Celebrating 35 years of Elite!

One memory that stayed with me.

At the beginning of the game I always bought 3 missiles cheap and sold them should I get a good price for them.
In one case I had marked the station as a target, entered it did my trades including selling the missiles.
When I left I noticed that I still had a lock on the station and being curious I fired a missile.
In that case 0 - 1 = 255.
And because no missile was fired after all the police didn't object.

Afterward I had a little missile party with pirates. ๐Ÿ˜
CMDR SteFBlood :
My favourite memory is when I travelled 73.6 ly in supercruise (300 h flight) to attempt a FSD jump "within range" because I persuaded myself it was possible (and tried before, certainly drunk at this time). And this was yesterday. I'm lost between two suns in the deep black with almost no fuel, help me ! :)
Well, commander CyberAngel here, and I'd like to remember my first time mining from asteroids - being too close and having my ship shaken around and damaged - that was the most memorable experience I've had in Elite for years :)
My memory of the original Elite is about my friends (who played it with me on my Spectrum literally all around the clock in shifts) broke my Sinclair joystick. Not the best memory, but definitely the strongest one :)

I used to love the Story missions in the original Elite and Elite+ games once apon a decade, finding the stolen expiramental ship and getting advanced shields or the extended Jump Drive. That's something I was really hoping that Elite Dangerous got, would make me want to play a lot more if things like that were in ED.
My best memories would be the 1984 version and trying to Dock into a station... Not much success, so found it a lot of fun to turn renagade and pick a fight with the Station Police - never ended well ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

In new version running into a Thargoid (liturgy) and thinking oh shux this is going to to cost me.. Yep BOOM!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

Teaming up with Sgt.barnes0 as he showed me the ropes to get started and the long hours of laughs along the way while attempted landing on a station pad ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
The ATV races from one station to another on a planet, lots of fun and laughs ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

And finally going on long discovery journeys and finding new worlds ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜€

That just about sums alot of my fun on Elite Dangerous and Horizons ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks guys

Two favourite memories:
#1 - Going round my mate's house as a 14 year old to be introduced to Elite on his BBC and being blown away by it. I could never afford my own beeb, so instead I was a frequent visitor!
#2 - Zooming around the map on Elite II and happening upon what I termed the "Elongated Knight" jump, a bug that allowed you to jump 256 Ly if you also moved 1 Ly to the 'left' or 'right'. That was my little secret and was it months before I saw it in the Tips section of the magazine of the time. There was nothing out there of course, apart from empty systems, but then that's what I'm still doing now.

Cmdr Malachi Constant
Played on commodore 64. The first time I landed on a coriolis station was quite an epic sensation of achievent... And then, I read the first novel that came in the box... Shooting down missles: easy. Landing without scratching your paint: hard :)
Cmdr jonnymind
Hello, this is Cmdr Astaldor,

I'm proud to say that I'm with you since the early days.
Yeah I played the original elite on a good old Commodore C64.
When I remember those days, it was so fascinating to be able to fly around an endless 3D universe, with so many possibilities.

My favorite memory?
First thing that comes in mind is the landing computer!

I traded so hard to finally get my landing computer installed into my cobra - that made me very happy.
Some day when I was about to dock at a station and turned on the landing computer with my cargo full with some items I cannot remember, I sat back, leaning at the arm chair listening to the blue danube, something caught my eye but.. it was too late.
That was the point where I finally realized: the landing computer is an evil AI trying to kill me.
Yeah it somehow managed to fly right into the space station, I lost cargo and my ship. Thank god I had a good insurance.

Since that time, I always have a hand on the steer when I let the landing computer do my job.

I also wanted to share another memory of these days, but cannot remember the name of those furry animals, that wandered around my HUD when I accepted a mission. Was it Tribbles?

Anyway, for me its a wonderful thing to have a classic game nicely remade, warped into the 21th century.
And its still being worked on extensions and so.

Thanks for 35 years!
My favourite memory has to be bumping into Obsidian Ant in the Erevate system, during Salomรฉs mission. Seconded only with the day I joined CoR and started following in our belated leaders footsteps - needless to say, I need that MKIII :O!!!

CMDR Makashi

Greetings Commanders,

Over the years, the Elite series of games has grown and evolved, starting all the way from the first Elite (published on this very day in 1984) to the Elite Dangerous we have today!

For the 35th anniversary of Elite 1984, we want to look back and celebrate each and every Commander who has shared this incredible ride with us.

Haven't had the chance to earn your wings in the iconic Elite? Claim your free copy on the Frontier Store for PC and Mac here.

As a gift for every Commander, head over to the in-game store, and you will be able to claim your own Retro Thargoid Bobblehead, available until 23 September (16:00 UTC) for 1 ARX.

But that's not all! Alongside this octagonal interloper, we've got 35 Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Jobs to give away. To be in with the chance to win one of these Paint Jobs, all you need to do is reply to this thread, telling us about your favourite memory playing one of the Elite games. Don't forget to include your Commander Name to be eligible to win!

The competition will run from now until 23 September (11:00 UTC) and winners will be contacted by 25 September (11:00 UTC). With the aid of the Elite Dangerous development team, our top 35 favourite comments will be rewarded with the Paint Job.

