Horizons DBS is now worthless

The Diamondback Scout has always been a hard fit for any job but maybe smuggling and light combat. It on the positive side it had good jump range, a decent weapons load out that combined with very good speed and maneuverability that made it fun to fly. On the down side it had very limited internals that meant you couldn't carry much cargo and were always working the load out to maximize the mission. A bit of a pain to manage but the ship was a blast to fly with plenty of power on tap to keep everything running full blast. If you got in a fight and lost your shields you could always put 4 pips to the shields, 2 to the engines and continuously boost yourself out of trouble.

Well not anymore. For some reason FD decided to nerf the power plant or distributor and the net result is not pretty. When you deploy the weapons you had better have the cargo hold and other things on low priority for starters. I got in a few matches tonight with some Harmless and Mostly Harmless NPCs and they were no problem. I got into it with 3 other times with Competent NPCs and had a bit of a workout with them. Pip management was important as I took them down. They gave a decent fight (I'm not the galaxies greatest fighter pilot) and I enjoyed it. Then came the first Master NPC... Not sure what it was as it took down my shields on the first pass and I struggled to get out of there. I didn't realize what was going on until I ran into my last opponent, who was a Master in a FdL. Both of these masters jumped me in a threat 0 Encoded Emissions USS (Threat 0) and both took my shields down on the first pass (I'm running 2 of the OA shield boosters and a 3A shield) as I was trying to get a lock on them and see what they were. The last one came close to blowing me up as I had no shield and tried to put 4 pips to them and boost like I always did. I took a lot of damage before I put 4 pips to the engines and got out of there which was a real struggle because even with 4 pips the engine capacitor takes longer to charge now. The ship just can't stand up to anything meaner than a competent NPC now that the power management is toast.

The Diamondback had no real use before and even less now. Why was this ship such a problem? So many say others are overpowered but you pick out the weakest ship and render it useless. I feel like I got ripped off as I just bought a paint package (my first for any ship) and the ship has since been rendered un-usable. I should demand my money back. I use to love the DBS but I'm tired of running from everything and having no chance in a fight. Sadly, I must sell it.

This game just gets weirder and weirder as FD goes from one bad idea to the next. Fix 2 things and break 3 more. I'm just getting disgusted with this game. I personally thought the engineers thing was a going to be a mess and ruin the balance that was in the game and I can't see how having ship board fighters and taking passengers will improve the game. Just more pew pew and broken missions if you ask me.
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Sounds ok to me. Speed and low heat signature are its points. It's a very specific Scout for certain things that can mean variation by swaps.
So you had a hard time vs two high end combat ships worth several times your own and still got away but the ship is worthless? It sounds like it's working well within (and possibly exceeding) expectations. DBS is an awesome ship.
Err... your in a ship that was really designed as a cheap long range scouter, not a combat ship. Couple that with the fact you were fighting against high end combat ships and you managed to survive, I think the DBS is doing exceptionally well.

DBS was made popular for its silent running mechanics and relatively good firepower/maneuverability for its size and price. And it still is a good ship.

But you are punching way above your weight class, and the fact that you are still alive is a good testament for the DBS.

The big problem is that pre 2.1 anyone, even in a sidewinder, could take on ANY ship in the game and expect to win relatively easily. People need to move beyond this mindset.

If your in a viper/dbs/cobra/eagle taking on an FDL, you should feel scared, you should be outclassed, and winning should be difficult.
When going up against high end combat NPC, I always make sure I have at least one security vessel with me, I'm a little crazy sure but I'm not stupid. :D
I went A-specced Sidewinder > A-specced DBS > (almost) A-specced Vulture in like a week without any difficulties, and I only bounty hunt in RES. I love my DBS, even with the gimped distributor.
I just bought a DBS (oh how i wish i have bought a real life one but i digress)

I have no interest in PvP which is where it seems this ship really shines, but, as the next "cheap" ship to go for after my Eagle it seems so far a fair progression (i am no where near speccing out yet) (I wanted a change from the adder/cobra upgrade path)

it carries 16 tons in my currant set up, ok weaponry, cheap and ok jump range, which says to me it can do a job.
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still my preferred combatzones ship.

far from worthless.

shields are not really its strenght (yes, it misses some MJ to stand the a-punch of a "heavy" combat ship), but with bulkheads, 1 pointdefence, a small hrp it gets really "hard".

its speed and manouverability should allow you to stay out of enemies firing arc. i recommend flying an eagle for some time again, and than getting back into a DBS.
Err... your in a ship that was really designed as a cheap long range scouter, not a combat ship. Couple that with the fact you were fighting against high end combat ships and you managed to survive, I think the DBS is doing exceptionally well.

DBS was made popular for its silent running mechanics and relatively good firepower/maneuverability for its size and price. And it still is a good ship.

But you are punching way above your weight class, and the fact that you are still alive is a good testament for the DBS.

The big problem is that pre 2.1 anyone, even in a sidewinder, could take on ANY ship in the game and expect to win relatively easily. People need to move beyond this mindset.

