lyxavier in "Valence" managed an excellent 12:48 which puts him in 4th.


I just got an entry from Nookie Mr.Smith and it's another humdinger. The "Yellow Jacket" has stolen 2nd place from Relooops with a stunning time of 7m11s!

Who the hell invited all these professionals along, they're starting to make the rest of us look bad! :p


Until tomorrow ... o7
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That scream of anguish you all just heard was the base doctors finally resetting my arm from last night's final, and disastrous , attempt to fly uphill in my SRV, ending up wedged upside down in the jagged rocks below, and not me finally remembering to check on my Survival Fallout Shelter game, and seeing five dead wasteland explorers.


edit: thanks to progenitor cell treatments, I should be good to go in eight hours. Coincidentally, when I get home from work IRL.

Main rep tank drained (again)!
Couc a tous (Hello all )..

Ahh ok we not need to do a stop in the kiked zone ?

Oki i tried again this week .. That change many thing.. have to train ..

Great time hope for the video .

Ride style
I'm pretty much with everything Raijiin pointed out about the SRV, physics are quite good (it's not supposed to be Assetto Corsa anyway), the SRV is quite not. I'm no off-road expert and my AWD experience is quite limited (my everyday ride is a brutally fast 95 bhp's Fiat, hard to make tyres slip on that :rolleyes:), but another thing the poor Scarab would hugely benefit from is some kind of limited slip differential, even the most basic one...trying to get grip while banked on an icy slope is an irritating experience, I feel like a differential mechanism is either not working as intended, or entirely missing.

But that's just motorhead nitpicking, having such a fun driving mechanics in the same frame of a very good space flight "simulator" is already a big achievement for me.

That said, I'm confident that even with the most advanced differential and traction control available, I'd still be quite the lemon at driving the damn tumbling thing. Kudos to those under-10-minutes aces!


Volunteer Moderator
I jumped back in for another crack at it today and the first run ended in me blowing myself up as I realised I'd spent a good few minutes lost, and trying to drive up a vertical wall...

The next run I did much better, but it will have to be my last run for a little while as I actually have to go and do some more exploring as I have no more repair or refuel synthesis left :D

Oh and to answer your question Alec, I use whatever I can find to stop myself :p I normally approach from a diagonal, boost over the wall created by the impact and slam into one of the wing sections, hope I land facing the main part, take screenshot, boost over wall again, carry on :D
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Couc a tous (Hello all )..

Ahh ok we not need to do a stop in the kiked zone ?

Oki i tried again this week .. That change many thing.. have to train ..

Great time hope for the video .

Ride style

Yup, apologies if this wasn't clear but the minimum qualification for the "kick" is to take a screenshot from within that triangle. You don't have to come to a complete stop in order to do it but you do need to cross through it.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and to answer your question Alec, I use whatever I can find to stop myself :p I normally approach from a diagonal, boost over the wall created by the impact and slam into one of the wing sections, hope I land facing the main part, take screenshot, boost over wall again, carry on :D

Yup, that sounds familiar. :p

I did see one of the pro's (apologies, I've forgotten who it was) on the livestream this afternoon do a near perfect bounce off that upright bit of wreckage which span the SRV around, very nearly ending up pointing perfectly back for the return trip. I guess there's a certain amount of luck involved in how that manoeuvre pans out!
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I did see one of the pro's (apologies, I've forgotten who it was) on the livestream this afternoon do a near perfect bounce off that upright bit of wreckage which span the SRV around, very nearly ending up pointing perfectly back for the return trip. I guess there's a certain amount of luck involved in how that manoeuvre pans out!

It was me. But I think calling it pro is a little strong. I've tried a few times and that was the only time I hit it.
I managed to sneak in a couple runs before I had to break off and prepare supper, along side Raijiin and Nookie Mr.Smith, who managed to make it look like SRVs are born to fly. Me... I made them look like they were born to tumble end over end. ;)

At one point, I had to call SRV retrieval services again, but it seems they're a bit at me, and kept landing where I can't get to them. Ended up managing to climb out of the jagged rocks short of the crash site, and since I was there anyway, kicked the alien and make a practice run back up the hill. I think my first run might have improved my time, but that'll have to be after we're done eating.

Drive well, Commanders. o7
A curious thing happened this evening: there I go out of the garage and on to the crash site, "easy game, just follow the huge Interdictor hovering ther-wait, where is it? Pretty sure I should be headed the right way! Damn this darkness, can't see a thing..."

