Console Update

Greetings Commanders,

Elite Dangerous is a game close to my heart.

It’s no secret that Odyssey’s launch was less than ideal, including the need to split the PC/console player base to focus on a PC-only launch. Since Odyssey’s release in May 2021, we have worked tirelessly to improve the Odyssey experience on PC, and whilst we have made great progress there is still more to be done. We have been supporting the pre-Odyssey and post-Odyssey codebases since.

Over the last several months, we have been wrestling with the best way to move forward, and it is with a heavy heart we have decided to cancel all console development. We need to be able to move forward with the story of the game, and in order for us to do this we need to focus on a single codebase. Elite Dangerous will continue on console as it is now together with critical updates, but we will focus on new content updates on PC on the post-Odyssey codebase.

We appreciate this news is not what our console community were hoping for. This was not an easy decision to make, but it was made with the long-term future of Elite Dangerous in mind.

As a player and fan of Elite since the simpler times of the C64, thank you for clarifying the situation.

May I ask that at the very least please offer a full migration path, including a free crossgrade, of the base game from console to PC, and reasonable discount of Odyssey if possible. It would be something that would make a bitter pill somewhat easier to swallow. Retaining console users and migrating them to PC has to be number one priority in light of this news.

There will be fallout and loss of users no matter, but offering a migration path will mitigate this as much as is possible, especially if the path is left open until Odyssey is rolled into the base game as with Horizons.
This is bad. Like: real bad. We hoped we could see far less fragmentation in the future, but at this point... I am almost afraid to ask but... What about putting horizons and Odyssey players together on PC? Is that an abandoned feature too?
Not the most surprising news, but still a shock nonetheless. Cancelling console development for this reason does objectively cement Odyssey as a failed product, but hopefully this ends up being ED's lowest point in the long run... hope to see things improve for PC players from this point forward.
Thank you for the clarification. It's a bit :-( as we were looking forward to our console brethren (and sisterhood) joining us "on foot", but needs must, and what's done is done.
The positives that I can take from this are that unshackled from the ongoing millstone of speculation re consoles - and any technical restrictions (if any such things existed) - the development can forge ahead with new energy and enthusiasm and we have new content, story and features to look forward to over the forthcoming years.
I gotta say, I am genuinely angry. Partly my own fault for optimistically believing Odyssey really would come to consoles eventually despite all the evidence.

but jeez - bought it to play on Mac, Mac support dropped; no worries I will buy it for Xbox… now that’s been dropped as well. VR too but at least I wasn’t invested in that.

maybe my memory is failing me, but I can’t recall any time in almost 40 years of gaming where the feature set and platform support for a game has been repeatedly stripped back like this. It seems like the logical endpoint of a development process that completely underestimated the effort needed for a multiplatform live service game and never managed to dig themselves out of the hole they got into years back.

I guess my ED adventure ends here - no wish to buy a PC just for one game, nor to keep playing ED legacy.

and to announce this surely, surely knowing the very first question would be “can we transfer to PC” and having no answer… mind boggling lack of foresight? Or holding off on more bad news till later?

Disgusted :(
Please, Don't say that my friend. I'm a huge fan, I take a LOT of heat here in the forum posting your videos, but don't say "it's a shame".
Fdev explained why: single codebase.
Develop for multiple platforms is not easy, and for a live game is even harder. Enter in the details on that would only make things worse.

Now is time to move forward and (at least try) to focus on the good side. Elite will move forward; faster with focous.

i cant wait till they say code base for pc is too hard and there shutting it down ... will you still have the same outlook?
While this is obviously disappointing news for console players, Horizons will live on, and Horizons is a great game.

Streamlining the scope to ED:O should bring valuable resources together, advancing the progress of ED:O in a controlled, manageable way, and presumably result in a higher quality product.

The decision makes sense to me.
Horizons is a dead parrot.

Even with servers running for some time ahead. Eventually there will be only PC Odyssey - it is inevitable.
Just for those acting as if they're destroying everything relating to consoles...

The console versions aren't being shut down and destroyed, they're just not going to get Odyssey and/or the 4.0 client. It sucks, yes, but you can still continue to play Horizons.
The game as it is now, with no CGs or other involvement, at least that's how I take it. Sure, it'll be around for a while, but without any engagement and a loss in the player base, it's as good as dead.
So why we should stay on horizon when everything going foreward but HRZN not? Makes no sense to me
If you still enjoy playing the game as it is today, it seems odd to stop playing a game that you enjoy. The question should really be 'why would you stop playing it?' It's a choice for the individual to make obviously, it just seems a bit like cutting your nose off to spite your face.

This is a shame for console players obviously, I never thought Odyssey would see the light of day on last gen consoles but I did think there was a reasonable chance of a version making it to the new gen.
you have let down every single console player that supported this game, spent money on your store and put time into this game. Not everyone that plays on console can afford to buy a PC so with this news you have lost a lot of support. Will never by into another frontier product ever again as all you ever did was lie to the community.
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