Comparing what is and what isn't, Pay attention.

Ok boy and girls, this will most likely get me kicked or banned but here some facts for your options so get ready for the bad news.

1: Elite Dangerous/ Horizons/ Odyssey - Released in 2014 - currently running - Please, please, please, stop bagging on Frontier Development, they have been taking major strides with the mess of Odyssey and have done a fantastic job doing it. Console interference has crashed Odyssey as this title was never really meant for Console support. Consoles are being shut down here very soon. NO support.

2: Star Citizen - Early Accessed Open in 2016 - and is still in Early Access - currently running. Game free to play but you pay REAL currency for ships, and I like most have no idea of what they are doing - NO Console Support.

3: Eve Online - Released in 2003 - currently running, free to play - No Console support.

4: War thunder - Released in 2012 - currently running, free to play - Yes Console support.

5: World of Warcraft: Released in 2004 - currently running - NO Console support.

6: Rift: Released in 2011 - currently running - NO Console support.

7: World of Tanks - Released in 2010 - currently running, free to play - Yes Console support but without HD support. Forums are being removed due to toxic players and is being replaced with Discord and rumors of possibly dropping multi-platforms between Consoles and PC.

8: World of warships - Released in 2015 - Console support NEVER.

9: World of Warplanes - Released in 2013 - NO Console support.

These are only approximate costs.
XBox - $300 to $600.
Xbox X Series - $600 to $1100.
Play Station 4 - $600 to $1150.
Play Station 5 - $900 to $1250.
Gaming Desktop Platforms: Low End - $1000 to $1900.
Gaming Desktop Platform: Medium End - $1500 to $2000.
Gaming Desktop Platform Alienware: High End - $2600 to $3800.
Gaming Desktop Platform: Custom Built - $4000 to $8000+

If you do not see the pattern here, you need to read it over and over until you see it. If you know these titles you then know they are all approximately 1 to 2 decades old and still running successfully. Can anyone answer why they are still so successful and why they are still running?
Let me give you a hint. "Look at the titles supports". I'm sorry guys but if you want to play with the big boys then you need to buy or build a big boy platform for the power needed. I'm sorry guys but that is just how the gaming industry works.
where is no mans sky ?
Or Elder scrols online ?
Stellaris ?
Where are all the games which runs Multiplattforms and running very well on all ?
Soooo sorry for the No Mans Sky, I completely forgot about researching it.../facepalm
Ask for the others I really don't think RST's fall into the category and never played elders scroll, I mainly just consider space type genres due to everyone in throwing baby fits over them.
@Dillan Fillon, because there is nothing nor have there been anything wrong with Elite.
Why change what isn't broken.
I love this title and I can't be any happier to see Consoles out of the big boy picture.
Ok boy and girls, this will most likely get me kicked or banned but here some facts for your options so get ready for the bad news.

1: Elite Dangerous/ Horizons/ Odyssey - Released in 2014 - currently running - Please, please, please, stop bagging on Frontier Development, they have been taking major strides with the mess of Odyssey and have done a fantastic job doing it. Console interference has crashed Odyssey as this title was never really meant for Console support. Consoles are being shut down here very soon. NO support.

2: Star Citizen - Early Accessed Open in 2016 - and is still in Early Access - currently running. Game free to play but you pay REAL currency for ships, and I like most have no idea of what they are doing - NO Console Support.

3: Eve Online - Released in 2003 - currently running, free to play - No Console support.

4: War thunder - Released in 2012 - currently running, free to play - Yes Console support.

5: World of Warcraft: Released in 2004 - currently running - NO Console support.

6: Rift: Released in 2011 - currently running - NO Console support.

7: World of Tanks - Released in 2010 - currently running, free to play - Yes Console support but without HD support. Forums are being removed due to toxic players and is being replaced with Discord and rumors of possibly dropping multi-platforms between Consoles and PC.

8: World of warships - Released in 2015 - Console support NEVER.

9: World of Warplanes - Released in 2013 - NO Console support.

