David Braben will answer your questions at 4PM GMT/UTC

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Hi David - do you have an opinion on the theory that multiplayer + injected events will never truly deliver immersion and replayability, and that significant resources should be devoted to creating an advanced dynamic mission generation system that would give each player their own unique journey though the galaxy?
Hi David, one of class of 1984's here. Kudos to you for jumping on the forums - it was just about the very best thing you could have done to quiet the naysayers since the last newsletter.

My question, and one of the best suggestions that I have heard on reddit, is: are there any plans for a race series in game? Short course events (e.g. around/through capital ships or stations, on planetary surfaces) or long course (multi-system fetch races) would be great, and would offer an alternate income stream versus mining/pirating/trading. It would also give us something different to do from our usual in-game career (think of it as being like a 'weekend' activity/hobby for us IRL), and the reports would certainly liven up Galnet. I would imagine that this could be implemented with relatively minimal coding and using the current game assets.

Your thoughts?
How much of the background simulation as described in the DDA and dev diary will be ready by launch?

Thanks for answering questions. Hopefully this one has not yet been asked.

I would very much like to know this as well, but it seems that questions regarding background simulation and multiplayer features are being avoided...
Our plan is to look at this in detail after we have shipped PC, so I'm afraid I don't have any dates for you. Why are you against Bootcamp? I use it all the time on my laptop.

Basically I just don't want to put Windows on my Mac. If it came down to needing to have Windows, I'd have rather built a whole separate Windows system just for ED than do that. But I'm hoping not to have to do that. :)
Thanks to you and the team for producing such an amazing game Mr Braben. Two questions:

1. I really enjoy the game's trading mechanics. In the future could we have the ability (maybe a ship module) to plot and save system way points? For example, if I know trade route A is 5 jumps, I could store each of those systems as a series of way points. Then the ship module would let me easily select/verify my next destination before I hit the frame shift. I'd also have a library/history of trade routes saved up (and use less paper)!

2. Someone asked previously if ship modules would be available at stations in a less random manner. You said ships themselves would be more predictable based on system type, but wondering if you could answer about ship modules specifically?
Are there any plans for future release cycles to test architecture and designs themselves, not just code?
And to test them iteratively, tracing requirements through to design decisions?

Now that we have seen how an architectural / design decision, after having been followed for some time, later prevented offline mode, it would be terrible for any other features to be hampered in this way without warning.

Thanks, Dave
Hi David ,
Thanks for taking the time to talk to everyone a couple of questions
will we be getting a way to see trading prices without having to do at the station or will you be releasing a api for use as some of the guys like Slopey and Cmdr Thrudd,
have been doing a great job in making it a little less boring with their mod and sites, btw I don't want it all handed to me on a plate but something just to save a bit of time like seeing some idea of pricing etc as you enter a system

also I missed the Kickstarter due to illness but happily paid for the alpha is or would it be possible to get the store alphas upgraded to the same level as the kickstarters ones for a small fee as with star citizen you can still get the same level of stuff even now
which would bring in more money to the company for game development and staff etc

also the game looks great even with the bugs that are still being worked on , but i'm started to fear hearing the blue Danube abit ;)
Hello David first i want to tell you good luck with your release. My question is about long term content, in every MMO the only thing that keep most people interested in logging in every day or few times a week is working towards a goal after you get the ships and the equipment you want what elese is there to do? thanks.
No detectable planets does not mean no planets... The main methods for detection at the moment are Doppler movements of the parent star and occultation. Both of these fail if a system is 'flat on' to us - ie if the planets orbit in a plane perpendicular to our viewing direction. So in that case we would be OK leaving them (though we may have to tweak the system axis...). Less flippantly we will look at each one as it is discovered. I hope the discoveries will already be there, in which case we just make an addition to the text box, but in others it may mean adjusting an orbit.

Hi all, I spend a lot of time looking at these light curves as research and feel I can elaborate a little.

We look at the luminosity of a star over time. We tend to get a really nice graph with periodic curves if a planet is partially obscuring the light from the parent star, and further we can literally measure the tidal forces causing the star to wobble if a sufficiently large mass is orbiting it. Both of these techniques can help us estimate the number and size of exoplanets in a particular system, but we can rarely [if ever] detect anything smaller than around Earth's size and mass.

My friend has been working on this project called the Sunflower at NASA for the last three years, and hopefully it will very soon receive full funding and boost our detection methods greatly. Culminating with the launch of TESS [from MIT!] and JWST in the next few years, we're looking at going from a recorded 3-4 thousand exoplanets to tens of thousands, and we will have REAL IMAGES of them, instead of light curves.

[edit: tried to post a video of the Sunflower opening but I can't, so google it]

SO GET HYPE, because our current estimate is an average of 1.4 planets per star, and those are PRETTY BIG planets. With new detection methods and scopes the galaxy is about to feel a lot bigger. Wish all of us in the various astronomy fields luck! Maybe in ten years we'll have data showing atmospheric compositions of some earth-like worlds coming in. ;)
Thanks David for answering questions - much appreciated

and Yes ED works fine on my Mac too under Bootcamp - ED is the ONLY thing I've got on it though - Windoze isn't that scary (-:
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Do you ever get a bit freaked out that so many grown men and women are so passionate about a PC game? Personally, I'm know I'm insane so I've embraced it :D
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