You can also get involved over on Steam, Twitter and Facebook! Please find all of the Terms and Conditions below.

Whether you've only just donned your flight suit, or you've been with us over the last 35 years, thank you for all of your passion and support!

Fly safe.

  • Prize: One (1) Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Job. (35 per platform โ€“ Frontier Forums, Steam, Facebook and Twitter)
  • One submission per person (per platform).
  • You only officially enter the competition when you reply, with your favourite Elite Dangerous memory, to the relevant competition thread/post.
  • Be sure to include your Commander Name in your reply to be eligible to win.
  • The competition closes on Monday 23 September (2019) at 11:00 UTC.
  • The winners will be announced by Wednesday 25 September (2019) and prizes will be credited directly to the winner's account.
  • The winners will be chosen by a panel of Elite Dangerous developers.
  • Objectionable or offensive content will be disqualified.
  • No submission should violate the Elite Dangerous EULA and TOS.
  • Frontier Developments has the right to remove any entry at their sole discretion
  • Frontier Developments employees are excluded from participating in the event.
  • Frontier Developments reserve the right to exchange any prize for a prize of similar value.
  • Prize: One (1) Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Job. (35 per platform โ€“ Frontier Forums, Steam, Facebook and Twitter)
  • One submission per person (per platform).
  • You only officially enter the competition when you reply, with your favourite Elite Dangerous memory, to the relevant competition thread/post.
  • Be sure to include your Commander Name in your reply to be eligible to win.
  • The winners will be contacted by the Frontier Community Team via Facebook DM, Twitter DM or Forum DM. Please ensure you are following @EliteDangerous on Twitter to allow us to contact you.
  • The winners have 7 days to respond and claim the prize; if no response has been received after 7 days, you forfeit your prize.
  • The competition closes on Monday 23 September (2019) at 11:00 UTC.
  • The winners will be announced by Wednesday 25 September (2019) and prizes will be credited directly to the winner's account.
  • The winners will be chosen by a panel of Elite Dangerous developers.
  • Objectionable or offensive content will be disqualified.
  • No submission should violate the Elite Dangerous EULA and TOS.
  • Frontier Developments has the right to remove any entry at their sole discretion
  • Frontier Developments employees are excluded from participating in the event.
  • Frontier Developments reserve the right to exchange any prize for a prize of similar value.
Favourite memory is probably in Frontier Elite 2, when random traveling had me encounter a neutron star. Of course I had to visit it from up close (the orrery map just isn't the same), so here's me accelerating towards the tiny little thing and waiting, when suddenly my speed starts increasing faaaaaast. I flip the Asp to no avail, I'm still speeding up towards the thing faster and faster, and before I know it, my ship crashes into the dense matter, teaching me something about escape velocity in the process.

It was all over rather quick (probably under some level of time compression), but the sudden feel of panic and powerlessness was awesome. No foe to destroy or outwit, no being to reason with, just the laws of physics pulling me towards my death. You can imagine my hilarity years later when watching Futurama...


Been there, done that...
CMDR FishMcCool
First exploration trip in my Cobra. I went to the Coalsack Nebula and then to the Eight Burst Nebula Celestial Gem. I thought I was sooo far away...On the way to Eight Burst I discovered an Earth-like world and first fumaroles by flying over a tiny moon' surface. Really unforgettable trip where I could feel what space exploration feels like.

cmdr Sorkvild Raven
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Best memory? Finally launching after 5 attempts at loading Elite from tape onto my ZX Spectrum and succeeding in getting the infuriating Lenslok to work!
Oh wow, that is a tough one. Definitely on the C-64 back in the 80's. Was it the first time I docked without scraping my paint? Maybe it was how immersed the included copy of The Dark Wheel made me feel?

You know what? I think it was the opening sequence: watching a wireframe Cobra spinning on the screen and that song playing in the background. I still have a Pavlovian response to that music. My brain starts excreting positive neurotransmitters as soon as I hear it because it knows: good times are ahead.
Cmdr Hunter Cayne

My favorite memory is the first time I slipped on my Rift and sat in my Cobra's cockpit for the first time. Truly awesome!!!
CMD: Murferi

First Docking in 1985 with my first Copy of Elite on a Commodore 64....... It was a Hell of a grind to get it done...... with the old green TV screen ....but at last ....... and Today play Elite the old fashion way in a new look.
My favourite memory is way back in 1984 when I was at the ripe you age of 14 years old. Weekends spent at my friends house because he owned a BBC Model B ( I think it was a model B ) I couldn't afford a computer at the time but we used to play Elite on his micro system. Roll on 35 years later, I'm now 48 years old. My 15 year old son was playing steam and I notice he's playing Elite Dangerous!! I'm thinking, this couldn't possibly the same game I played all those year ago when i was a similar age to him? But yes its was! I was totally bowled for six! What happens next... I spend a fortune on a new gaming computer, then end up buying VR. Now totally addicted. Just made my first Elite in Explorer and loving every moment of it. So happy I stumbled back upon Elite Dangerous.
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