These are only approximate costs.
XBox - $300 to $600.
Xbox X Series - $600 to $1100.
Play Station 4 - $600 to $1150.
Play Station 5 - $900 to $1250.
Gaming Desktop Platforms: Low End - $1000 to $1900.
Gaming Desktop Platform: Medium End - $1500 to $2000.
Gaming Desktop Platform Alienware: High End - $2600 to $3800.
Gaming Desktop Platform: Custom Built - $4000 to $8000+

If you do not see the pattern here, you need to read it over and over until you see it. If you know these titles you then know they are all approximately 1 to 2 decades old and still running successfully. Can anyone answer why they are still so successful and why they are still running?
Let me give you a hint. "Look at the titles supports". I'm sorry guys but if you want to play with the big boys then you need to buy or build a big boy platform for the power needed. I'm sorry guys but that is just how the gaming industry works.
There is one gigantic difference between FD with Elite and the developers of the other titles. It's this, most of the other developers NEVER stated that their titles, expansions, DLC's etc, were going to be available on console. Those that did, have made sure they work. None of them have, out of the blue, terminated further development on consoles. FD on the other hand made a big deal about Elite on consoles, made a big deal about Odyssey coming to console and didn't deliver.

Furthermore, deciding that console development is causing too many headaches and then dumped over an entire player base, who have invested serious time and (in some cases) money in a game to be told its all over, without advance warning, or without providing ANY method or chance to transfer to PC!

So to me, there is plenty of reason to be 'bagging' on FD!!
Um, not quite sure what you are trying to say, but Frontier Development is Elite and Elite was Never meant for Consoles until the COMMUNITY wanted the stupid interior and FPS crap.
Did you even read the titles that are so successful without Consoles or just skip through all of that?
Soooo sorry for the No Mans Sky, I completely forgot about researching it.../facepalm
Ask for the others I really don't think RST's fall into the category and never played elders scroll, I mainly just consider space type genres due to everyone in throwing baby fits over them.
Ok WoW had a Space dlc? And since when we can go outta space in war thunder ?

so my personal opinion is, bring games to consoles and after a while evolve back, didn’t mean that’s the consoles fault.
In case of elite it’s shows more then clear, that without consoles EDO wasn’t ready in any way, I didn’t think that they had already an existing pre alpha built for consoles. The truth is, that EDO wasn’t ready after nearly 3-4 years of developments for any plattform. But this was often discuss. Now let’s hope they get the performance in a good shape
Ok boy and girls, this will most likely get me kicked or banned but here some facts for your options so get ready for the bad news.

1: Elite Dangerous/ Horizons/ Odyssey - Released in 2014 - currently running - Please, please, please, stop bagging on Frontier Development, they have been taking major strides with the mess of Odyssey and have done a fantastic job doing it. Console interference has crashed Odyssey as this title was never really meant for Console support. Consoles are being shut down here very soon. NO support.

2: Star Citizen - Early Accessed Open in 2016 - and is still in Early Access - currently running. Game free to play but you pay REAL currency for ships, and I like most have no idea of what they are doing - NO Console Support.

3: Eve Online - Released in 2003 - currently running, free to play - No Console support.

4: War thunder - Released in 2012 - currently running, free to play - Yes Console support.

5: World of Warcraft: Released in 2004 - currently running - NO Console support.

6: Rift: Released in 2011 - currently running - NO Console support.

7: World of Tanks - Released in 2010 - currently running, free to play - Yes Console support but without HD support. Forums are being removed due to toxic players and is being replaced with Discord and rumors of possibly dropping multi-platforms between Consoles and PC.

8: World of warships - Released in 2015 - Console support NEVER.

9: World of Warplanes - Released in 2013 - NO Console support.

