Crime and punishment system is a joke. Needs sorting Fdev!

You can also do it via missions where difficulty can be built in- so a player can choose a low end mission for little reward (but also minimal risk) while those who want high return can risk far more.
You mean like how the mission generation system spits out way too many wing missions, pushes non-wing missions off the board, and people whined to make wing assassinations less difficult and more predictable because there were no regular non-wing missions for them to take?
With the Thargoid distraction gone, everyone and their mama is now going murder hobo in anarchy systems once again. We've already lost 3 of our 28 systems in the last two weeks, despite valiantly trying to defend them. There is too much downward pressure to cope with, unless you want to turn the game into a full time job. We had a good run, but it seems we're finally done for. 🖖
Some of us are setting up anarchy farms in abandoned systems, but I guess no one cares if they destroy anarchy PMFs as long as they get their stuff. But if one takes the time to search there are many places one can go without dumping on some anarchy PMF.
With the Thargoid distraction gone, everyone and their mama is now going murder hobo in anarchy systems once again. We've already lost 3 of our 28 systems in the last two weeks, despite valiantly trying to defend them. There is too much downward pressure to cope with, unless you want to turn the game into a full time job. We had a good run, but it seems we're finally done for. 🖖
Have you tried handing over your Odyssey settlements to other factions so they take the INF hit from raiding/reduce raiding altogether? I would think that's your only shot at maintaining system control when you've got mat-hungry CMDRs lurking about. Best of luck o7
You mean like how the mission generation system spits out way too many wing missions, pushes non-wing missions off the board, and people whined to make wing assassinations less difficult and more predictable because there were no regular non-wing missions for them to take?
I mean stick to the plan, and give a firm but fair smack to the buttocks for dissenters.

For Powerplay this means elaborating on what we have, which indeed does use wing missions because they are (or should be) harder than top end solo missions, as well as build in teamplay since its Powerplay.

There should be a mix though, with a good range at all times- but even then with engineering most 'top end' jobs are quite pedestrian. For a laugh once I stacked four pirate 'lords' as well as being wanted in one small system. Dropping to the nav they all said hello together along with the police and a cheeky pirate Adder who tickled my cargo hatch while all this was happening. This was actually a bit of a challenge, and how things should be.

The problem is that the difficulty curve is borked, and that the Threat 1-10 scale is (for humans) not consistent and not really well integrated into missions (unlike Goids).
There should be a mix though, with a good range at all times- but even then with engineering most 'top end' jobs are quite pedestrian. For a laugh once I stacked four pirate 'lords' as well as being wanted in one small system. Dropping to the nav they all said hello together along with the police and a cheeky pirate Adder who tickled my cargo hatch while all this was happening. This was actually a bit of a challenge, and how things should be.
Yeah, the range is a big thing. Another thing I've noticed is that once you get allied (as well has having a good combat rank) the numbers for some missions get absolutely ludicrous - when I started, "massacre" missions in CZs would ask for 4-12 ships, which is like... one, maybe two low-medium zones depending on how things go with the scenarios before the zone is complete. Nowadays I rarely see a mission for fewer than 70 - and then when I'm on the way to the zone they'll be like "hey can you do this in 30 minutes or less". Unless I'm playing on my day off I don't have time for that sort of nonsense, and that isn't even a wing mission.

Wing missions ask for the exact same numbers but pay less.
Yeah, the range is a big thing. Another thing I've noticed is that once you get allied (as well has having a good combat rank) the numbers for some missions get absolutely ludicrous - when I started, "massacre" missions in CZs would ask for 4-12 ships, which is like... one, maybe two low-medium zones depending on how things go with the scenarios before the zone is complete. Nowadays I rarely see a mission for fewer than 70 - and then when I'm on the way to the zone they'll be like "hey can you do this in 30 minutes or less". Unless I'm playing on my day off I don't have time for that sort of nonsense, and that isn't even a wing mission.

Wing missions ask for the exact same numbers but pay less.
The mission system actually makes a lot of sense from a PP perspective, given its (in V1) mindless grinding. For example if you had cargo missions that had set cargo you can price in rival NPCs. For example move 750 Kumo Burgers but you also have to deal with a few G3 Pattypals. By stacking missions like this you price in what NPCs you get (unlike now) so that you work for your merits. You could use any mission too- for example VIPs could be wanted spies that on scan trigger a massive attack (so you need some skill to avoid scans). With time you could build a whole PP flavoured board, build in graded danger and be a template to update the vanilla non PP aspect.
It's just so weird.. There are many other missions or POIs where the ship just line up to be terminated one after another.. The same happens in RES, you attack someone in a wing and the rest of the wing will watch until you scored the kill, then finally they might aggro.. 🤷‍♂️
you attack someone in a wing and the rest of the wing will watch until you scored the kill, then finally they might aggro..
...and most often the rest of the wing won't aggro on you even if you kill one of the wingmen. The wingman you're shooting doesn't even do evasive maneuvers, never mind shooting back. It's completely broken—pirate wings used to be a considerable threat in haz RES-s, now it's just shooting fish in the barrel.

On the other hand, drop into a massacre mission POI and everything starts shooting at you after one of them finishes their scan. But sometimes all the ships are sysauth and clean, just sitting there doing nothing...
...and most often the rest of the wing won't aggro on you even if you kill one of the wingmen. The wingman you're shooting doesn't even do evasive maneuvers, never mind shooting back. It's completely broken—pirate wings used to be a considerable threat in haz RES-s, now it's just shooting fish in the barrel.

