News Colonia Expansion Initiative

Q1 - Does Jaques station have any ships for sale?
Sidewinder, Eagle, Adder, Viper 3, T-6. Outfitting is a full mining suite and a bunch of D-grade other bits. (Buy it before you leave, basically...)

Q2 - regarding the 25th december christmas day being all day surely that will be an issue for many due to family commitments etc?, and I dont want to get left behind on the final leg of the journey, i suppose as a fighter escort I can just caught up ready for the final leg on 2nd of Jan.
It's not a requirement to make every waypoint or make it to them on the schedule

Q3 - What will the standard jump range that will be required/expected?
Entirely up to you - whatever you think you'll need to get you there without going mad from all the jumping.

Q4 - When will I know if I am officially accepted? I have signed up on the EDSM roster already.. and the CCC roster and have got discord etc..
If you're on the roster, you're in. You can get the CCC-Escort role on CCN, which will help you get information.

Q5 - From reading up on all info I can find as I am not officially part of the Colonia Militia (as of yet) :) so I do not need to buy the marine green paintob?
Correct - completing this will allow you to join the Militia. (The Marine paintjob is for militia officers, so you'll have a bit further to go before you need that)

Q6 - My friend has only just started last week if he is able to get a fighter ready to go (which should be easy) is he welcome to join the CCC? as he is most interested.
Of course - just make sure he knows what he's signing up for! It's a long way for a new pilot, and a long way back, too, if you realise you need something from the bubble.
Sidewinder, Eagle, Adder, Viper 3, T-6. Outfitting is a full mining suite and a bunch of D-grade other bits. (Buy it before you leave, basically...)

It's not a requirement to make every waypoint or make it to them on the schedule

Entirely up to you - whatever you think you'll need to get you there without going mad from all the jumping.

If you're on the roster, you're in. You can get the CCC-Escort role on CCN, which will help you get information.

Correct - completing this will allow you to join the Militia. (The Marine paintjob is for militia officers, so you'll have a bit further to go before you need that)

Of course - just make sure he knows what he's signing up for! It's a long way for a new pilot, and a long way back, too, if you realise you need something from the bubble.

Fantastic thanks for all the answers greatly appreciated good commanders! :)

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Fantastic thanks for all the answers greatly appreciated good commanders! :)

Just while i have peoples attention could someone advise on another post i hadnt got a response to as of yet :) ta!

Greetings all o7

I am looking to fit all auto tracking weapons on my Python 2 x large beams and 3 x Multicannons.. I have seen some old posts about auto tracking but could not find anything from recent days can anyone advise me does it work well any issues I should be aware of is it worth my time etc?

I know they are lowest DPS but my Python is a total tank so if I can just focus on flying and the guns get the job done I will be happy! :)

Lastly is overheating an issue? I am open to suggestions and appreciate any and all advice thank you kindly all! ;)

Kind regards
Cmdr Motarasu
The FGE has voted for an satellite branch of IGER in Colonia

The members voted for = Colonia Exploration and Research

The Visa form has been submitted.
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The Elite PvE group of MOBIUS will apply for MCRN (Mobius Colonial Republic Navy)
Visa form submitted for the OutReach group.
Big nods to The Expanse Tv series ;)
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If I earn a Migration Pass, will I be able to save it and use it whenever I want?

Also, if I clear my save first, will I still retain the Migration Pass?

Is there currently a shipyard and outfitting there with a decent selection? I might move out there, but am still building up my ships and funds; don't want to fly 13k ly because I forgot a part.
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I went ahead and added "Ed's 38" in there. Those who don't know what that's about:
It's a ragtag bunch of CMDRs who followed Edward Lewis on his journey home from Beagle Point. He took about 6 months to get back home and streamed every single jump. (shameless plug: If you missed them & want to catch up: , haven't finished uploading all of them yet, almost there)

We like tea, coffee, and most importantly: Biscuits! Oh and there's Elite as well :p
We just want to have a good time.

For those who already know about Ed's 38, I don't need to explain it to you :D

The Knights of Karma have applied for a migration pass and we will be forming a sister faction: Knights of Colonial Karma. The galaxy is dangerous and all the more so in Colonia. Like our parent faction, we believe in providing a wing to all. Hope to see you all CMDRs!
Canonn will be applying for a migration pass at the start of next week, we've been running a comp to name our Colonia department :D
Can someone pls shed some light for me here; what is the point of the second human bubble?
Isn't it big enough playground around the human bubble?
And why that location has been chosen?
Can someone pls shed some light for me here; what is the point of the second human bubble?
Isn't it big enough playground around the human bubble?
And why that location has been chosen?

Jaques station is the travelling bar of a cyborg. He intended to make a record breaking jump all the way across the galaxy, but technical issues made him strand in that area. The station was lost for quite a while until a player found it.
After that explorers brought out materials to repair it and then more and more commanders set out to establish a colony. Commanders in the bubble also helped set up a line of bases between colonia and the bubble to make the trip easier.

The now already existing colony aims to expand without any powers or major factions getting involved (no power play, no alliance/federation/empire), providing a smaller and denser community that serves as a very useful and central hub for explorers.
How do I change faction for the CG!?!

Try asking FDev support, but I don't think you can - once you've signed up, you're signed up. If you decided you don't want to actually support the group you registered for your best bet is to contact one of the others and ask how you can help them without actually hauling.
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