News Chat with David Braben 5th June 3:00pm BST

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Well, there seems to be some confusion about Premium Beta not being and actual Beta. Could you give some info what is planned for Premium Beta and Standard Beta?
There has been much discussion regarding the name Elite: Dangerous, and while we now accept this name is set in stone, what other names were considered before you settled on Elite: Dangerous?

Could you ask Gary Whitta to get a Cobra MkIII in the new Star Wars film? (considering he's writing it)
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Following the success of Elite Dangerous and the renewed vitality and financial security of Frontier, will you be looking at releasing an updated The Outsider at some point? Will any aspects of The Outsider's tech/engine/assets be used to streamline development of any future Elite related FPS/Ambulation expansions?

How hard was it for you personally to see such an ambitious and (for the time) progressive game like The Outsider fail to come to fruition? FWIW I admire Frontier's strength of character and desire to keep going after something like that.

PS: Lost Winds is a wonderful, wonderful game and the art direction of Zoo Tycoon is unbelievably good.

PPS: Please give Jim Croft and his team a bonus. Wow. :eek:


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Great news. :D

I'd like to know how it feels to finally see the realisation of the dream of Elite coming back, and how did it feel flying the Cobra into the Asteroid that time? :D
Do you have an updated, however rough, timeline of the planned future milestones? We all know some things may take a bit longer than planned, but I'm really just talking about a rough estimate for, say, when regular beta will start, or when we'll be able to go beyond the 200ly barrier?
Could we get a release date for the planetary landings expansion!!

No? Too soon?

Ok, I'll try to come up with a more serious question then... :D:p
If braben was an ED spaceship which one would he be? :D

No.. seriously.. if you had to choose one thing you looked forward to the most implemented in ED, what would it be?

Robert Maynard

Volunteer Moderator
The P2P networking implementation of the game has received criticism due to perceptions of limitations. Can David shed some light on the topic to clarify the current position and give an indication of any development in progress that will improve performance?

Philip Coutts

Volunteer Moderator
I would like to ask, has anything disappointed David so far, either in the testing or the development of the game? Is there anything he really doesn't like and is desperate to improve?

Also can I please see a Fer-De-Lance? If the the answer is "no" or "soon" I'm going off in a sulk....;) Also if anyone dares to post a picture of a Fer-De-Lance from any of the previous games or the snake they are in big trouble and I mean big!

Also Are you surprised by the strength of the community that has formed on the back of the Kickstarter? I'm thinking about things like Lavecon, Lave Radio and all the completely bonkers but brilliant stuff that the likes of Psykokow, Mobius and others have come up with.

Also who is your favourite poster on the boards? Don't be shy now I know you will say me.....;)
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Would you guarantee to answer the question in post 1337 of this thread? (if it gets that high in time)
failing that, posts 13 and 37 (in that order)
There was another thread were it was discussed if David still codes himself, and I think there was no official answer besides the speculation so here the question:

Is there some code - no matter how little and/or old - in ED written by David Braben himself?
(And if he is inclined to answer, in any recent game by his company...)

Edit: Of course I mean code special to the game and not the Cobra engine in general, which in the other hand would also be interesting to know how much of Davids own work is in Cobra engine.
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From the First Great Expedition

I've compiled a set of questions from the First Great Expedition forum. There's quite a few of them but then there's quite a few of us.

Will it be possible for a group of players to explore 1000s of light years out into unexplored space, and will we be able to do this at the start of gamma? Also, what is your vision for the exploration game? (Hellhawk666, Reighdar)

One of the big planning problems the First Great Expedition has is with supply and servicing. As we get further out our supply lines may become prohibitively long, effectively limiting the range we can strike out to. So, will we be able to buy/hire/otherwise acquire large ships to follow us, where we can repair ships, service hyperdrives, recharge or buy supplies etc? If not, how quickly do you anticipate colonies to appear in space we explore? (Hellhawk666, Reighdar, Argon, Voyager_NL)

There was a hint that there'd be an exploration-focused livestream at some point. Is this likely to happen and if so, any idea when? (Gibbonici)

Will black holes, pulsars etc have their physical effects simulated? (ZR_aka)

Also, will star-forming regions such as the Scorpius and Lupus Dark Regions be simulated? (Gibbonici)

Have you taken into account the effects of intragalactic star movement when creating the Milky Way Galaxy of the 34th Century? How much licence would you have had to use to take into account the possibility of stars, whose light is currently visible from Earth today, that may no longer exist when we visit their origins in the game? (ZR_aka)

When are we likely to see group play, friends lists and other stuff that will let us play with friends? (Dobbo)

Without wanting spoilers, are we likely to discover alien races/civilisations, mysterious wrecks, ancient spacestations and such out in the wildernesses of space? (yes or no is good enough ;)) (Delazure, Mellivor)

What about Generation Ships? (ZR_aka)

Space is very big, so will it be possible to send ship coordinates to other alliance members or friends so they can meet up in areas with no space stations or POIs? How will it work? (Brian)

Looking ahead, will there be another layer of exploration methods with planetary landing introduction? Will planetary landing and walking around combine into an ability to take an actual step on foreign worlds? (Elden)

At what point will we be able to begin to colonize beyond the current limits of what is human colonization in the game (i.e. starting our own outposts, building stations, marking claims, naming systems on behalf of human-kind, etc.). I'm sure this won't be available in Gamma, but do you see this as a natural progression for the game? (Slam_Dunk)

We've seen improvement in NPC AI, will this continue to improve over time? (Jamestar)

When the avatar expansion is out will we be able visit and crew each others' ships? (Harker)

Will ED support haptic VR devices (such as force-feedback gloves etc) when they become available? (Shigawire)
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Can you avoid releasing the game around the 18th September as my wife insists I take her away for our 10th anniversary. :)

What role will you be playing? I'm thinking explorer.
Question 1:

David, you once talked at the Science museum about how games at the time were in the same place as film was in the 20s/30s. All bombastic spectacle.

How much has the industry changed since, in your opinion? Are we shifting that paradigm yet? Any shining examples?

Question 2:

I know how much you dislike branching conversation trees, any new ideas to achieving better conversations with NPCs?
Can you please comment on why you choose Peer 2 Peer instead of dedicated servers and why you think it is a good choice - also, do you have any fears or ideas on what is upcoming for the networking portion of the game?

I have 3 questions.

1. Why did you choose the path to have P2P instead of an dedicated central server? The cost and maintenance or? I would gladly pay more founds in a separate kick-starter that would add a central server as I think p2p never will work properly.

2. How will you handle players that do exploits and hacks when the game is released?

3. This is more of a wish than a question.
For me Planetary landings should be in the final release as whiteout it, the game is not finished. I would not mind to wait some extra months for the release so you could develop it. And planetary landings is also an essential part to be able to put up a mining stations on remote planets.
Are you planning the release of Elite: Dangerous to coincide with the 30 year anniversary of the original Elite?
In regard to some execellent points made by Snowglider here:

1. Are we going to get mini jumps within systems?
2. Will HUD name overlays for planets/stations in supercruise be separated so they don't interfere with each other and are readable?
3. Can we get a directional indicator on proximity warnings?

In addition:
4. Can the orbital lines in supercruise be occluded behind bodies? It should improve the readability of the orbit, currently it's a little Escher.
5. Could there be an automatic nearest mass indicator in supercruise? Make it easier to angle away from and increase/keep speed.
6. Can we have a distance to target showing on the target info panel rather than having to face them?

Finally, have you faceplanted inside a station like most of us ;), and can you dock an Anaconda?

Been really enjoying finding my way around what's there so far :smilie:
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