Console Update

No that's not how it is. See, the streamers are like mystic shamens who are shaping reality with their wills. As soon as FDev say anything and they are able to repeat it, it bends the fabric of the universe to make it so.
Well the primary source has lied so many times I just can't trust them anymore.
Dear Frontier Development,

Ever since ED was released as a game preview on Xbox, I’ve dumped thousands of hours into this game. Dedicated much of my life to the galaxy you have created in Elite. I’ve seen the story progress, the mysteries appear and be solved, saw the first encounter with Thargoids, experienced Colonia, Sagittarius A, Beagle Point, countless nebula, strange new worlds, boldly going where no man has gone before, and dedicated months of my life to the exploration of the galaxy. I’ve seen updates come, new ships added, I’ve seen things in this game I know I will never see in person. I lived my dream life in your game. And after a long hard thought I’ve finally decided to post my thoughts on your decision.

I feel betrayed, lied to, forgotten, abandoned, and heartbroken. I played this game through the darkest times in my life, and the adventures I’ve been on has saved me from myself. But you’ve done something I cannot forgive….you gave up. You gave up on every single console player that has supported you, you’ve betrayed them. You made a promise, even had the Xbox and PlayStation logos on the promotional material for the game. And you broke that promise. You let down two entire platforms. Next time you make a promise to an entire community, keep it. The very moment you knew odyssey wasn’t going to work on console you should’ve told us. Not wait after so many updates to Pc to finally tell us. Hey personally cannot afford a PC with the Minimal specs to run EDO. You’ve basically cut the heart out of many of us console players.

A message to my fellow console users Xbox and PlayStation alike, my thoughts are with you, and so are my sympathies.

For the first time in 7 years of playing ED, I am finally uninstalling the game, never to touch it again.

“The past is written, but the future is left for us to write. And we have powerful tools, openness, optimism, and the spirit of curiosity”
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Sincerely, CMDR RDC1 Spartan
(Game Preview Program)
It was distressing news, but you haven't been betrayed or lied to as far as I can see. Sometimes you have to go a certain distance down a road before you realise that it doesn't go where you need to go. I'm pretty sure that is what happened in this case.

I don't think for a minute that when they started out with Odyssey they'd imagined it was going to be such an unwieldy beast to tame.

Sorry you can't afford a PC.
Dear Frontier Development,

Ever since ED was released as a game preview on Xbox, I’ve dumped thousands of hours into this game. Dedicated much of my life to the galaxy you have created in Elite. I’ve seen the story progress, the mysteries appear and be solved, saw the first encounter with Thargoids, experienced Colonia, Sagittarius A, Beagle Point, countless nebula, strange new worlds, boldly going where no man has gone before, and dedicated months of my life to the exploration of the galaxy. I’ve seen updates come, new ships added, I’ve seen things in this game I know I will never see in person. I lived my dream life in your game. And after a long hard thought I’ve finally decided to post my thoughts on your decision.

I feel betrayed, lied to, forgotten, abandoned, and heartbroken. I played this game through the darkest times in my life, and the adventures I’ve been on has saved me from myself. But you’ve done something I cannot forgive….you gave up. You gave up on every single console player that has supported you, you’ve betrayed them. You made a promise, even had the Xbox and PlayStation logos on the promotional material for the game. And you broke that promise. You let down two entire platforms. Next time you make a promise to an entire community, keep it. The very moment you knew odyssey wasn’t going to work on console you should’ve told us. Not wait after so many updates to Pc to finally tell us. Hey personally cannot afford a PC with the Minimal specs to run EDO. You’ve basically cut the heart out of many of us console players.

A message to my fellow console users Xbox and PlayStation alike, my thoughts are with you, and so are my sympathies.

For the first time in 7 years of playing ED, I am finally uninstalling the game, never to touch it again.

“The past is written, but the future is left for us to write. And we have powerful tools, openness, optimism, and the spirit of curiosity”
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Sincerely, CMDR RDC1 Spartan
(Game Preview Program)
Totally with you, be aware that your statement will be tearing apart in the next few hours. It’s wh… bingo time
Dear Frontier Development,

Ever since ED was released as a game preview on Xbox, I’ve dumped thousands of hours into this game. Dedicated much of my life to the galaxy you have created in Elite. I’ve seen the story progress, the mysteries appear and be solved, saw the first encounter with Thargoids, experienced Colonia, Sagittarius A, Beagle Point, countless nebula, strange new worlds, boldly going where no man has gone before, and dedicated months of my life to the exploration of the galaxy. I’ve seen updates come, new ships added, I’ve seen things in this game I know I will never see in person. I lived my dream life in your game. And after a long hard thought I’ve finally decided to post my thoughts on your decision.

