Development Update 5 - October

I'm not even suggesting people should like it. God knows, I wouldn't. But there are few things less healthy than getting annoyed about things that are outside of our power to change; impotent fury isn't such a good thing that people should look to invite more of it into their life.
You're not wrong but FD sort of invites this sort of emotion and behavior. They're overly secretive and reactive. Such a bad combination. The end result is people having to nag FD over and over and over to the tune of crickets. Then, after a long wait, people get an acknowledgement (not a fix, just an acknowledgement) of the issue.

All it would take is bi-weekly AMA/Q&A sessions with honest answers to clear things up. Somehow they structured their company/PR/financials/board/whatever in a way that transparency just isn't possible. It's weird!
Multi-limpet is huge, lots of content very few use because it's gated by limpets. Let's hope they don't find a way to balance it into being useless, and let's hope they dont forget small ships...
You'd have to hope they will be either 2 or 3 different kinds of limpet, but at a maximum range and lifetime equivalent of a D or C rated individual controller and perhaps a single limpet of each kind or something. All of which would be ideal for small ships and in particular small explorers. I mean small ships are the ones where a multi controller would benefit the most, many of the demands for the module over the years have come from people with larger ships who are just unwilling to compromise their builds at all. I've never really found 'Oh noes, I can't fit a repair limpet in my Anaconda!' or something to be a compelling argument :D
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I'm not even suggesting people should like it. God knows, I wouldn't. But there are few things less healthy than getting annoyed about things that are outside of our power to change; impotent fury isn't such a good thing that people should look to invite more of it into their life.
What I think may ultimately happen is, if it is released on console, it's not going to live up to the expectations we've built up in our minds and be rather anti-climatic. Then, it's going to be another round of raging about how we waited this long for a release on console and how terrible it is. I hope I'm just being pessimistic, but the gameplay footage I've seen isn't that impressive, all the FPS and performance issues aside. I'm more of an explorer, so hoping the planet tech gets worked out.
Multi-limpet is huge, lots of content very few use because it's gated by limpets. Let's hope they don't find a way to balance it into being useless, and let's hope they dont forget small ships...
Out of curiosity, which content are you referring to? All I could think of is repair/refuel limpet controllers but is there really any content there? Prospector limpets are pretty easy to place into a mining build unless you're a new player with a small ship?

That leaves recon and science limpets but I haven't found much use for those yet. Maybe that's the content I'm missing?
You're not wrong but FD sort of invites this sort of emotion and behavior. They're overly secretive and reactive. Such a bad combination. The end result is people having to nag FD over and over and over to the tune of crickets. Then, after a long wait, people get an acknowledgement (not a fix, just an acknowledgement) of the issue.

All it would take is bi-weekly AMA/Q&A sessions with honest answers to clear things up. Somehow they structured their company/PR/financials/board/whatever in a way that transparency just isn't possible. It's weird!
They've been like this since I started playing though, other than the few occasions when they did trail stuff ahead of time and got the exact same 'are we there yet' approach anyway, with an added side of epic butthurt if plans changed in the interim or even worse, delays!

I'm not saying the way they do it is 'right' or 'wrong', there are different approaches, they all have pros and cons and each company picks theirs. I'm just saying it's in their organisational DNA and isn't likely to change. I'd also say that we are getting way, way more communication at the moment than we were say 12 months ago. As others have said, not liking the message isn't the same thing as there being no message.
Out of curiosity, which content are you referring to? All I could think of is repair/refuel limpet controllers but is there really any content there? Prospector limpets are pretty easy to place into a mining build unless you're a new player with a small ship?

