PvP Congrats on ganking unarmed rescue ships! YOU WIN THE GAME

That's naming and shaming, that FDev doesn't condone. it would be quite ironic for the fuel rats to get banned from the game for naming and shaming the players that gank them with impunity.

You dont get banned from the game, you get banned from the forum. Only this forum.
Just wanted to say congratulations to all those brave ships out there ganking the unarmed rescue ships tonight, you guys are the real heroes. Hope you feel awesome about yourselves, cause you should.

the galaxy
They were playing in a wing, the 'left wing' seen all over
This thread is the perfect example of why C-Logging should be harshly punished and/or properly resolved via code, and why the Block should be banned from the game as it is now.
Once upon a time, far far away visiting the Jameson crash. I had log off while still at the crash site. Upon relogging back in a few hours later, there in front of me was a CMDR in a Anaconda hovering over the crash ship.

He noticed me sitting there in my sheildless/weaponless ASPX, got slightly above me, never said Hi and just blew me away.

I later ask him why? Fun he said. So I guess it's fun.

"shieldless" and "Open"

(unless an uber silent running fed ship)
Thank enginners. Before engs I could escape most of the time. Now it's a instagib before fsd cools down (with disruptor missile to the face just to be 100% sure I won't escape). Shields, no shields, military bulkheads, whatever... Thank you FD for ability to make godlike ships, you couldn't balance your game before, try doing it now... I bet people buying ED without horizons will <3 your sense of humor while being splatterd over the galaxy by g5 godships. But what do I know.. I just need to gitgud. Yeh that's why every time I want to play I think about engs and my desire to play is instantly gone.

Deleted member 115407

Thank enginners. Before engs I could escape most of the time. Now it's a instagib before fsd cools down (with disruptor missile to the face just to be 100% sure I won't escape). Shields, no shields, military bulkheads, whatever... Thank you FD for ability to make godlike ships, you couldn't balance your game before, try doing it now... I bet people buying ED without horizons will <3 your sense of humor while being splatterd over the galaxy by g5 godships. But what do I know.. I just need to gitgud. Yeh that's why every time I want to play I think about engs and my desire to play is instantly gone.

Why don't you use the engineers to counter the engineers?

I mean... you can engineer trade ships, you know?

I bet people buying ED without horizons ...

Oh. Buy Horizons.... (and git gud)
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well. you have to think it takes a particular type of -bag to attack you while you are sitting waiting at a rescue ship to drop off a load of refugees.

Had to run off, run back and dock when it was free.

Once I had dropped off the innocent bystanders - happily I was in my orca - loaded up with a few frags. Gave a few of the frags to the assailant before being attacked by his buddies and jetting out of there with very low hull. (no HRPs on a humanitarian mission)

EDIT - since my mildly offensive word was edited out except for the ending, other endings with appropriate first parts include "hole" and "head"
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I was between a rescue ship and a station battling a few cmdrs. I can't call them griefers because they were only fighting the armed people like me. As much as people hate it, I have to say I like griefing. Don't do it but I like it.
Roll up on someone in a clown boot with pa's and rails. Instant suspect. o7. No response. Blood pumping a bit. Get in his/her face. The death stare. No words said. "State your intentions cmdr". lights camera action.
With out griefing wouldn't it be boring ? Go to burning stations, pick up people, fly out station,o7 o7 o7. fly to rescue ship, o7 o7 o7 unload passengers and take off to do it again. o7 o7 o7
Just wanted to say congratulations to all those brave ships out there ganking the unarmed rescue ships tonight, you guys are the real heroes. Hope you feel awesome about yourselves, cause you should.

The real problem here is, that unarmed (and unshielded) ships are viable against NPCs (even more so in thargoid infested space) in the first place.

Deleted member 115407

So Elite is not Pay to Win, it's Pay to Not Get Ganked? Hmm... P2NGG. Catchy.

Hey Faybs.

Seriously, the guy is complaining about not owning the expansion. Just buy the expansion and you get access to the engineers.
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