Then all of a sudden, a big flash and a muffled thunder, and there it was in the distance, the behemoth emerging from its menacing black cloud...can't deny it was quite a view, but shouldn't race marshals be ALWAYS present at the race site, for the entire duration of the event? Now, I'm ok with them being a bit trigger happy with nearby ships, who wouldn't be like that with a mile long warship at hand...but being absent while the race is on, Alec I'm seriously starting to question the professionalism of your appointed race marshals.
The Buckyball Race Marshals have done their magic, and extracted my helmet cam data. Here it is, in all its not so glorious detail, my best run yet at 20:10!


See the slipping!

See the sliding!

See the moment when I realized I'd gotten SRV flying right, freaked out, and lost it again!

See the many, many, many tumbles!

See Commander Raijiin (I think) soar over my head at the alien crash site. (around 10:44)

See me get lost at the finish line!

Coming NOW to a video streaming service near you.



Managed to squeeze in another two runs. Despite falling short of the Alien Crash Site and into the jagged rocks below, I still managed to shave enough time to submit a time of 19:41 on my last run of the night. The 20 minute mark has been broken for me. Next goal, the 16 minute mark!
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Darth Raijiin

Broke his phone.
That was either Nookie or I, I can't remember, even though it was earlier today. we were doing a dry run, check the course out in new conditions, see if anyone was out and about. We are at the point, where we have to have a perfect run to beat our respective times. If we spin out or slow down anywhere, we have to start over; as it will be off pace no matter what.
Day #4 ...


While there's no movement at the top of the board there's still plenty of action elsewhere.

Cmdr Ozric has stripped nearly 4 minutes off his time to jump The Little Blue Dune Buggy several places up the board with a time of 15:14 to land in 9th place. Nice driving sir!

Next we have a brand new entry from Cmdr Rewision X (I'm guessing another member of the extremely talented Candy Crew judging by the SRV name). Welcome to the Buckyball Racing Club! Posting a superb 10:16 from his first successful attempt, The Candy Cart drops straight into 5th place!

Meanwhile, long time Buckyballer Cmdr Aken B. has finally pulled out of the starting grid and posted an excellent 12:10 to take 6th place just behind Rewision. I was going to say that he's now flying the flag for the Buckyball crew but we're all Buckyballers here so let's not have any Us and Them sentiments. (well done tho! ;)).

Then (of course) we have two further submissions from the ever persistent Inga Stevenson. First a stomach churning video with a time of 20:10 and then, 2 hrs later, a followup submission (thankfully screenshots only) to celebrate her breaking of the 20 minute barrier (yay!) with a time of 19:41 that puts Prospector 1 in 14th place. Keep going!

And last, Cmdr Stern Winter also thunders out of the starting garage, boosting the Slowmobile errr Snowmobile (sorry) into 18th position with a time of 27:46.

In the words of Cmdr Reloops ... Ride Style everyone!
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A curious thing happened this evening: there I go out of the garage and on to the crash site, "easy game, just follow the huge Interdictor hovering ther-wait, where is it? Pretty sure I should be headed the right way! Damn this darkness, can't see a thing..."

Then all of a sudden, a big flash and a muffled thunder, and there it was in the distance, the behemoth emerging from its menacing black cloud...can't deny it was quite a view, but shouldn't race marshals be ALWAYS present at the race site, for the entire duration of the event? Now, I'm ok with them being a bit trigger happy with nearby ships, who wouldn't be like that with a mile long warship at hand...but being absent while the race is on, Alec I'm seriously starting to question the professionalism of your appointed race marshals.

Tell me about it ... next race I'm hiring Feds! (although my shipboard computer is NOT going to be happy!).

P.S. I'd have loved to have seen that ship materialise like that ... it's spectacular enough when it happens in space, but over an Alien Crash site? That's got to be fairly awe inspiring!
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"Greetings, sir! You're new, I see, but no matter, welcome to the Buckyball Racing Club! The current racing has already started, but there's time yet! I'm one of the Club's undersecretaries, and I'll just need to pop down some of your details, okay then?"

A weird-looking red-headed bloke leaned out of his SRV a little as he addressed the young woman, nineteen if a day, head-to-toe in fire-proof racing attire yet addressing him with an oh-so-polite English demeanour and voice to match.

"Yeh, I've been busy," he said, "still on me way back from the Formidine Rift cos I wanted to check out what *that* fuss was all about. Beacon thingy, that's it, for me anyway. Still, out there I once had wicked fun just trying to get this girl to the top of a rebound mound in the centre of an impact crater, pushing her uphill on a 55-degree incline. Made it, I did! Never thought to take any pics, though. Oh well. So, yeh, never raced before, but stuff it, why not, y'know? I'll prolly do the deed this coming weekend, if that's alright with you? I don't expect a podium finish since I'm new to this and already learning things watching your old hands at work, but I'm still gonna give it a whirl! You said two weeks, right? Commander Jimmox72, at yer service."

