ok so let me explain this since no one actually plays the game .. this dosetn acatually happen what happens is people go on reddit and post the heatmap of the planets and them they say the terrain repets.. its obvius the elite dangerous community is casual and dosent get ships past the cobra let alone leave the starter systems so they upvote it on reddit lol... the person that is trying to farm karma on reddit with posting (yes they are posts) is just on the hate banwaggon anyway. so
so in conclusion to the 3rd point ...
this wont be fixed because it dosent happen so devs insted of wasting time on someting that dosent happen stop it . stop listening to the people that dont play the game and just watch funny youtubers thatt on the game for hate viwes and y youtube/patreon money .. and actually adress the problems in the game ..
- We understand this is an important topic within the community. As mentioned at the start of the article, we want to share the challenges as well as the positives. Investigations are still ongoing, however, it must be said that this is proving to be a very significant technical challenge. At the current time we do not have a workable solution. BUT, investigations will continue and we will keep you updated.
2 Degraded terrain textures compared to Horizons (https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/32854)
your gona gona improve performance here because the forum dads that have gtxs 650s and intel dual core cpus that have 4 gigs of ddr 3 ram runing at 1200hz cant load the testures ... this is gona keep happening. btw to the forum dads that say they are goan go for sc good luck runing the game with your specs lol
- Pathways have been identified to improve this and a team is actively working on this area
5 FPS performance in Odyssey
not happening btw your gona be able to realse the dlc on the console .. unless its the pro versions .. you know why .. unless you legit delete the engine overhaull you did to odssy and derectly back the fps gameplay to horizons you are out of luck and even them i doubt performance is goan improve in the 12v12s frontline solutions.. performance is fine for people with gtxs 1050 tis that run the game on medium at 720p (its more powerfull tham the ps4s gpu )so unless you do some serius programing on optimasation nothing is gona change . so its a waste of time and dev time . anywyas you should focus on content theres minum bugs etc . no point in pretending the game is a buggy mess when its not . and its time to stop pretending youtubers or influencers have any say on anythign when clearly they dont play the game or trash the game for youtube viwes and keep playing the game lol..
- Pathways have also been identified with performance and the team are actively working on this area.
with that sayd . focus on content rather them non problems . at this point its a waste of dev time trying to fix someting that is not broken . add ship interiors to stationary ships (docked or floating in not moving ) add eva you can do it since i have been doing eva by forcing a bug on porpuse and it works ..
Kelot: "Repeating texture doesn't happen"
Reality disagrees.