Sidewinder, Eagle, Adder, Viper 3, T-6. Outfitting is a full mining suite and a bunch of D-grade other bits. (Buy it before you leave, basically...)Q1 - Does Jaques station have any ships for sale?
It's not a requirement to make every waypoint or make it to them on the scheduleQ2 - regarding the 25th december christmas day being all day surely that will be an issue for many due to family commitments etc?, and I dont want to get left behind on the final leg of the journey, i suppose as a fighter escort I can just caught up ready for the final leg on 2nd of Jan.
Entirely up to you - whatever you think you'll need to get you there without going mad from all the jumping.Q3 - What will the standard jump range that will be required/expected?
If you're on the roster, you're in. You can get the CCC-Escort role on CCN, which will help you get information.Q4 - When will I know if I am officially accepted? I have signed up on the EDSM roster already.. and the CCC roster and have got discord etc..
Correct - completing this will allow you to join the Militia. (The Marine paintjob is for militia officers, so you'll have a bit further to go before you need that)Q5 - From reading up on all info I can find as I am not officially part of the Colonia Militia (as of yet) so I do not need to buy the marine green paintob?
Of course - just make sure he knows what he's signing up for! It's a long way for a new pilot, and a long way back, too, if you realise you need something from the bubble.Q6 - My friend has only just started last week if he is able to get a fighter ready to go (which should be easy) is he welcome to join the CCC? as he is most interested.