Commander, this is Ground Control

As the owner of a LEP pass and Beta-backer, I would also be very interested in this. Yes, I know that we LEP owners will get E: D Odyssey for free. Only what will be the scope of this package? Will it be the Deluxe package, will we also get the suit, the OST, alpha/beta access etc? Would there be any problems if an LEP owner bought Odyssey additionally to get certain package content?

It would be nice if FDEV could also make a binding statement on this.

Ditto. I'm totally willing to pay for the expansion to support Frontier, but I'd like to know if the lifetime expansion pass already includes the Deluxe package contents for Odyssey (with the alpha access). I don't want to accidentally mess something up on the account.
Ditto. I'm totally willing to pay for the expansion to support Frontier, but I'd like to know if the lifetime expansion pass already includes the Deluxe package contents for Odyssey (with the alpha access). I don't want to accidentally mess something up on the account.

I feel the same way. Even though I have received all the expansions for free as an LEP holder, I continue to support the developers by "investing" here and there in ARX and buying paintwork and so on for my spaceships...even if I don't really need it those items. I just want this fantastic game that has been with me since the 80s to never cease to exist.

That's why I would also be willing to pre-order Odyssey for money. But as long as I don't know whether my only main account with LEP could be ruined by it, I don't dare. :-(
Ok, I will buy deluxe the second you explain me why I need to download 5GB of data. Is there anything interesting in those 5GB? Slow internet is my issue so I really need to know if there's a point of downloading it for 3 hours or so. Will I get something new after downoading this? Besides the broken launcher that is. ;)
The footprints were a nice touch, but how about the new engine tech - caves, comets, animated gas giants? Please, for the love of gods tell me it's not just a first person shooter DLC...

Was hoping to see more of that kinda thing too.

I guess that's a good question for the next AMA: are there any major additions or engine tech changes that haven't been shown yet?

Just requires a simple yes or no, so they'd probably answer.

I do see some new refractive fog and low cloud pockets in the trailer, which haven't been shown till now IIRC. At one point the Viper flies over and casts a shadow through a small cloud near the landed ship. Don't think the planet fog and flat billboards that make up the volcanic smoke plumes currently can do that. So hopefully there's a bunch of other small (and not so small) engine improvements that just haven't been highlighted yet. Who knows. 🤞
Sweet, my second account CMDR name is Major Thom (free Epic account from last month) - Major Tom of course was already taken...

Now what did Ground Control say again ;-)
Having been bitten more than once by preorders, I just don't do this anymore, but that's not to be misunderstood as a lack of interest in Odyssey.

I'm also not going to pay full price for this DLC, not because it isn't worth it (I can tell a lot of work went into it), but rather it's not worth it to me, a mostly VR pilot who wanted space legs primarily for Space Engineers / Subnautica gameplay rather than COD / Mass Effect FPS gameplay. Again, I'm not dissing Odyssey, but rather just acknowledging that it caters to a different audience. Once it is on sale, I'll grab it.
sup frontier.
I got the deluxe version via steam.
1) where is my digital soundtrack?
2) when will the alpha start? Will I be notified when it does?
Where is the MAC version ? :D

🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 😷
It's as far as this carpet is from the Sun.

Hmm. I bought the deluxe edition on steam, and it says that it's being downloaded, but nothing is actually happening :/
I'll reserve full judgement until it comes out but I wish they'd worked on planets with real atmospheres instead of an FPS. I want to land on Earth, Mars and others like I did on FE2.

No doubt there'll be some cool gameplay with regards to the FPS and I would have liked to have seen it eventually, just not now.
I'll reserve full judgement until it comes out but I wish they'd worked on planets with real atmospheres instead of an FPS. I want to land on Earth, Mars and others like I did on FE2.

No doubt there'll be some cool gameplay with regards to the FPS and I would have liked to have seen it eventually, just not now.
can't please everyone in one go :) it will come :)
Things looks very promising (I really like possibilites which legs can bring to this game and also environment look nicely improved). But at least for me is needed much more info before I will open my wallet to pre-order Horizons. Technical side of things have big part in my deciding if pre-order or not, and it was sadly again confirmed that smooth starting (without technical issues) is not strong side of ED/Frontier.
That's why I would also be willing to pre-order Odyssey for money. But as long as I don't know whether my only main account with LEP could be ruined by it, I don't dare. :-(
Buy a new game on a different account, Steam or whatever, then preorder for that version :) problem solved ;)
I guess that's a good question for the next AMA: are there any major additions or engine tech changes that haven't been shown yet?
I do see some new refractive fog and low cloud pockets in the trailer, which haven't been shown till now IIRC. At one point the Viper flies over and casts a shadow through a small cloud near the landed ship. Don't think the planet fog and flat billboards that make up the volcanic smoke plumes currently can do that. So hopefully there's a bunch of other small (and not so small) engine improvements that just haven't been highlighted yet. Who knows. 🤞
I've so far missd all three AMA's thru forgetfullness. I'm seriously gonna put it in my calender, tho my question would be: Is there any discussion in the Fdev offices about the over abundance of Limpet controllers and have you considered maybe merging them into one module?
Buy a new game on a different account, Steam or whatever, then preorder for that version :) problem solved ;)

I've so far missd all three AMA's thru forgetfullness. I'm seriously gonna put it in my calender, tho my question would be: Is there any discussion in the Fdev offices about the over abundance of Limpet controllers and have you considered maybe merging them into one module?
they make for interesting choices when considering builds, make commander put a bit of planning and thought into it.

My feeling anyway. I like it.
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