Just wanted to say congratulations to all those brave ships out there ganking the unarmed rescue ships tonight, you guys are the real heroes. Hope you feel awesome about yourselves, cause you should.
Ive been saying for the longest time, THEY NEED A "NAME AND SHAME" THREAD.
This way other CMDRS who find this type of "game play"(I use the term loosely) rude, stupid, or just counterproductive for the game(which it very much is) can easily enough hunt these dumbasses down and have them back in a Loaned Sidewinder launching from LHS 3447.
But, alas, FD is too cowardly to let something like that happen and any talk of starting a Name and Shame thread usually ends in your account getting banned. Some one should start a site dedicated to Naming And Shaming at CMDRs like these. Im not sure, but FD would probably try to have it shut down the minute they caught wind of it.