News Chapter Four - Exploration Reveal

Please fix wrongly rotating particle effect sprites in CMEs in Q4:

They lock to the ships rotational axis, so by rolling your ship, they rotate with you. It's quite annoying to see. They should be locked to the star. They're not part of your ship. The bug has been around for two year or so. Please, please fix!

Smoke effects in the cockpit used to do that too. The ones on stars are so annoying knowing that they could fix it, but don't.
Spoils the "immersion" 100%. Jumping around, exploring, doing stuff, feels like you're there... until these. Then you're back to "Aah. Bummer. It's just a game, arcade style."

Immersion completely shattered by some small particle effects... good god...
Would be lovely if you could dismiss your ship after launch a SLF, so you could go zipping around canyons in one - Ship Launched Exploration Ship?

This^^^ :D

Right now I can sort of use the Krait and have the NPC keep pace, but it's still like dragging around luggage. Also, would be great if the SLF had the option for some POI scouting or science tools instead of just weaponry.
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This^^^ :D

Right now I can sort of use the Krait and have the NPC keep pace, but it's still like dragging around luggage. Also, would be great if the SLF had the option for some POI scouting or science tools instead of just weaponry.

This^^^ :D

(echo... echo...)

But seriously, the fact that the SLF was designed only to shoot things has long been one of the big disappointments for me. Combined with multicrew there was and is so much potential for them - such as giving them a supercruise-only FSD (the currently non-existent Class 1) allowing a crew to split up and explore a system, outfitting mining beams on SLFs, and so on. Multicrew is a great idea, but, like the SLF, it's currently just combat focused.
Please fix wrongly rotating particle effect sprites in CMEs in Q4:

They lock to the ships rotational axis, so by rolling your ship, they rotate with you. It's quite annoying to see. They should be locked to the star. They're not part of your ship. The bug has been around for two year or so. Please, please fix!

You should post that video in the bug reports forum.
This^^^ :D

(echo... echo...)

But seriously, the fact that the SLF was designed only to shoot things has long been one of the big disappointments for me. Combined with multicrew there was and is so much potential for them - such as giving them a supercruise-only FSD (the currently non-existent Class 1) allowing a crew to split up and explore a system, outfitting mining beams on SLFs, and so on. Multicrew is a great idea, but, like the SLF, it's currently just combat focused.
It does seem that the Q4 update will have wing/MC mechanics applied to exploration. Shared discoveries and such. We'll see. But I like your idea, multicrew being able to fly SLF in SC and explore a system, and of course having a role of Navigator in the ship. Currently, plotting routes and trying to discover specific stars does take a little work, so if someone would do that while others are repairing, exploring the system, etc, would be nice.
You should post that video in the bug reports forum.
Yeah, I did already. And I've done it before, earlier this year before 3.1 or perhaps it was before 3.0 even. It's the same video actually, but I saw the bug again today and instead of taking up precious harddisk, I just re-linked the same video. The first time we (me and kids) saw this bug was probably 2 years ago, just after 2.0. Not sure if it was there even earlier.
Please fix wrongly rotating particle effect sprites in CMEs in Q4:

They lock to the ships rotational axis, so by rolling your ship, they rotate with you. It's quite annoying to see. They should be locked to the star. They're not part of your ship. The bug has been around for two year or so. Please, please fix!

LOL! From over three years ago!

LOL! From over three years ago!

Oh, that's what was being described as immersion breaking. Funny, I always thought the particle effects were from your HUD, as directional indicators, therefore they would be locked to your ship. Although I think it would be nice if they had effects based on roll, pitch and yaw movements too.
Originally Posted by Genar-Hofoen (Source)

What you've done here looks great and probably is great.

Until you have to do this 10's, 100's, 1000's of times.

The good thing about the ADS honk is that it gives you a display of system bodies immediately. From that you could decide which bodies to go and do things with - surface scan them, fly down to their surface, etc.

Body discovery is currently quick. This new system is going to make it very slow.

This might make a few explorer-types happy. It does not make me happy, and for the reason I stated above - once the novelty value of that 'cool stuff' above has been done a few times, the time it takes to merely discover all bodies in a system is going to start grating. Again, please, picture doing this 10's, 100's 1000's of times - this is very quickly going to end up not being a fun activity.

This is a very good point and one that I do hope that they respond to.

Hi Commanders;
What would be cool is that ALL systems as they are scanned/mapped (when the data is sold at a port) should be made available to all commanders the next time they dock at ANY port (and pay a small update carto-nav fee... after all, Galactic Cartographics have got to make their cut in exploration haven't they?). That way every commander discovering a blank system instantly knows they are first to either discover or map.... and set to work. This would replace the multi-redundant system whereby every commander is doing the same scan/map that every commander that has gone before has also done. After all there are millions of stars and billions of bodies to go round!

