Cannot disembark - unsafe temperature.

So far i've enjoyed the expansion (I can see a lot of people here are not! Holy crap.)
But got an issue.

  • When select scavenging mission, you can get your crash site (for a collect mission) on a tidally locked planet that has a temperature range of something like 612-1196K.
  • On a tidally locked planet where the max temp is 1196K it's assumed that this is the 'sunny' side that will get really hot?
  • The crash site spawned on the sunny side. It's never going to be cool there. I can never actually reach the crash site.

Surely this cannot be intended?

I think that this particular mission probably needs more logic - just solutionising below:

1) the spawn location of the crash site needs to be a location where the temperature range is acceptable.
2) the spawn location needs to be where the temperature can fluctuate over the day i.e a NON-tidally locked planet so it is at least somewhat possible to complete.
a) this would need to be highlighted in the mission because not everybody wants to wait for 6 hours for a temperature to be 'suitable' and have the mission be abandoned.
3) The 'cannot disembark' logic is removed and replaced with something else i.e extreme temperatures reduce your charge faster.

Good luck fixing this one.

Another solution - add a Temperature Protection mod for suits, which will increase the allowed temperatures OR allow to disembark for a limited time in any conditions

And one more - introduce the heat mechanic similar to the ships - so you can manage your heat level and if it's going higher you won't die immediately, rather will take a damage over time
wait until it's dark?

Editedt....sorry, was not reading your post through, you mentioned that issue, of not beeing to wait that long....forget my post
So far i've enjoyed the expansion (I can see a lot of people here are not! Holy crap.)
But got an issue.

  • When select scavenging mission, you can get your crash site (for a collect mission) on a tidally locked planet that has a temperature range of something like 612-1196K.
  • On a tidally locked planet where the max temp is 1196K it's assumed that this is the 'sunny' side that will get really hot?
  • The crash site spawned on the sunny side. It's never going to be cool there. I can never actually reach the crash site.

Surely this cannot be intended?

I think that this particular mission probably needs more logic - just solutionising below:

1) the spawn location of the crash site needs to be a location where the temperature range is acceptable.
2) the spawn location needs to be where the temperature can fluctuate over the day i.e a NON-tidally locked planet so it is at least somewhat possible to complete.
a) this would need to be highlighted in the mission because not everybody wants to wait for 6 hours for a temperature to be 'suitable' and have the mission be abandoned.
3) The 'cannot disembark' logic is removed and replaced with something else i.e extreme temperatures reduce your charge faster.

Good luck fixing this one.

This has been driving me nuts tbh. Can't get out on foot to a crash site or to scan bio forms where I'm sat right now.

There's an issue being tracked for this, it would be worth others up-voting it and commenting to get it up the fix list.

I agree with OP. There is no way to know if the site is 'safe' to attend or not. Of course, the other REAL insult is that, the surfaces seem perfectly ok for 'scavengers' to walk around the crash sites but we are unable to?.

I tried wearing all 4 suits to see if this helps but, nope.

Get it together FD. You've a whole community up in arms over this and other game breaking bugs and those of us that ARE willing to suffer and report these bugs are PAYING YOU to find them?. Not just in real world currency but ALSO in game credits for FAILING un-do-able missions??? Not to mention the damage to player's reps with various factions.
FYI, this also occurs on high gravity worlds. Got 4 crash investigations on the same planet, landed (with a bump, oops) cannot disembark.
lol so they are just removing the missions instead of making a fix for the mechanic? 🤦‍♂️
Pretty sure they meant removing the chance that these missions can point to invalid locations, mate. Fdev have removed no mission types.
Pretty sure they meant removing the chance that these missions can point to invalid locations, mate. Fdev have removed no mission types.
Right, I was talking about specific missions not the mission types in common.
Still, I believe it's not good for the game, hard-limiting a lot of locations from on-foot visiting.

I'd prefer it to be soft-locked behind the progression system (engineering mods, new suits types, etc)
I can confirm the issue is still here - I am stuck with an impossible mission, because the mission timer will run out before sunset. Submitted a bug report, and up-voted the existing bug report. But I am not sure how much difference it will make. Sigh.
I can confirm the issue is still here - I am stuck with an impossible mission, because the mission timer will run out before sunset. Submitted a bug report, and up-voted the existing bug report. But I am not sure how much difference it will make. Sigh.
Upvoted the issue on issue tracker. It's not got a very high priority to my surprise.

Ran into this issue for the first time today in Ursae Majoris 78 - threat level 2 mission. I was wearing a Dominator grade 3 suit. But neither an Artemis or Maverick suit would let me disembark. Unsafe temperatures being the reason. Had to abort mission. Reputation damage incurred.
Seems right, a low priority issue.

20210723165540_1.jpg 20210723165550_1.jpg

I'll upvote it on the issue tracker.

EDIT: In the amount of time it took me to upvote and add above screenshots to issue tracker, NPCs arrived, landed and are now walking without an issue.


But I can't, because reasons. Are they cooking alive? Nope.


Gotta love that eerie surrealism of it.
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Someone posted a workaround IN this issue tracker.
If you book an Apex flight to there you can just disembark and walk around fine.
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