Bug related to Guardian Fighter

o7 Cmdrs, since the odyssey update, my XG9 Lance has only one ammunition each time it deploys, so during combat it comes back to me while maintaining its position. This problem also happens to my teammate. And you, do you also have this problem?
docking in a port with outfitting facility, storing and re-installing the Hangar module did resolve the issue for now, but, I mean, come on.
I'm encountering an issue where no NPC-piloted SLF will fire on Thargoid Scouts regardless of the orders given or ammo levels. Tried with XG9 Lance and a Taipan Gelid F. The Taipan is a beam weapon ship so it has no ammo issues and yet when deployed against Scouts it will make firing runs and pursue enemies but won't actually fire weapons. Same pilot and SLFs have no issue firing on non-Thargoid NPCs. I submitted a ticket here: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/49526
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