PvP Congrats on ganking unarmed rescue ships! YOU WIN THE GAME

Just wanted to say congratulations to all those brave ships out there ganking the unarmed rescue ships tonight, you guys are the real heroes. Hope you feel awesome about yourselves, cause you should.

Ive been saying for the longest time, THEY NEED A "NAME AND SHAME" THREAD.
This way other CMDRS who find this type of "game play"(I use the term loosely) rude, stupid, or just counterproductive for the game(which it very much is) can easily enough hunt these dumbasses down and have them back in a Loaned Sidewinder launching from LHS 3447.
But, alas, FD is too cowardly to let something like that happen and any talk of starting a Name and Shame thread usually ends in your account getting banned. Some one should start a site dedicated to Naming And Shaming at CMDRs like these. Im not sure, but FD would probably try to have it shut down the minute they caught wind of it.
You have many options.

1) Wing up and hunt them down for some sweet revenge. But they'll probably combat log, because you shot back. So it's not worth the effort.


Then report them as per rules.

If support is working as intended, they will be punished :)

FYI, CLing murderers are looked down on by the PvP community as much as any other CLer. There's no excuse for cheating.
What other people see as flaw , I see as opportunity

Let's make griefing profitable for the victim.

We can make a group like Fuel Rats, we can call it E.P.I.C

Which stands for


The idea is simple, report providing proof of the act of griefing , or at least an indication. The an EPIC member can search the areas the griefer appeared and kill him. Essentially grief the griefer. In return you drop cargo of considerable value. Or we can have a Grief Resistant Fund, where we all contributed a little and people make money out of killing griefers. Simple.

In any case you can always pay someone to avenge you. It's not as if its that hard. Unless you don't want to give credits, in the case, stick with solo mode or avoid popular areas. My missions eventually took me to the edge of the bubble and I have never been griefed apart from one time which I was located to a very popular station for imperial rank farming and a guy suicidewinder me. Which means he basically boost to my anaconda with his shields turn off in a small ship which meant he died, I got wanted and station killed me and lost tons of money. That definitely was not fun because I was close to losing my Anaconda , being low on funds. Fortunately the experience of losing a Python to low funds taught me to keep enough for at least one rebuy. So I was angry for a couple of hours and then did not care.
I've met a few Elite players in RL and if I ask where they play...always solo. Ganking stories in a game where there are consequences for dying(for people who never used exploits for whatever reason) equivalent sometimes to hours of game time drives people away from open. Simple fact.

Is it justified? Who cares. If someone invested a week traveling to Colonia getting blown up right outside the station and getting back to the bubble can be controller breaking. Getting left with a single or no rebuy after the maiden voyage of that new ship you've saved up for is not a fun way to play. So people solo/Mobius where NPCs attack you for reasons other than "I have too much spare time".

So, I really hope Fdevs fix it, ASAP.
Just turn on your local nightly news show (aka the bad news) and you'll see that a small percentage of people just can't play well together.

So you can choose to be a vigilante or a victim, or just sidestep open altogether and play in Solo or PG.

Last time I checked the US PC Mobius had 18K users and the US XBOX Mobius had 700, so plenty of other like minded folks to fly with.
Gankers do what they do.. I don't know what you are trying to achieve by whining on the forums.

I'll be in the Pleiades tomorrow to see how everyone is doing + it's nice to see some real people in the game.

What whining? He just congratulated them. Even that is considered as whining nowadays?
Just wanted to say congratulations to all those brave ships out there ganking the unarmed rescue ships tonight, you guys are the real heroes. Hope you feel awesome about yourselves, cause you should.

There are plenty of in-game reasons to sabotage the rescue operation. Viewing AEGIS as a pure terrorist organization is not unreasonable.

I would prefer that FD took the opportunity to analyze the PvP encounters in this event and start to make the balance passes needed to make them meaningful, rather than annoying.
Got a couple more of 'em today.

That makes four or five gankers popped, one that actually had some skill and fought me to a bloody standstill and DOZENS that CL as soon as something vaguely shooty gets them in its sights.


There are plenty of in-game reasons to sabotage the rescue operation. Viewing AEGIS as a pure terrorist organization is not unreasonable.

I would prefer that FD took the opportunity to analyze the PvP encounters in this event and start to make the balance passes needed to make them meaningful, rather than annoying.

Exactly. About time the activity that takes the most time and skill will be recognized and given proper meaningful content.
Exactly. About time the activity that takes the most time and skill will be recognized and given proper meaningful content.

Please excuse me while I position my ship up-sun from you so that I can crap down the gravity well...

PvP in ED DOES take skill. I'm not going to take that away from anyone because I've done it and I know how hard it can get when you find yourself facing a real ace pilot. However, so does other roles in the game. There's PvEers out there that you'll never see in your instance who can whisk a system out from under your factions control in a single week. Are you saying they aren't skilled? They are but just with different skills than you possess.

PvP with a like-minded combat pilot is FUN. It takes skill and when it's done you're sitting in your gaming chair sweating down an adrenaline-high with a huge grin on your face whether you won or lost.

Thing is, though, I do the other stuff too. And that's fun as well. Be justifiably proud of your PvP skills, but don't make the mistake of thinking that skill in other areas of the game is lesser than your preferred specialty.
Got a couple more of 'em today.

That makes four or five gankers popped, one that actually had some skill and fought me to a bloody standstill and DOZENS that CL as soon as something vaguely shooty gets them in its sights.
It such a shame that FD's rules wont let you or anyone else post the names, so PVE types can block them and PVP types can give them some love.

Exacty how much control do FD have on third party web sites regarding naming and shaming. If you take Youtube as an example it would seem not much at all.
Got a couple more of 'em today.

That makes four or five gankers popped, one that actually had some skill and fought me to a bloody standstill and DOZENS that CL as soon as something vaguely shooty gets them in its sights.

Make sure you report them all.
It such a shame that FD's rules wont let you or anyone else post the names, so PVE types can block them and PVP types can give them some love.

Exacty how much control do FD have on third party web sites regarding naming and shaming. If you take Youtube as an example it would seem not much at all.

I'm ok with not posting names. For the ones that fight, they have the honor whether I shout it here or not. For the others, I don't need to wee down their neck in public
Just wanted to say congratulations to all those brave ships out there ganking the unarmed rescue ships tonight, you guys are the real heroes. Hope you feel awesome about yourselves, cause you should.

If you play in open, your purpose in life is to be content for the MurderHobos... and nothing annoys them more than playing in private groups/Solo... and that only makes it even more delicious. :D
I'm ok with not posting names. For the ones that fight, they have the honor whether I shout it here or not. For the others, I don't need to wee down their neck in public

I think clogging is the worst of the worst, and the griefer who clogs is even several rungs below that. It's not wee down their necks that they deserve, it's a liberal dose of Raid.
I really don`t see the issue with naming and shaming in such instances. What`s reddits policy re such things, can a comprehensive list be made available via the web of all such repeated offenders. Players could then proceed to block same at will and then never the twain shall meet. Perhaps there is an opening for a player organisation to take evidence of such carry on, adjudicate and then name and shame. If FD aren`t ever going to get the finger out in relation to such problems, then it leaves the players having to clean up a mess that FD should have taken care off years ago.
Got a couple more of 'em today.

That makes four or five gankers popped, one that actually had some skill and fought me to a bloody standstill and DOZENS that CL as soon as something vaguely shooty gets them in its sights.

Rep'd for fighting them in-game (and even better, winning) instead of in the forums

Edit: and you should definitely report those C-Logs.
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