I feel betrayed, lied to, forgotten, abandoned, and heartbroken. I played this game through the darkest times in my life, and the adventures I’ve been on has saved me from myself. But you’ve done something I cannot forgive….you gave up. You gave up on every single console player that has supported you, you’ve betrayed them. You made a promise, even had the Xbox and PlayStation logos on the promotional material for the game. And you broke that promise. You let down two entire platforms. Next time you make a promise to an entire community, keep it. The very moment you knew odyssey wasn’t going to work on console you should’ve told us. Not wait after so many updates to Pc to finally tell us. Hey personally cannot afford a PC with the Minimal specs to run EDO. You’ve basically cut the heart out of many of us console players.

A message to my fellow console users Xbox and PlayStation alike, my thoughts are with you, and so are my sympathies.

For the first time in 7 years of playing ED, I am finally uninstalling the game, never to touch it again.

“The past is written, but the future is left for us to write. And we have powerful tools, openness, optimism, and the spirit of curiosity”
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Sincerely, CMDR RDC1 Spartan
(Game Preview Program)

I feel for you, however

I’ve dumped thousands of hours into this game.

I spent more than 3000 hours from end of November 2018 to date.
(And then about the same on my PC accounts that were started on November 2019 and December 2020, but i still play my XB account)

I lived my dream life in your game

You can still do it. It's not like they shutdown the servers
Not at last, it's a pretty fine thing they did with Elite for the money we payed for it (mine was 20€ during XB Black Friday XBox store discounts, back then in 2018)
I'm really grateful for the amount of fun i got during those thousands of hours

The very moment you knew odyssey wasn’t going to work on console you should’ve told us

I think they did exactly that.
Dr Kay Ross confirmed that when she left FD, the port to consoles was still on the table and the announcement surprised her as much as it surprised us

Hey personally cannot afford a PC with the Minimal specs to run EDO.

That's rough, but that's not exactly their fault and it's not like they didn't tried to make it work.
  • you will get a free copy of Horizons if you chose to migrate/copy profile to PC.
  • you can buy EDO for that copy of Horizons
  • you can run Edge Chromium on XB
  • you can pay 10€ per month for a GeforceNow subscription (or use the free subscription with longer queues and only 1h gaming sessions)
  • you can run EDO through GeforceNow on your XBox

But well, you uninstalled... hopefully you do find another game to keep you busy for as long while spending as little money
I've got it on console and put dozens of hours into it all which were enjoyable aside from grinding for engineering mats... But.. A last gen console that whilst isn't EOL, it can't be far off. In fact, if it wasn't for the semi conductor shortage I'd speculate it would be even further on it's way to being phased out entirely as the PS5 has been out some time now but not had a great deal of availability or affordability for many. Suspect similar for Xbox?
Frontier have dropped the ball on occasion(s) no doubt. But unless you bought the game on the day of announcement... Or after! I don't understand anyone who has put hundreds, never mind thousands of hours into a game could now feel cheated. You've had your monies worth - IMO. The game has been out YEARS. Things change and time waits for no one. Nothing last forever etc etc Not even a small audience of a relatively niche title on a console on it's way out.

If it brought you such joy.. Don't be sad its over, smile that it happened. And all that jazz. Apologies for sounding condescending, but manage some of your expectations commanders, you'll maybe feel much better about it.

I feel for you, however

I spent more than 3000 hours from end of November 2018 to date.
(And then about the same on my PC accounts that were started on November 2019 and December 2020, but i still play my XB account)

You can still do it. It's not like they shutdown the servers
Not at last, it's a pretty fine thing they did with Elite for the money we payed for it (mine was 20€ during XB Black Friday XBox store discounts, back then in 2018)
I'm really grateful for the amount of fun i got during those thousands of hours

I think they did exactly that.
Dr Kay Ross confirmed that when she left FD, the port to consoles was still on the table and the announcement surprised her as much as it surprised us

That's rough, but that's not exactly their fault and it's not like they didn't tried to make it work.
  • you will get a free copy of Horizons if you chose to migrate/copy profile to PC.
  • you can buy EDO for that copy of Horizons
  • you can run Edge Chromium on XB
  • you can pay 10€ per month for a GeforceNow subscription (or use the free subscription with longer queues and only 1h gaming sessions)
  • you can run EDO through GeforceNow on your XBox

But well, you uninstalled... hopefully you do find another game to keep you busy for as long while spending as little money
I think he made it totally clear that he has not the effort to stick with this choices.

in all goodwill, let the people state their opinion, without constantly defending this decision. Not everyone aren’t willing to play on pc or streaming,

don’t get it as an personal attack, but with your passion for the game and Fdev you should get hired by them. 😜

And really that’s not personal I respect you for that, but sometime you couldn’t change peoples minds, I know it, because before all of that happens i was at the same way passionate like you about elite, defending their decision hyping up EDO, get over 20 peoples to the games on consoles.

