I watched a little of
@CMDR Mechan livestream last night.
It looked great fun with many, many CMDR's in many instances. (I estimated over 20 in the ones he joined near the end of the stream)
I think they abandoned the idea of 1000 players in the one PG earlier in the session and so players had to join a 'Wing Leader' by invitation so that the instance didn't break
All I think in PG's and winged up shooting the entire CZ up to and including Hydra's.
Note you need AGF engineering on Guardian weapons, but you can go in with normal AXMR/Beams etc.
He didn't appear concerned by keeping cold as so many targets for the poor old Interceptor in the instance, so go with any ship for great fun.
Also, no Gankers, so must have been in PG.