The following only reflects my own personal opinion and has no relation to the opinions of Spear as a whole or the Triple A Alliance.
I had done my homework and informed myself sufficiently about the overall situation in this sector before I proposed a campaign in which a large part of Spear's forces would be deployed 20,000 light years away.
If you'd done your homework, you'd know that Colonia was at peace, with no ganking problem, and a treaty in place between the Reapers and EN. That you chose to enable this treaty to be broken and initiate hostilities means that you either didn't know about the status quo (which is bad) or didn't care (which is worse).
There are some rational people on the other side with whom one could probably even negotiate reasonably, but as long as the tyrants who are currently in control are not disempowered I will not sit down at any table.
As long as the current Reaper leadership has not been effectively removed for all future and all links to SDC/GGI have been severed there will be no negotiations in my view.
The Reapers have never flown alongside or colluded with SDC, so I have no idea where these allegations come from. We are also not participants of the GCI. You are either grossly mistaken or grossly dishonest in these allegations.
And it is very high on my personal agenda to change the balance of power in this sector to stabilize it in the long run.
People who have driven in the past a larger group of people out of this sector and out of this game have, in my opinion, lost any right of co-determination in this area of space.
If your idea of a "power imbalance" is one anarchy amid 40+ lawful government types (setting aside the benefits that the anarchy's shipyard brings to the entire Colonia community), then I'm afraid that it is you who are being unreasonable, not us.
Also: who did we drive out of the sector? You make many claims but provide no substantiation for them.
And as for "stabilizing" the region? Again: there was a treaty already in place to which the Reapers had faithfully adhered. There was no instability before you showed up.
I say the following as fleet commander of SPEAR and this also applies to all forces that are currently in the Colonia Sector and will continue to be.
Of course, pilots who fought for their cause in this war and believe in their cause are not automatically targets of our task forces.
Given your history of targeting Lawful commanders with zero bounties on their heads purely for associating with commanders you don't like, I'd say that one could be forgiven for not believing this.
They will of course continue to hunt only killers who repeatedly and demonstrably attack peaceful people who cannot or do not want to defend themselves.
Then explain why you target peaceful players without a history of ganking or even a bounty on their ship. I know you won't, but it's quite damning that SPEAR's standard of guilt isn't anything tied to game mechanics but your own personal bias.
Overall, I find your position remarkable for one who-- despite such significant backing- still managed to suffer defeat at the hands of a lore squadron and those neutrals who found their position preferable to yours. A reasonable squadron leader would probably reconsider if their presence was needed or even wanted in the area that they're "stabilizing"- but judging from your words, your attitude, and your actions, reasonableness was never your priority.