That leaves recon and science limpets but I haven't found much use for those yet. Maybe that's the content I'm missing?
Not sure how they're planning on using it, but I could see it coming in handy for a pirate build where you launch a hatch breaker, then collector limpets.
What I think may ultimately happen is, if it is released on console, it's not going to live up to the expectations we've built up in our minds and be rather anti-climatic. Then, it's going to be another round of raging about how we waited this long for a release on console and how terrible it is. I hope I'm just being pessimistic, but the gameplay footage I've seen isn't that impressive, all the FPS and performance issues aside. I'm more of an explorer, so hoping the planet tech gets worked out.
You want the truth mate? Talking about last gen consoles at least, I think that is the absolute best that's likely to happen. I really won't be shocked at this point if they just have to admit defeat with it. I hope not for the sake of console players, but I certainly can't say I think it's impossible, based on how it runs as of today on PCs with specs way above a PS4.
I'm not saying the way they do it is 'right' or 'wrong', there are different approaches, they all have pros and cons and each company picks theirs. I'm just saying it's in their organisational DNA and isn't likely to change. I'd also say that we are getting way, way more communication at the moment than we were say 12 months ago. As others have said, not liking the message isn't the same thing as there being no message.
Fair point, but at least agree that being a squeaky wheel is what we've been conditioned to do. If everyone just accepted FD's minimum messaging then we'd know nothing. Heck, even Braben's address to the community was a direct response to openly vocal people were.
Fair point, but at least agree that being a squeaky wheel is what we've been conditioned to do. If everyone just accepted FD's minimum messaging then we'd know nothing. Heck, even Braben's address to the community was a direct response to openly vocal people were.
I suspect that might also have been influenced by sales figures and the general panning Odyssey got on release from across the gaming world.
Out of curiosity, which content are you referring to? All I could think of is repair/refuel limpet controllers but is there really any content there? Prospector limpets are pretty easy to place into a mining build unless you're a new player with a small ship?

That leaves recon and science limpets but I haven't found much use for those yet. Maybe that's the content I'm missing?
There are a bunch of scenarios/USS/megaship thingies where you need refuel/repair/recon limpets. Knowing I need and don't have them means I am simply forced to skip them all. :/
You want the truth mate? Talking about last gen consoles at least, I think that is the absolute best that's likely to happen. I really won't be shocked at this point if they just have to admit defeat with it. I hope not for the sake of console players, but I certainly can't say I think it's impossible, based on how it runs as of today on PCs with specs way above a PS4.
That might be the reason for the silence on consoles right now. Maybe it's not so that they don't want to release it on console, Sally said as much and I trust her, but they're trying everything they can to be able to release it on console but aren't there yet. Rather than throwing in the towel now, they're continuing with the optimizations on PC hoping they can get it to a level where it will work on console. If that's the case, then maybe the more vocal we are about news on consoles the more likely we're just shooting ourselves in the foot by pressuring them to give up.
You want the truth mate? Talking about last gen consoles at least, I think that is the absolute best that's likely to happen. I really won't be shocked at this point if they just have to admit defeat with it. I hope not for the sake of console players, but I certainly can't say I think it's impossible, based on how it runs as of today on PCs with specs way above a PS4.
Even a modern phone nowadays has vastly more ram and faster CPUs than last-gen consoles. It's the equivalent of hoping Unreal Tournament 2004 gets released for 80386s: I don't know if it's possible in any way at all, but if it is it will obviously be second grade stuff at best.

Hoping for the best for our console friends, but let's indeed keep expectations in check.
That might be the reason for the silence on consoles right now. Maybe it's not so that they don't want to release it on console, Sally said as much and I trust her, but they're trying everything they can to be able to release it on console but aren't there yet. Rather than throwing in the towel now, they're continuing with the optimizations on PC hoping they can get it to a level where it will work on console.
Thats what they said... How is this still up for debate? They are optimizing for pc, clearly launch version was a no-go for an 8-year old cheap console, they are hoping to make big strides and will come back to us when they know for sure what they can and cannot do. Until then there is nothing to say, no matter how often people ask.
OMG I hit 3 fps at a crash site

Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT) 10_28_2021 8_19_18 PM.jpg
Thats what they said... How is this still up for debate? They are optimizing for pc, clearly launch version was a no-go for an 8-year old cheap console, they are hoping to make big strides and will come back to us when they know for sure what they can and cannot do. Until then there is nothing to say, no matter how often people ask.
It's a little different focus, the delay was to focus primarily on the PC version. It wasn't delayed because Odyssey wasn't going to work on consoles, even though it wouldn't. What I'm saying now is that it seems they're needing fewer updates for performance and are, possibly, now trying to decide whether what they've done can be ported to consoles. To your point it's half a dozen of one and six of the other, but a little different perspective.
In the mean time, the PC guys have first footfalled eveything, discovered every new exploration item, scanned everything, seen everything, bought the t-shirt, read the book, seen the film..................
Look on the bright side
  1. Scanning is boring. Point, hold mouse, read blurb (optional), do it two more times
  2. There's nothing much more to see that hasn't been and a lot of stuff looks worse
  3. The 30th anniversary t-shirt is 50% off right now! It actually looks really cool, not gonna lie. But it only comes in small... 😭😭😭
  4. @drew has you covered. Oh, wait... 😭😭😭
  5. @Obsidian Ant has you covered. Oh, wait... 😭😭😭
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