These are only approximate costs.
XBox - $300 to $600.
Xbox X Series - $600 to $1100.
Play Station 4 - $600 to $1150.
Play Station 5 - $900 to $1250.
Gaming Desktop Platforms: Low End - $1000 to $1900.
Gaming Desktop Platform: Medium End - $1500 to $2000.
Gaming Desktop Platform Alienware: High End - $2600 to $3800.
Gaming Desktop Platform: Custom Built - $4000 to $8000+

If you do not see the pattern here, you need to read it over and over until you see it. If you know these titles you then know they are all approximately 1 to 2 decades old and still running successfully. Can anyone answer why they are still so successful and why they are still running?
Let me give you a hint. "Look at the titles supports". I'm sorry guys but if you want to play with the big boys then you need to buy or build a big boy platform for the power needed. I'm sorry guys but that is just how the gaming industry works.
One discrepancy...Star Citizen isn't free to play outside of the occasional marketing focused free-fly sessions, to play you need at least a basic starter ship package, roughly £ can be a money pit for the unwary or weak of heart...and a barely functional one at that. I've backed SC since 2015 and still play regularly...strangely enough, 2015 was the same year I started playing ED, initially with the Xbox GPP release.

As for consoles, I've got an Xbox one X, a PS4 pro (for the exclusives Sony are still slow at porting over to PC)...and of course...the other money pit, the gaming rig. As for games...I'm a gamer with no particular platform bias, so I'm not really fussed which piece of expensive plastic hardware the games I play work on...or not.
Day one, so ya I did and have followed development. Did you do any research?
So when you do that, why you are writhing something such weird things? When you did follow frontier then you wouldnt claiming about things like interior or on foot, because it was original mentioned by David braben himself in the founding state. This had nothing to do with community wishes, therefore it’s the next logic evolution for elite to go on food, compared to the space sim market in special when it comes to games like elite, NMS or SC or let go deeper dual universe.
@Dillan Fillon, because there is nothing nor have there been anything wrong with Elite.
Why change what isn't broken.
I love this title and I can't be any happier to see Consoles out of the big boy picture.
Well, console development (deliberate choice of words here) was dropped because the game was broken. However minor, it's still a drop in potential revenue and is a failure to carry out something they would have said to investors that they would do. It might even be less encouragement to develop some things they would have otherwise. Doesn't matter what it is, we should never celebrate something we like being scaled back.

However, while older console games are still popular, people move to newer games because they work straight after install (or should do). Buy a newly released game on PC and you're checking specs, looking at settings, eyeing up new components, watching out for driver compatibilities. Or go back to your old games that do what they're supposed to do. Mentioning numbers from Steam is practically a forum meme at this point, but have a look at the most popular games on there and see how old most are. Personally, I think people just like playing something they know will work.
Um, not quite sure what you are trying to say, but Frontier Development is Elite and Elite was Never meant for Consoles until the COMMUNITY wanted the stupid interior and FPS crap.
Did you even read the titles that are so successful without Consoles or just skip through all of that?
The point I'm making is that FD deserves every bit of scorn. They promised Odyssey, not us, then failed to deliver by announcing console development dead. FD should never have started developing for consoles if they couldn't do it properly. They bit off more than their skill set could chew. That is demonstrated by the fact Odyssey was a complete dogs dinner on PC. What's hard to understand?

I read the titles, so what. When was the likes of Star Citizen and Eve Online ever announced as 'coming to console soon', and then scrapped? Never. Where's the correlation between that and what FD did? FD could have easily stated that Odyssey was PC only, but they didn't because they saw a chance to screw more money out of console players but messed up big time, blaming the performance of consoles! I've seen NOTHING in Odyssey that couldn't be done on PS4 Pro/PS5, and is already being done in other titles.

You say Elite was never meant for consoles? Who developed it for consoles in the first place? It wasn't us players was it??

Let's not even start on how console players have largely been ignored since Horizons landed. Everything since then has been completely ignored. Bugs that were supposedly fixed, created a dozen other bugs. The one thing that would have made this game stunning to play was flat out refused, namely keyboard and mouse, instead of trying to remember one of dozens of button combinations on a joypad! Even hotas support was half arsed. VR support? No. Better performance on PS5? No. Everything has been 'We've nothing to announce at this time`! FD and Braben have done but treat console players with contempt. Obviously to them, consoles are for peasants.
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