She began entering his details onto the screen of her databoard, while he worked at the controls inside his SRV.

"This weekened should be fine! All right, then, commander... Jimmox72, yes? Excellent! (*vreeeeet!*vrtvrtvrt*) Okay, yes, good enthusiasm, now, please complete this sentence: "I want to take part in 'Kick the Ali.... en...' ... "


"COMMANDER COME BACK! WE'RE NOT... *sigh*... not done yet... Bloody Aussies."

She let the databoard in her arms flop down to waist-height in dejected fashion, turned away from the settling dust, and began to wonder what she was going to say to Mr Turner regarding the mess the new guy made in front of the registry office.

In the distance, the sounds of him returing grew ever louder. "No, no no no," she thought, "I'm *not* turning around..."


The commander, she noted while drumming her fingers on the back of her databoard, had the good grace not to pepper her with gravel as he finished racing back to the registry office with a long hand-brake slide, but, she thought, she'll be damned if she was going to let him see her giving the slightest hint of approval.

"Allllllrighty, ma'am, heh, you were sayin'?" he asked after climbed out of the now dust-covered and slightly banged-up vehicle.

Grudgingly, she turned back around again, sniffed primly, re-readied her databoard in a pointedly slow and deliberate way, and resumed her questionnaire.

"Rrrrrright. Yes, please complete this sentence: 'I want to take part in 'Kick the Alien' because...' "

He nodded all serious-like, looking into the empty space at her left for a while, before returning his gaze to her.

"... cos it's for me health, y'see."

"Your... health...??"

"Yup. I'm watchin' me diet. I, uh, need to lose a few kilos."

"Forgive me, I'm a little bit confused here. This, is *a race*, to be run *at break-neck speed*, on a *hostile, airless moon*, intended to give a wake-up call to *aliens* of *unknown potential belligerence*, during which race the only thing between you and a nasty death should you end up lying smashed to a thousand pieces in some god-forsaken ravine, thus losing those kilos you mention in a not-so-nice manner, is a thin shell inside a low-power energy bubble, and you're doing this... for your... dietary health???"

"Yup, me diet. It's like this, right? Yer humble SRV like this one - she's 'Circle Worker', by the way, typical sheila that chucks a one-eighty at the slightest provocation but I love her anyway - she doesn't run on liquid hydrocarbons like them ancient racecars on Bathurst and whathaveyou did, right?"


"Instead, it's allllll the latest electrics, powered by a liiiittle nuclear reactor the size of a school-kiddly's lunchbox or whatever, right?"

"Ummm... yes...?"

"So she ain't got a carby in her, right?"

"Yyyy... yyyes...?", she offered tentatively, as alarm-bells screamed in her head.

"So... SO!... SOOooOO! ..." He paused to open his arms out wide, then continued, "ZERO-CARB DOUGHNUTS!!"

In fine, British civil-service fashion, she tilted her head to one side, breathed in deeply, smiled almost imperceptibly with a jaw shut tighter than a shark's, clutched her databoard to her breast for dear life, and suppressed the near-overwhelming urge to belt him.

CMDR Jimmox72
SRV: Circle Worker
I want to take part in Kick the Alien because of the needs of my dietary health.
Quick question for everyone re: the duration of this race.

I'm perfectly happy to allow it to run for a 2nd week (i.e. finishing Sunday 11th December) to let people who want to run but won't have a chance this week to take part. However, if everyone who wants to take part has done so by end of day this Sunday (and everyone else is sick of the sight of this course by then) then I might just wrap it up and announce the winners on Monday.

Quick question for everyone re: the duration of this race.

I'm perfectly happy to allow it to run for a 2nd week (i.e. finishing Sunday 11th December) to let people who want to run but won't have a chance this week to take part. However, if everyone who wants to take part has done so by end of day this Sunday (and everyone else is sick of the sight of this course by then) then I might just wrap it up and announce the winners on Monday.


Let it run until another race comes along or you grow tired of updating the boards. That will give people with limited game time the best chance to participate.
Quick question for everyone re: the duration of this race.

I'm perfectly happy to allow it to run for a 2nd week (i.e. finishing Sunday 11th December) to let people who want to run but won't have a chance this week to take part. However, if everyone who wants to take part has done so by end of day this Sunday (and everyone else is sick of the sight of this course by then) then I might just wrap it up and announce the winners on Monday.


As long as you make it end of the day Monday, server time. Since I'm in the United States, end of the day Sunday server time means I'll be missing a huge chunk of time to drive in my day off. :( Christmas in retail is hard enough to find time to play, without losing a chunk to time zone differences.
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