Competition: Your Fondest Frontier Memory!

Well, my first time i played it was Elite on Amstrad CPC 6128. It was like wireframe but very great at the time.
This game was amazing. When i played it at the night i was imagined that i am in the starship. Crossing the ships that passed near me i looked at them on the left or right side then in the rear window. Just amazing. I was able to go to kitchen get some sndwiches and come back like in the real ship.

Some years after i played Fronier Elite on Amiga 500 expanded to 1 mb of memory. This game rocks. Enormous galaxy, in colors and all that game was on 1 floppy disk. At the time other games was on 3 or 4 games, but fronier only on 1 floppy disk. It was an exploit. I remember that i was playing Panther Clipper. When a ship appeared, i dont even changed my cours, just go to the turret (that was on the top and the bottom) and fired on the ennemy. Amazing space and amazing experience.

I was always wanted that elite or fronier will be playable online, with other players. And now since some years i am playing Elite Dangerous and then Horizons. My dreams from childhood became reality because it is Multiplayer :)

Thank you David Braben for all that great memories and experience from eighties to today day.
My fondest memory of Frontier was playing Roller Coaster Tycoon with my little sister. We spent hours together designing rides, beating scenarios, and drowning pesky guests! 😇
I'm new to Elite Dangerous so my memories are recent. I've been looking for a game like this for almost 30 years. The last game to totally suck me in was Wing Commander. I've tried many games from many genres since then and all fell flat. Then I heard about ED. My home built pc's have been kept updated as money allowed so I was ready to jump right in. The learning curve was steep (think Mt Everest) but once things clicked I was hooked. Lots of trading and a bit of exploring, 4 ships later I've traveled over 2000 ly and logged over 120 hrs!! Thanks Frontier, the wait was worth it.
My fondest memory of elite dangerous was my experience I had learning how to mine, the lasers and collectors seemed easy but the new stuff had me confused for a minute, until i found out how to do everything, surface, subsurface, and fissures, Yes blowing up the rocks is my favorite thing to do, SO, there you go, time to die rocks, i mean, gimme all your goodies
My fondest memory has got to be when I delivered presents to Santa for the Christmas event a couple years back. I got saved by the fuel rats and had a great adventure on my trip back and forth!
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The year was 1994, somewhere softly in the background Boyz 2 Men were making all kinds of promises regarding their love making and I was sat in front of a silver/grey CRT television.

On that box showed a infinite dazzling stars that made up our galaxy on a lovely deep blue background. The whole thing being driven from my pride and joy (an Amiga 500) using a brick like mouse for controls.

I had followed the instructions to the letter from the manual and now I was heading towards a slow spinning station while Blue Danube stirred something inside. I docked, sold off my 2t of computers and beamed at the profit I'd made. My mate, Tim, who watched the whole time looked at me and with a shrug said "now what do you do?"

"This is Frontier: Elite 2," I responded..."We have a whole galaxy to explore!"
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My fondest memory is when I first discovered Elite Dangerous when it was still in Kickstarter. I missed the original games, never knew about them back then, but am sure glad to know about it now. upgraded my PC, purchased a HOTAS and a plethora of livery items from the store, plus an extra commander or two. very much enjoying the game. Thanks Frontier for making these titles, congrats on the milestone, and keep up the good work!
My favorite moment has to have been my first Thargoid Hyperdiction, not knowing what was happening then being confronted by what looked like an alien capital ship to me at the time in my diamondback explorer, then the pulse and shutdown shook my cockpit, I franticly panicked waiting for my systems to reboot and get my scared little behind out of there and the whole time the thing didnt even want to hurt me, it just wanted to do a cargo scan, no game has ever had me so terrified, exited, intrigued and curious all at the same time, I never forget my first Thargoid Hyperdiction and I don't think I ever will
Once upon a time I played Frontier Elite 2 every day on the Amiga, it lay in my memory as the most wonderful game, the standard against which others have always been measured.

My wonderful moment now was when I realised Dangerous was everything I had hoped it would be, and keeps getting better. To match a memory (that might be distorted) is something special
El mejor recuerdo fue la primera vez que me quede sin combustible en mi Asp Explorer y un amigo llego para recargarmelo, en ese momento senti la profundidad del juego y lo bueno que es tenre amigos en el espacio. Por 25 años más, sigan trabajando así que van por buen camino. Gracias por los juegos de calidad que ofrecen.
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(Sorry about my kindergarden English)
When I first played Elite on my C64 when I was 6 years old, I didn't know that Elite would accompany my life.
Later I played Elite 2 on my 486 SX under MS Dos, then Elite First Encounter.

Long time later, I found out that a new Elite version is planned.
How phenomenal was my first frame shift jump. The sun quickly became big, the sound, the graphics. Here Frontier had drawn me back to himself. Are there any other games?

When I watched Star Wars 7 in the cinema I immediately had to think of ED when the Millenium Falcon came out of the Hyperjump and the planet appeared in ED manner on the cinema screen. (I think J.J.A. stole it from you!)

