Bug, or am I missing something?

Recently started playing again after a long break. I remember mapping planets and then the geo signals etc would show up in the navigation panel. Now I can't find them anywhere, even if the planet description says there are 3. What am missing? Or is this a bug?
Geological and biological signals have been replaced, they are now spread around the whole planet and are not confined to a particular number of signals/locations.
You can find where they are likely to be by looking at a heatmap displayed on the planet visible in analysis mode after mapping it.
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Yes. And it’s not a heat map; meaning that the different “shades” of blue do not represent likelihood - they just look a little different because of the coloration of the terrain underneath. The selected things can be found somewhere in the blue area, and will not be found in non-blue areas.
It is good to know that the blue areas represent where selected heatmap items might be because the conditions might be right. Not necessarily that they will be there. The areas that are non-blue... selected heatmap items will not be there.

With a bit of practice you learn what type of topography within the blue areas the desired items can usually be found.

Edit: corrections made in blue.
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There are no green areas. There are only shades of blue. If you're seeing green, there's something wrong.
Unless they are mistaking planet regions that are actually green.

Possibly the bio "heatmap" was set to one type of sample, showing the blue regions it was to be found in. Outside of that on the green planet surface they found a different bio type.

@Ruff Leif when looking at the "heatmap" created by the DSS notice you can toggle through different filters depending on what you want the "heatmap" to show.
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Unless they are mistaking planet regions that are actually green.

Possibly the bio "heatmap" was set to one type of sample, showing the blue regions it was to be found in. Outside of that on the green planet surface they found a different bio type.

@Ruff Leif when looking at the "heatmap" created by the DSS notice you can select different filters depenging on whatyou want the "heatmap" to show.

Making a mistake counts as "something wrong" IMO :)
Making a mistake counts as "something wrong" IMO :)

There was nothing wrong with the cmdr finding a bio sample in a green area of a planet. I suspect it just wasn't the bio that the "heatmap" filter was set for. The "heatmap" is kinda strange when getting used to it. It is an easy misunderstanding if the cmdr is not yet familiar with toggling through the "heatmap" filters.

I'm not near a green planet, but I do have a brown planet. In this example I have the filter set to Tubus which might be found in the indicated blue areas. I happen to know that if I look in the brown areas indicated Aleoida and Tussock can be found. If I switch the filter it will show me this. Hopefully this explanation clears it up for @Ruff Leif .

It is good to know that the blue areas represent where selected heatmap items might be because the conditions might be right. Not necessarily that they will be there. The areas that are non-blue... selected heatmap items will not be there.
Blue edites to say what is more correct.
Addendum: It is in fact not a heat map. -this was a dev statement just to be clear.

Calling it a heatmap for clarity is understandable, however it is a probability map.

POIs are most often located at the areas that are coloured "gasoline green", not dark or light blue.

POIs are most often located at the areas that are coloured "gasoline green", not dark or light blue.
I'm very curious. What kind of POIs are shown in the heatmap wiith green (or in green areas)? In order to see the map there must be bio or geo features. I just checked Ancient Ruins and Non Human Signatures (planets with bio & geo features) and I see no special coloration on the "heatmap".

POIs in DSS Heatmap Map.png
There was nothing wrong with the cmdr finding a bio sample in a green area of a planet. I suspect it just wasn't the bio that the "heatmap" filter was set for. The "heatmap" is kinda strange when getting used to it. It is an easy misunderstanding if the cmdr is not yet familiar with toggling through the "heatmap" filters.

I'm not near a green planet, but I do have a brown planet. In this example I have the filter set to Tubus which might be found in the indicated blue areas. I happen to know that if I look in the brown areas indicated Aleoida and Tussock can be found. If I switch the filter it will show me this. Hopefully this explanation clears it up for @Ruff Leif .
I was trying to be nice by not directly implying the commander was doing it wrong. That was part of what I meant by "something is wrong".

You should really stop using the term "heatmap". It only adds to the confusion, regardless of quotation marks ;)
I was trying to be nice by not directly implying the commander was doing it wrong. That was part of what I meant by "something is wrong".

You should really stop using the term "heatmap". It only adds to the confusion, regardless of quotation marks ;)
You made a mistake by saying if the cmdr sees anything green there is something wrong. That is not correct... you were wrong. The area outside of the blue regions (regardless of color) represents areas where the selected ifilter item will not be found. That could be any color, including green.

Obviously I know its not actually a "heatmap" hence the quotes. Throughout these forums and elsewhere it is regularly called a "heatmap". It would be better called something else. Like a Planetary Discovery Map. But it is not. And I'm not about to change things. If you would like to take this on as a personal mission go ahead. (y)
The area outside of the blue regions (regardless of color) represents areas where the selected ifilter item will not be found. That could be any color, including green.
The boundary between blue and green is one of the most contested in language, so at least some of the blue regions can also themselves be green (especially if surrounded by the more unambiguously blue regions).
I'm very curious. What kind of POIs are shown in the heatmap wiith green (or in green areas)? In order to see the map there must be bio or geo features. I just checked Ancient Ruins and Non Human Signatures (planets with bio & geo features) and I see no special coloration on the "heatmap".

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I should not have used "POIs"; your two arrows are indeed pointing at something that is close to "gasoline green": this is the only colour i look for when finding bio/geo and it works.
(ie, not the light blue and not the dark blue either, as these are indicative of height not probability)
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