On the other hand, drop into a massacre mission POI and everything starts shooting at you after one of them finishes their scan. But sometimes all the ships are sysauth and clean, just sitting there doing nothing...
Its why when I stacked those four missions and got four angry Corvettes / Anacondas / police I actually had to break out my meat spatula and start flipping.

Long (long) ago we had this in 2.x (IIRC) BGS lockdowns- roving wings of proper naval ships that (if you were hostile i.e. red in SC) zoomed in- TLDR is that sometimes you can't beat what RNG daddy can bring and I kind of feel missions sometimes don't capture those days where it all goes sideways unexpectedly. Or my favourite when a refugee convoy appeared in the middle of a CZ (i.e. two POIs were superimposed).

I think sometimes ED is best when its random- I feel the enemy is really predictability and that if Dav let the variables slacken a tad would make the game far more interesting.
Its this reason alone that PP V2 needs to (sorry mods!) be Open slanted or simply be really, really hard at the top end where the players do the most.

Given its got a ten tier pathway (with subsequent care parcels) I dearly want that to be earnt in blood- its also why I want to see modules mixed here too. You want the goodies, then get involved- none of this Tesco shopping shenanigans.
There should be no rewards. In Foxhole it's all just war effort and that works well enough. If PvP needs incentives to attract players it's not the right audience that plays the game. PvP is its own reward. (Plus you get licence to teabag). Get the competetive stuff to scale proper to the audience and the amount of players doing it. PP should be ideal vehicle to negotiate time and place for mayhem, a game this big in world size needs that. Rewards should be just swagger. Let the Aisling fans eat out of our sweaty shoes for a week, then show them again who's boss.
There should be no rewards. In Foxhole it's all just war effort and that works well enough. If PvP needs incentives to attract players it's not the right audience that plays the game. PvP is its own reward. (Plus you get licence to teabag). Get the competetive stuff to scale proper to the audience and the amount of players doing it. PP should be ideal vehicle to negotiate time and place for mayhem, a game this big in world size needs that. Rewards should be just swagger. Let the Aisling fans eat out of our sweaty shoes for a week, then show them again who's boss.
Then what about the rewards for CGs, Thargoid attacks etc? All those shiny paints, modules and perks?

Are they the 'right audience' if they need enticing?
Then what about the rewards for CGs, Thargoid attacks etc? All those shiny paints, modules and perks?

Are they the 'right audience' if they need enticing?
CGs are essentially one shots so a different thing from PP but while the occasional enticement such as decals or paint isn’t a bad thing exclusive modules are a little too much. CGs can be great ways to unlock something for the game as a whole though.
CGs are essentially one shots so a different thing from PP but while the occasional enticement such as decals or paint isn’t a bad thing exclusive modules are a little too much. CGs can be great ways to unlock something for the game as a whole though.
But there is no difference- its still an enticement for doing something outside of the vanilla loop of the game.

And PP is essentially an ongoing CG, but between eleven powers that is explicitly antagonistic.
If it's true like Frontier said that everything you do affects the PP, then IMO it rather sounds like BGS and PP has gotten a lot more connected. But time will tell...
If it's true like Frontier said that everything you do affects the PP, then IMO it rather sounds like BGS and PP has gotten a lot more connected. But time will tell...
In a way both can be true—if you're pledged every action you take in a system affects PP, but it doesn't matter which minor faction is in charge and you don't have to micromanage the BGS to keep the "right" faction in control.

I've said it many times before and I never tire of saying it: BGS should be changed back into the background simulation and made ungovernable by players via the use of expansion constraints, influence decay, obfuscation and frequent random events (like the local 1% influence faction attempting a coup and starting a civil war in the process, solar flares causing disaster states even in elated boom systems, a bunch of pirates riding in to try and steamroll the neighbourhood, controlling non-native faction suddenly deciding to pack their bags and leave because of reasons etc).
In a way both can be true—if you're pledged every action you take in a system affects PP, but it doesn't matter which minor faction is in charge and you don't have to micromanage the BGS to keep the "right" faction in control.

I've said it many times before and I never tire of saying it: BGS should be changed back into the background simulation and made ungovernable by players via the use of expansion constraints, influence decay, obfuscation and frequent random events (like the local 1% influence faction attempting a coup and starting a civil war in the process, solar flares causing disaster states even in elated boom systems, a bunch of pirates riding in to try and steamroll the neighbourhood, controlling non-native faction suddenly deciding to pack their bags and leave because of reasons etc).
Yes, I suppose you're right it could mean both.. We'll just have to wait and see.

I'm not sure about your proposal to make BGS "ungovernable", I think you're proposing to take away an activity that has proven quite popular with the players..
I'm not sure about your proposal to make BGS "ungovernable", I think you're proposing to take away an activity that has proven quite popular with the players..
I believe BGS is popular because PP 1.0 is so lacklustre (and because PMF-s are a thing). I suspect that if PP was more varied, not restricted to just hauling trinkets and shooting low level NPC-s who don't offer any challenge whatsoever, and had more factions (11 factions now, 4 of which are imps), it would be far more popular.

But we have now successfully derailed the original topic🤪
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