Console Update

Just logged in on PS4 and sat wondering what to do in ED today.
Usually I log in knowing what I'm gonna do for next couple of hours........

<Geat Idea!> 🥳..........and SHUTTING DOWN FC HMS Beagle V6L-G3N to ALL CMDRS (except me) in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...........byeeee, o7 Cmdrs.........
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Just logged in on PS4 and sat wondering what to do in ED today.
Usually I log in knowing what I'm gonna do for next couple of hours........

<Geat Idea!> and SHUTTING DOWN FC HMS Beagle V6L-G3N to ALL CMDRS (except me) in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...........byeeee, o7 Cmdrs.........
I'm sure it was for the good of the carrier! ;)
Except they are continuing to support EDH on console its just that you won't be getting Oddysey 🤷‍♂️

Well. Question is. Can you call that Support ?
Because they are Stuck on an Unfinished Game for which Development has Ceased.

In case you dont know the meaning behind "Critical Updates" it basicly means that unless there is some Fatal Bug or Security Hole or something Discovered in the Game.
They wont do anything with it anymore.

Its also gonna result in alot of calls for Removing the Game from the Store. Because all the Advertisement for this Game is Based on this Games Future. On David Brabens Dream.
All of which just Turned out to be a Lie for Console Players.
But if you just Search for Elite Dangerous you wont even be pointed out to that Distinction. Which means even right now. This Advertisement of the Future of Large Planets that you can Walk around on and where you can Fight Ground Battles with your Rifle on Foot. Will still be Shown to anyone looking up Elite Dangerous.

Frankly. This will get very Ugly over the next few Months.
Thank you for making a difficult decision Sir David (and Frontier) and i hope this allows you to focus on getting the best out of Elite going forward.
Frontier have been focused on getting the best out of the Windows version for months, so I don't really expect much to change. All this jam tomorrow stuff seems ... optimistic and based on no information released by Frontier.

The resource saved may already have been shifted, to other upcoming IPs that Frontier need to save their bacon (or maybe Quorn bacon).
That is a very good example of a game developed for console development. No Mans Sky was created with consoles in mind as primary platform. I can only imagine how much better NMS would be if it wasn't limited by consoles specifications. Probably it would be less cartoony.
however,with console, you know what you have to work with,if it works for 1,it works for all,that is the trade off.
Frontier have been focused on getting the best out of the Windows version for months, so I don't really expect much to change. All this jam tomorrow stuff seems ... optimistic and based on no information released by Frontier.

The resource saved may already have been shifted, to other upcoming IPs that Frontier need to save their bacon (or maybe Quorn bacon).
xbox is a Microsoft ptoduct, has everyone forgotten that?
This is bad news for Console Commanders.
I've no insight but I have a reaction to share, it;s short-term focussed and immediate and I hold that's it's very important.

The decision is made, that's all. For me, the next follow up communication from F.Dev is going to be where I measure my sense of ED's future.
F.Dev needs to provide some relief / goodwill / ease the impact for those on consoles who wish to port over the PC platform.
It's the right thing to do, though not necessarily the thing F.Dev must do of course.

F.Dev's next information and communication on this topic (specifically about providing consoles cmdr's a route to port over full accounts like for like) is one main part of what I looking out for. The other is a clear guidance on what we can expect for PC platform EDO development and beyond in light of the decision to cease console works.

Mr. Braben started and ended his post with sentiment that E.D.'s future is what's in play here. Without a long standing and engaged community, any future will be stunted. The console folks must not be left out in the cold going forward. How they are handled from today going forward (not a comment on the decision to stop console development) will reflect directly on F.Dev for us all to see.

P.S. I am not a console cmdr but genuinely hold that how any part of the community is treated reflects on all the community.

Experience suggests that you should take Frontier predictions for future development with quite a pinch of salt.

I believe they stated (in a financial report somewhere) that they are committed to supporting Odyssey for two years after release. We're almost a year into that. So, if you take that as true, there's another year left of "updates".

After that is anyone's guess. Wouldn't hold your breath.
When I find a game I like I like to help support them by buying the premium currency every once in a while. sadly I made the mistake here. I am sitting on 99k ARX. My own fault and will be reassessing my policy from now on.
What's scarier is when I think about how many 100's of thousands of Arx I have invested in my entire fleet and it probably won't be transferred because Frontier like to be difficult.
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