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It does seem that the Q4 update will have wing/MC mechanics applied to exploration.

Oh, it will, but still in the current limiting ways. You can't MC with SRVs, for example, or split up the way I described... really, right now I think the only way will be able to do multiplayer exploration that will feel right in terms of teamwork and division of labour is in Wing, not multicrew.
I am guessing they are in screen space not in the world, so 'locking' their rotation is non-trivial.
That might be, but they managed to get those "bridge" effects working right. I would assume it would be as difficult (or easy) as those.

They kind'a get these right (could be taller like these):
That might be, but they managed to get those "bridge" effects working right. I would assume it would be as difficult (or easy) as those.

They kind'a get these right (could be taller like these):

What really needs work is the granule surface itself. Currently it looks like the overlayed swimming pool surfaces with large oval-shaped wave cells. The surface shouldn't be "waves and ripples" it should really look more like roiling, boiling, shifting cells that wobble and turn over in place like a pile of intertwined churning flaming worms that expand and until they meld and divide again. The prominences also tend to just be 2-D sprites that just erupt and then spin at a constant rate, rather than 3 dimensional twisted magnetic lines that are expanding out at differential rates, sputtering, bursting, and suddenly collapsing towards the poles of the magnetic lines.

Also they should slow down the surface feature movements to 1/2 to 1/4 their current movement rate, which would still be several times faster than they move IRL.


If you slow the video above down to 0.25 speed, then it will still be at 3x the real time rate.
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The new process might be quicker overall in general, world surface mapping not withstanding (which is a new feature anyway), but it doesn't seem to lend itself very well to knowing more upfront if a system might be one we want to explore in more detail, and for worlds and stars we can already visually see when entering a system, using the ADS map to find their basic information (like their relative locations), or potentially even being right near worlds or landing on them without "discovering" them, seems needlessly obstructive or redundant to me.

Ideally, I would prefer that the new mechanics provide additional information beyond the honk, but that the honk would still provide some basic information such as the system body count notification that we currently have, and bodies being target-able as hollow or monochrome bodies on the system map until "discovered" and manually target-able in supercruise like they currently are in the game. This could potentially be limited to moons, planets, and stars within line-of-sight, above a certain mass, and/or within a certain range. It might also create the opportunity to use the new mechanics selectively to find additional smaller body types or other phenomena that aren't yet implemented and might otherwise clutter up the current system map.

I think this also makes more sense for things like expeditions where we as players (and Commanders within the game) would already know that we want to rendezvous at a certain moon orbiting a certain world orbiting a certain star within a certain system even though we might not have been there ourselves yet. Of course being able to bookmark world surface locations and share bookmarks (dynamic system coordinate data, but not necessarily specific body data) would go a long way as a QoL improvement as well.

Regarding your specific suggestion, I like the idea, but I'm not sure how viable it would be to maintain these sort of data sets for each Commander individually or sort and distribute that information to them accordingly when going to a new (to them) system. I might be overlooking a simpler workaround though.

Edit: I suppose it might be doable with a time stamp check when entering a system, system discovery data sold time to last cartographic update time – you wouldn't actually be updating nor storing a personalized catalog of stellar system data when you update your cartographic catalogs, just updating a time stamp to be referenced on a case by case basis as needed. This of course assumes that the time the data was sold to Universal Cartographics is already stored as part of the metadata for individual body or system entries.
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Please fix wrongly rotating particle effect sprites in CMEs in Q4:

They lock to the ships rotational axis, so by rolling your ship, they rotate with you. It's quite annoying to see. They should be locked to the star. They're not part of your ship. The bug has been around for two year or so. Please, please fix!

THIS. It's annoying in 2D, and downright terrible in VR. Interestingly I think they did fix the smoke inside the ship at last, but I'm not sure anymore...
Omg this sounds awesome! Love exploring! Hope we will be able to locate unusual points of interest such as crash sites, alien artifacts, cargo, escape pods, geological features etc. Would be cool if you got extra credits for landing on planet and taking a photo of a unique crater ridge with star rising in background or gas vents etc Would also be cool if u could get missions when recovering found items - say returning a recovered escape pod or artifact to a mission location - get a big reward for saving a stranded wealthy explorer from certain death would be cool! (With a big time scale so you don’t have to rush back to bubble!) - :)
Please fix wrongly rotating particle effect sprites in CMEs in Q4:

They lock to the ships rotational axis, so by rolling your ship, they rotate with you. It's quite annoying to see. They should be locked to the star. They're not part of your ship. The bug has been around for two year or so. Please, please fix!


It would also be nice if the black hole light distortion effects weren't also locked to the player's head. They should be locked to the player (ship) current position, not change when I look around.
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