Do I have a special Frontier memory? No.
Now I am 37 years old and Frontier (before Frontier, Braben) has shaped my life, I don't have favorite memories. I am looking forward to the next 37 years with Frontier.
I have so many fond memories from the first time I played Elite on the ZX Spectrum 48k right up to finding out about Elite dangerous on the X-Box with it's free downloadable demo and very nearly giving up on the steep learning curve, but I stuck with it and love it so much I now own it on PC as well as X-Box, however my fondest memory would have to be a recent one, when my Thrust master Hotas turned up and I plugged it in and did a couple of training missions, within the hour I had fallen in love with it and was playing the game and wondering why I took so long to but a Hotas, it has taken the game to the next level for me.
My fondest memory is of making the ranking of Elite in the version of elite for the Zx Spectrum :) then purchasing Elite Dangerous with Horizons for PS4 and finding out I can download the original Elite to run on my MAC in emulation.
Great for when I travel and cant take my PS4 with me.

Just want PSVR support now and the game is Perfect.
Discovered Elite in 1984 as a teenager (yes, old age is a terrible thing) and was blown away by the immensity of the game. The 3D wire frame graphics were impressive even then, but today I am spoilt with the portrayal of the galaxy in all its glory. Breathtaking, so bravo!
Top tier ship

I would have to say my fondest memory was when I first took my then new Federal Corvette out of dock and to my first bounty hunt in the new ship. I had been grinding for a long while to get my Rank in the Federation and my assets high enough to purchase it. I had wanted a Corvette since I first saw one and I finally had it. I suped her up and installed a dual fighter bay, hired a pilot and went out to test all the bells and whistles. Man I love that ship. My first trip past the Core on a two week passenger mission where I made my first planet discoveries and found my first black hole is the runner up, partly because it was done in pursuit of getting my Corvette. Thanks for the great game!
After much thought, my best memory was taking a humble viper through the superstructure of a coriolis space station in VR. So much awesome detail that many may still be unaware of.

Actually watching two capital ships slugging it out is also pretty good.

What a nice idea... Memories... there are a few...
  • Seeing the Cobra MkIII spinning in glorious monochrome wireframe on my friend's Acorn Electron.
  • The competition one summer holiday to hit Elite; her on her PC playing Elite+ and me on my ST... and the frustration when she got there first with me still only deadly.
  • Those early morning finishes with my contact lenses pealing from my eyes as I recorded another set of system prices for the next day's trading.... and the realisation the next day that in my sleep deprived state I had been scribbling utter rubbish on my notepad for the last few hours and would have to repeat all those systems again.
  • The thrill of docking at a coriolis station at full speed timing the spin... docking computer? pah!
  • Equipping the military laser to the rear mount and turning the joystick upside down... now where is that wolf?
  • Finally getting that galactic hyperspace (after starting again when I heard there were missions... missions?)
  • Years later the moment I climbed into my Imperial Trader, which I obviously called Liberator.
  • The disdain with which I filled the skies with plasma from my Imperial Explorer as I tried to pop the gnat that kept ineffectually poking at my shields.
  • Auto-pilot ploughing me into something yet again... ok not a best memory but definitely a memory!
  • Flipping the Argent's quest on her elegant tail at the halfway point of the approach and blasting those enormous main engines at the planet I was thundering towards... Retro thrusters be damned; Newton ftw!
  • Out of game like hearing about the dangerous kickstarter or reading the frontier blogs... Breadbin!!
  • Firing up Elite Dangerous for the first time and the anticipation of all those new memories to come

But probably the oddest, and most telling of the psychological impact of your work, is finding my adult self in another country, whistling the Blue Danube every time I got off the Paris Metro line 1. And the time it took to connect that with the frequency shifting sawtooth wave of the train's engine in acceleration and deceleration... I was hyperspacing to Lave all over again...
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I am 70. When Elite was first introduced in 1993, I had heard some good reports, at that time I had a Spectrum 128, and had to wait until its release on that platform to get the game. As soon as it was available I bought it. I was absolutely blown away with the originality, the concepts involved and even the fact that it would only run in DOS due to the hungry nature of it's processing. . At that time I was Director of a Xerox company and used to use gaming as a good wind down from the stresses of that job. As I had bored the pants of so many people about how great the game was, one friend who at the time lived 90 miles away, succumbed and bought it. We spent many hours on the phone to each other comparing notes and developing strategies. What a wonderful add to a wonderful game. I now cannot remember who destroyed a Thargoid ship first, but it doesn't matter, the joy was immense, in a lovely light hearted way. My friend died in 2009, four days short of his 60th birthday. I miss him to this day, and always will. I so wish he had been alive to see the genuine rebirth of this glorious game, and I would love just a few hours playing with him now. The game means so much to me in so many different way but Kevin will always be at the forefront of my mind when I launch...yet again. Dangerous or not this is possibly the most iconic game ever developed.
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