If your in a viper/dbs/cobra/eagle taking on an FDL, you should feel scared, you should be outclassed, and winning should be difficult.

You are essentially correct. I don't expect the DBS to out fight a lot of ships as it is unrealistic to expect such performance from such a ship. But why neuter it? There is no point to what they did. I'm not an expert in this but this ship was virtually defenseless and couldn't hardly fly away even on 4 pips to the engines. A couple of points here:
I wasn't taking on anything, I virtually stopped as I was scooping up a chemical processor. The first time was me being a bit slow on the uptake at what was going on... My bad. I put 4 pips to the shields when I realized he was there but the first volley took down the shields and did damage to the systems as I was trying to turn the ship around to see what was there. The second volley did heavy damage and by that time I saw Master and the shape of a FDL (could have been a FAS) so I got the heck out of there with a preplanned jump. Unfortunately when I put 4 pips in the shields and in my haste I had left only one in the engines so boost was killed pretty quick. The second time I didn't have a jump pre-programmed and paid dearly for it. I was quicker to noticed the FdL (Fer de Lance) and I put 2 to the engine and 4 to the shields as I came around to see who was wanting my cargo... Of which I had none (either time) and yes, before anyone comments I'm not pledged to a power, I have no bounties and I wasn't on a mission at anytime I was in combat last night. I'm not dumb enough to do any of that while bumping around a war state and an anarchy looking for mats. By the time I got around and the scan was complete I was under attack, shields down and taking damage. Missiles flying everywhere and lasers blazing. I boosted, jinked and chaffed as best I could while trying to charge the drive, but I found I was mass locked. I finally got enough room to low wake out of there and beat it back to get repairs. Yes, I know high waking is better but it is hard to select a system and fly when you are being attacked.
Both times I was jumped pretty quickly before I knew what was there and taken down hard on the initial volley. My problem wasn't that the NPC were so over powered, my problem was the nerfed power system that just 2 days ago would have gotten me out of a tight spot without much fuss. The power system on this ship is now worse than just about any other I've flown. Heck, it makes the Vultures power system look great. The power system on this ship is one of the reasons I chose this ship and now it is junk.
It just ticks me off. This is just like Battlefield 4 and it's endless rounds of nerfing and buffing every weapon with every update. That is one of the reasons I left that game. They ruined a perfectly good ship for no reason.
still my preferred combatzones ship.

far from worthless.

shields are not really its strenght (yes, it misses some MJ to stand the a-punch of a "heavy" combat ship), but with bulkheads, 1 pointdefence, a small hrp it gets really "hard".

its speed and manouverability should allow you to stay out of enemies firing arc. i recommend flying an eagle for some time again, and than getting back into a DBS.
My current loadout has military bulkheads. http://coriolis.io/outfit/diamondback/24A4A4A2D3A2D4C24240p0p04040000B402v62f.Iw1-kA==.CwBjEYy7tI==?bn=Nasty%20%20Gnat
DBS is my main ship right now. It's far from worthless.

Flying a high speed combat fit 34 ly DBS is way different to an upgraded Vulture.

I've got a 30 on mine and love that... Just don't love the weak power system. I might try a 3a shield to see if it holds up better but I don't think it will.

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how come only small multicannons?

Sorry, they are mediums... missed that. But as you can see, power wasn't an issue before the update, it's not that way now.
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I run a 3A shield + boosters and take it into combat zones right now. No trouble.

edit: also that's what overcharged power plant modifications are for
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That's a good combat build but I'm not normally doing combat. Last night I pick and choose my targets while investigating USS. Normally I don't do combat in a DBS, that is what my FAS is for. I took on a couple of Haulers hoping to get some mechanical componets. I took on a few others for the fun of it. I had a combat DBS before but once I fell in love with the Vulture I sold the DBS. I would still be in the Vulture if it wasn't for terrible views out the front. If I could get a Vulture with views like the DBS I'd be all over it!
As far as an upgraded power supply it's just another numbers game to grind. I'm tired of trying to figure out the what all the crap means... Plus this, minus that. Spend hours looking for unobtainum and then try to figure out what the rolls mean. Menusha like that is just what I hate. I want to play a game that is engaging and not spend time engaging the game. I already have a job, I don't need a second career in game mechanics.

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you are running bi-weaves?

with shieldboosters?
Yeah, is there a problem with that?
Entirely different problem then.

Either way, whether you want to do general combat or just casual combat: you want a small ship to be light.

The only use of going for high mass, hull and integrity is if you plan to use your hull as a resource (ramming and going without shield - even if just partially). Otherwise the drawbacks are too large (reduced top speed, manoeuvrability and jump range).
Sorry for a possible derail, but I think that the Scout series and their sibling Explorers need a bit of a rework.

The Scouts should remain what they are but have their FSD capabilities swapped with the Explorers. That way, the Scouts have the range to... scout, while the Explorers, now less range worthy, are able to actually bring exploration equipment. The idea that scouts have less legs than explorers is bizarre.
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