Ps: not forget, I play EDO on pc since a few weeks. But my expectation are at silent running.
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don’t get it as an personal attack, but with your passion for the game and Fdev you should get hired by them. 😜

My point is we got alot from Elite.
Obviously it's going to end eventually.
Most probably sooner on consoles than on pc, but it's going to end eventually on pc too. 🤷‍♂️

Till then, we can still play and there are choices to play EDO on XB.
Not optimal indeed - playing in browser at 1080p probably would probably not look very nice on a 4k tv, but at least there is the option.
My point is we got alot from Elite.
Obviously it's going to end eventually.
Most probably sooner on consoles than on pc, but it's going to end eventually on pc too. 🤷‍♂️

Till then, we can still play and there are choices to play EDO on XB.
Not optimal indeed - playing in browser at 1080p probably would probably not look very nice on a 4k tv, but at least there is the option.
And perhaps because we get a lot many of us (console) fans, are so dissapointed. Because we was ready to pay for the game to help with our feedback etc. As I mentioned often, I love elite the franchise is totally unique and has a great history especially the first elite opens so many doors for the gaming industry, and then we see how a great IP and a great iteration of it, going downwards. It hurts. Not to forget, many of us made friendships via elite, friends who couldn’t change to pc, or like he and myself, had with elite in the darkest hours the most fun. There are so many guys who will come to pc, and they are welcomed with applause, but when guys simply state that they are and this is totally valid, dissapointed with the cancellation, will be directly cut down, or advise to pay unholy prices for pc for play a already unstable game. For me, I had luck with my offer for the rig, and I will definitely try other space games on pc, like the huge competitor SC. But honestly, if there was no SC or x4 I wouldn’t buy me this rig, just to play elite.

i mean what’s with the wrong add on YouTube ? They could simply change it, but till this moment, the trailers of EDO telling peoples it will be available for consoles, this things are told a lot of the weight from elite for Fdev, and this is sad.


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i think what looks like pc players lacking empathy is the fact that we knew this would happen way before they announced it.
from the very first day of the "alpha" it was pretty obvious that this won´t come to consoles, and i think to remember that was the consensus in the forums back then.
to be honest, maybe we do lack some empathy, because things like that are the very reason we prefer the hassle of a pc over the convenience of a console.
all this talk about consoles being inferior is not just elitist behavior, but rooted in technical facts.

in the end, they chose the better of two bad options.
sacrifice the platforms for their vision of the game, or sacrifice their vision for the platforms.
people act like they tossed a coin and made no efford at all.
they tried for the better of a year, and it was a neccessary technical decision.
i mean i want to think that, maybe they did toss a coin, who knows

at least they have a more or less good reason,
wanna talk about console exclusives being developed, but not available on pc ;)
Once the transfers have happened the console version will be written off or a totally separate game as BGS will only be EDO lite ( their main push ). Until then EDH is still a viable game I've had 8 month plus in game time which I enjoyed . Yes there will be no bug fixes but most have been around for years . Yes we will get no additional content but that also has been around for years. The odd breadcrumb was thrown and was eagerly gobbled up even when broken and not really implemented well . But we were happy , we had lore and people who lived for Elite and player content and all was right with the game . I know Dr Kay said the in Oct they were still trying to get it to work on console ( last gen) but my belief is that the heart had gone and that soon after they gave up and never even tried to get it to work on next gen ( like they did with many of the other games) .
I bought series X as I believed that my Xbox one would never run EDO . So even with my limited knowledge of stuff I understood that Edo on Xbox one was never going to happen . We called console not getting EDO months before the eventual official response . But then to blame consoles for the slow response of the many fixes and improvements , well we know that was untrue but consoles were scapegoated ( remember EDO was blamed on connectivity issues ).
The DLC was rushed out not even a quarter finished and over a year later the PC pilots will have to wait for "new content" . I felt sorry for Art when he had to say ship interiors were not envisioned as it would be boring gameplay as he clearly didn't believe this ( my thoughts) . So the dev ( not Cm's) Team are happy to push untruths or anything to cover their bahoochies but are happy to get someone else to take the flak. Since the official no console EDO their has been no major jumps in the visuals or performance or gameplay for many and the communication has again dropped to pre EDO .
I don't trust the Fdev team .
I am disappointed in them .
I played Elite in spectrum days then on Amiga and again on Xbox . I've had months of fun and I'm truly grateful for that time.
I really hope that PC get a great game but please be ready for other excuses or it's not our fault it was "insert who-evers " fault they are running out of things and people to blame .
i think what looks like pc players lacking empathy is the fact that we knew this would happen way before they announced it.
from the very first day of the "alpha" it was pretty obvious that this won´t come to consoles, and i think to remember that was the consensus in the forums back then.
to be honest, maybe we do lack some empathy, because things like that are the very reason we prefer the hassle of a pc over the convenience of a console.
all this talk about consoles being inferior is not just elitist behavior, but rooted in technical facts.

