Call me crazy, but I bought a PS 4 Pro just for Elite Dangerous

Hi All,

I am looking forward to join the PS 4 ED community. I am a PC player since premium beta with lifetime expansion pass. Elite is the game series I played extensively since I play computer games on C64, Amiga and PC.

Now I am looking forward to play on the PS4. I bought a PS 4 Pro just for Elite, since my PC is very low end and low budget.

I figured a PS4 Pro is cheaper than a good gaming PC while still giving you decent performance for the money.

My hope is, that the Pro version will support VR mid-term and I am expecting better graphics on the PS4 than I currently have on my PC, which is a core i3 laptop with 2GB GeForce 820m video card.

I just preordered the legendary edition of the game on Amazon and I am looking forward to see you in the void.
The ease and comfort of playing Elite on a console beats playing on a PC if you ask me :D

Playing a game on the PC feels like a chore these days.
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We all crazy man, as I did the same thing.

Bought a Pro just for ED (in truth my launch PS4 was on its last legs anyway) then I decided i needed a decent 4k tv to compliment so went for a 4k 43" LG.
Makes even more sense given the vast majority of games currently in development are designed with the Pro architecture it made sense as a future gaming investment.

Not long now either [big grin]
Not crazy.

Consoles have the advantage of consistency. Consistent hardware, which can generally be considered as effective for the money you pay for it, means game devs can release a game to it with an effectively optimised settings config that will always work with the console.

PCs can tear consoles down on performance, but only really if you're spending more on a GPU than you are an entire PS4. Anyone that thinks a PC trumps consoles on performance at the same price band is deluding themselves.
I should have held out for the ps version off elite as the pc version has cost me over 2k so far and all I play is elite hope launch date goes well for the ps players
I'm going to buy a Scorpio when it comes out, and the desire for a smoother ED (with no account transfer required) is the only real motivator behind that decision.

We're all mad here.
Okay, you're crazy.

I've no idea why you want me to call you crazy. Buying a console for just the one or two games is a very sensible decision.

The games companies subsidise their consoles and then make their money by taking a cut of every game sold for that console. This means that a Playstation with a massive heap of different games costs more than a high-end PC with a massive heap of games.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all you PS4 players that VR comes to your platform. The virtual reality version of Elite is... wonderful.
Not crazy at all. I bought a 65" 4k on black friday last year. Convinced wife and moved old 42" to bedroom. Then the December news came and I told her it would be nice if she could game the same time I do. I would even move my prized Star Wars PS4 to the bedroom for her and put the new one in the living room. I bought a Pro because we all remember that it was December when they said it was coming this year. So no OP, you're not crazy. I may be, but your not.
Definitely not crazy.

I can't really call anyone that, not when I bought a 4k tv just for my consoles (I don't watch tv & only have a netflix account since I got it) and thanks to Rise of the Tomb Raider, Horizon Zero Dawn and now Elite Dangerous I will be upgrading my PS4 to a Pro just as soon as I can afford to :)
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