Ships Cutter or corvette?

I cant decide what ship I want to purchase. Cutter or corvette? If I get one of these ships, I will use it for bounty hunting (pve).
Corvette is slow, poor jump range, better weapon convergence and power distributor.

Cutter is fast, drifts like a Lakon 9 on an ice rink, has worse weapon convergence and a weaker PD.

If you don't mind it taking a while to travel between RES sites and you won't get annoyed about the Corvette not being able to chase down runners, I think it will be the better pve ship.
The Cutter is an extreme thing, huge and hugely capable armed trader.

Unless you have the Fed or Imp rank to get them, the Anaconda is by far the best of the 3 in terms of accessibility and cost per upgrade.
I have a conda, but im not happy with it. I kinda want a corvette, but im only midmanship, and im viscount in the empire, so the cutter might be a better choice.
Tuub kinda said it all. That said, if you are not happy with the Anaconda I can almost assure you that you will not be happy with either Cutter or Corvette.
Naw, I think the conda is good with combat and all, but the reason I dont like it is becauss I really dont like how it looks, however, I think the cutter looks better, and its still good at combat.
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In PvE Corvette is the best imo. I really really enjoy to fly with it. It feels unbeatable. Especially it has better yaw/pitch rate than Conda. Strongly recommend.
PVE only and if you don't care about jump range, then Corvette; you need Rear Admiral rank in the Federation to purchase it.
Maneuvers good, better than the Anaconda, a bit faster as well, but still slow if compared to any other ship. Good shields, class 8 PP and PD. Jump range laughable 12 ly combat fitted.

Cutter is another animal entirely, fast, but it does not turn, it simple does not. In a RES your chances are to hit asteroids as a basis because the huge drift.
However it has class 8 internal compartments, monster shields, better armor, acceptable jump range fully combat fitted, plus is arguably prettier than most ships.
It has class 7 PD which barely allows it to fire all its weapons for a decent amount of time or at all if too energy hungry. requires Duke rank on the Empire.

In short, bot ships are large, very large, heavily armed; but the Corvette is a true combat vessel and the Cutter an armored transport.

If you want to grind on RES or combat zones then the Corvette is the ship to pick.

This is just my opinion though.
Basically everything has been said.
If you want to fight but not jump, then go for the Corvette.
If you want to trade and take nice selfies, take the Cutter.

Sure, there will be people here soon who tell you how amazing the Cutter can be in combat, that it's the only ship that handles right for its size and that we are all doing it wrong.
But those probably wipe the floor of every hazardous extraction site in a T9 and with their eyes closed on a daily basis.
Good for them but we mere mortals should look for other combat vessels.

And the pragmatic choice would still be the Conda. Does everything well, costs less, needs no rank.
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for fight only, take the Anaconda cause the jump range of the Corvette will drive you crazy.

for Multi-purpose take either the Anaconda or the Cutter, both are great.

for exploration only, take the Anaconda.

for trading, take the Cutter.

The Corvette full build costs 1 Billion for a jump range of 11 Ly...
Between Cutter and Corvette I'd take the Corvette, I couldn't fly the Cutter any good on the beta server.

Though I'll probably get an Anaconda instead of either of them.
Cutter is to the Corvette as the T-9 is to the Python.

A more expensive ship exclusively for trading.

Buy the Corvette. It's only real problem is jump range.
I think I'll go with the cutter due to its multirole capabilities and combat capabilities, and its nice looks., which is more important than anything else.
I own both.

Unless you are looking to ABAB trade exclusively, get the corvette. Cutter is a pig - you have been warned.
I think I'll go with the cutter due to its multirole capabilities and combat capabilities, and its nice looks., which is more important than anything else.
I've flown the Cutter and the role it is least suited to is PvE bounty hunting. If looks really matter that much to you, go ahead, but I warn you that the Cutter handles more like a fast Type-9 than that Anaconda you despise so much.
I own both.

Unless you are looking to ABAB trade exclusively, get the corvette. Cutter is a pig - you have been warned.
actually, as of recently, i've gotton so sick of trading that i have decided to just stick to the conda, but thanks for the tip. now if only i didnt have to grind for it, i would not stick the o so ugly conda.
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I also own both, and I think a lot of the negativity I'm seeing on this board about them (especially the Cutter) is more based on players expectation of the ships before they were released, rather than the ships themselves. Get past that, and they're both pretty good ships - although a little 'niche'. If you want to show other players that size IS important but retain some versatility - go with the 'Conda.

I've found the Corvette to be the strongest in combat of the two new ships - it's an aggressive boat with great weapons convergence...those two huge hardpoints can be deadly in the right hands, but I've found a lot of CMDR's have got a little too excited about those two huge points - twin PA's are only any good if you can hit with 'em. Stick with summat gimballed if you can't! It's weak-spots, such as they are, are it's teeny jump range and it's speed - the fact my Corvette is named The Continental Drift should give you some idea. Smaller, nippy ships could give you problems.

The Cutter is probably better suited to defence, so I personally wouldn't go picking big fights in this one - great shields, nothing is gonna mass lock you except another Cutter, and she's quick for her size as long as you don't want her to turn in a hurry, or stop turning once she's started. Outstanding as an armed trader and will quite happily keep whole gangs of pirates at bay while you calmly select your destination and sedately jump away.

As for bounty hunting - well, it's all down to personal preference, and personally, I wouldn't use either of 'em. I'd use the Fer De Lance. This badboy got me to Elite in combat in no time (once I got the hang of the micro-managing the power supply) and although I haven't flown one for ages, I understand it got some big love in the last update - more power and better maneuverability I believe? Anyhoo, it's my combat ship of choice, as opposed to either of the new behemoths. :)
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