in the end, they chose the better of two bad options.
sacrifice the platforms for their vision of the game, or sacrifice their vision for the platforms.
people act like they tossed a coin and made no efford at all.
they tried for the better of a year, and it was a neccessary technical decision.
i mean i want to think that, maybe they did toss a coin, who knows

at least they have a more or less good reason,
wanna talk about console exclusives being developed, but not available on pc ;)
Sony throws out all their exclusive games to pc, and Xbox exclusive games although available on pc. In my very own opinion, Fdev moving into the wrong direction in this Case, there are more pc exclusive games available, just to the limits od consoles, no doubts about that. But elite ? I mean honestly ? Red dead redemptions need lesser power then elite and it’s an absolutely eye catcher. Therefore i would like to know how elite works really, I mean it feels like a lite version of streaming plays, because when you have no connection to their server you couldn’t play the game. Because of what? When I understand it right they storage all explored planets on their server, so correct me if I’m wrong, my pc or consoles just request the assets and stats of the system, and load it when I hit a system, under this circumstances where the heck, is going the unholy Hardware Hunger ? Load my rig or console all the assets when I entering the systems or what? I mean honestly the graphic couldn’t be that thing. Totally speculative in here but could it have been to do with that?

my point is, ok the old gen couldn’t handled it, ok accepted, but what is with ps5 or Xbox series ? They are potent enough to play this game,.

tinfoling in here:

perhaps the not moved add on YouTube and the fact that we can play with our console commander after the transfer further leave a little sliphole open, that they announce someday a next gen version. But till then, Easter and Christmas is falling on the same day, the FAST radio telescope discovery is confirmed via video evidence and Star citizien is finished and runs on consoles including wii
Another question, I just bought full game on for my PC and plan on using the transfer service in September, question is should I wait until then to install the game on my PC or will I have issues if I install now? Also if sucks, Fdev dropped the ball and if I had not been able to buy EDO for whopping 15 dollars would not have bought. Guess it is what it is, Still have NMS on my series X.
Another question, I just bought full game on for my PC and plan on using the transfer service in September, question is should I wait until then to install the game on my PC or will I have issues if I install now? Also if sucks, Fdev dropped the ball and if I had not been able to buy EDO for whopping 15 dollars would not have bought. Guess it is what it is, Still have NMS on my series X.
You have a choice to get the free copy in Sept or overwrite your PC account.
I'm using the current time to figure my way round Ody content ahead of time.
There's a fair amount of button mapping and new controls to get used to.
Sony throws out all their exclusive games to pc,
do they? I know just recently a few older titles are makign their way to PC and I absolutely celebrate that, but unlike Xbox exclusives I would say barely 50% of Sony exclusives come to PC and those that do are REALLY old.
PS5/ X1 X could run ED:O i am convinced of that. I can only think of 1 reason FD would choose not to release on those platforms and that is they do not see it as worth it for the amount of time taken for a game which is not getting that much dev time any more. This is a guess......... the proof of the pudding is in the eating imo so lets see what happens going forward.... the last 12 months have certainly not offered much new, but that may not be a telling sign IF there is a team of people working on the next expansion.

if there isnt however then ED is not getting much love imo.
do they? I know just recently a few older titles are makign their way to PC and I absolutely celebrate that, but unlike Xbox exclusives I would say barely 50% of Sony exclusives come to PC and those that do are REALLY old.
PS5/ X1 X could run ED:O i am convinced of that. I can only think of 1 reason FD would choose not to release on those platforms and that is they do not see it as worth it for the amount of time taken for a game which is not getting that much dev time any more. This is a guess......... the proof of the pudding is in the eating imo so lets see what happens going forward.... the last 12 months have certainly not offered much new, but that may not be a telling sign IF there is a team of people working on the next expansion.

if there isnt however then ED is not getting much love imo.
A year and a bit ago FDev were convinced they could get Odyssey running on all platforms…
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