Concerns and inprovements about AX pre build ship

Thats just wrong.
There is not "less things to keep track of" with shield. There is more: Pipmanagment. Without s shield you almost never have to bother with Pips on System. With shield you have.
Pip management is something they likely have some sort of experience with. Even if they never had to do it as much, they will be familiar with the concept. Using AFMU and repair limpets is more likely to be completely alien to them. You may use them as an explorer, but not much else. They may understand they are supposed to do that, but it gets forgotten in the heat of the battle. Pips and shields are right in your HUD. Modules are not.
i get your arguments and why you may think that, however i can assure you that shields are not good for anyone.

a) it may not deal module damage, but its still damage going to your hull that you cat repair if you dont have a repair limpet which you stated isnt needed with a shield on mediums. The pre build also has only a c1, which is practically worthless. it might repair 2% hull per limpet. thats 32% for all of the limpets. youll take way more damage than that, especially from swarms.
drawbacks that make them not good.
Well, if you get too low on hull, you run away. If on one of those station zones, you may dock to repair. Otherwise leave. Shielded builds are more tanky because they are likely to have more hull and the shields, but they can't regenerate. It's more straightforward, though ultimately worse.
f) lo draw isnt a solution for this issue. it doesn't help the issue much. Charge enhanced super conduits is the best way to go for the distro as you get maximum recharge which is exactly what you want rather than capacity or lo draw. lo draw i guess could maybe work in very specific circumstances, however this is not one of those.
You seem to think that these are mutually exclusive options, why? Obviously you use both. Charge, super conduits for distro and lo-draw for the shield.
Well, if you get too low on hull, you run away. If on one of those station zones, you may dock to repair. Otherwise leave. Shielded builds are more tanky because they are likely to have more hull and the shields, but they can't regenerate. It's more straightforward, though ultimately worse.

You seem to think that these are mutually exclusive options, why? Obviously you use both. Charge, super conduits for distro and lo-draw for the shield
Once you're in titan space with that build, it's highly unlikely you're getting out. At a station axcz yes you can dock to repair, but this is a Titan build really. Shielded builds may be slightly more tanky, but that amount is not worth it considering the other downsides.

As for the lo draw thing, I was a tad distracted whilst writing that and didn't really comprehend it properly apparently lol. Anyways lo draw is fine for a shield but you don't want a shield. That's the whole argument here
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