Discovery Scanner - 08/08/2022

All I can really say is that I recommend you're in the system! :)
Apologies in advance for what I am sure will be consumed as salt, but is only meant as an attempt to help moderate expectations....sooooo....what exactly are the lot of us expecting to "see?" I'm genuinely curious. Nothing's going to "happen." The servers will go down, assets will be added (presumably), servers will go back and GalNet will tell us what we "missed." I genuinely get the sense that some of us are expecting to witness an event or even "see the weapon fire." The hype train is about to kuh-rash into the station and I just don't want people to expect much other than wreckage.

That said, I'd love to be wrong.
Apologies in advance for what I am sure will be consumed as salt, but is only meant as an attempt to help moderate expectations....sooooo....what exactly are the lot of us expecting to "see?" I'm genuinely curious. Nothing's going to "happen." The servers will go down, assets will be added (presumably), servers will go back and GalNet will tell us what we "missed." I genuinely get the sense that some of us are expecting to witness an event or even "see the weapon fire." The hype train is about to kuh-rash into the station and I just don't want people to expect much other than wreckage.

That said, I'd love to be wrong.
Yeah I don't expect much, I don't even expect new assets to be added because they said consoles and Horizons would be able to also experience the ending - and I doubt they'd want to add new content to both the new client and old client. But I'd like to be proved wrong and pleasantly surprised ¯\(ツ)
Yeah I don't expect much, I don't even expect new assets to be added because they said consoles and Horizons would be able to also experience the ending - and I doubt they'd want to add new content to both the new client and old client. But I'd like to be proved wrong and pleasantly surprised ¯\(ツ)
The ONLY thing that makes me think new assets are going to be added is that I believe that the Thargoid planetary structures are actually the motherships. And I think they are going to adversely react to the amount of Guardian material in them and retaliate and launch from the surfaces of the planets on which they have been found. But probably you're right and I'm wrong.
The ONLY thing that makes me think new assets are going to be added is that I believe that the Thargoid planetary structures are actually the motherships. And I think they are going to adversely react to the amount of Guardian material in them and retaliate and launch from the surfaces of the planets on which they have been found. But probably you're right and I'm wrong.
Really? You don't think that maybe something Thargoid-y that you interact with on foot might make sense? ;-)
Apologies in advance for what I am sure will be consumed as salt, but is only meant as an attempt to help moderate expectations....sooooo....what exactly are the lot of us expecting to "see?" I'm genuinely curious. Nothing's going to "happen." The servers will go down, assets will be added (presumably), servers will go back and GalNet will tell us what we "missed." I genuinely get the sense that some of us are expecting to witness an event or even "see the weapon fire." The hype train is about to kuh-rash into the station and I just don't want people to expect much other than wreckage.

That said, I'd love to be wrong.
I'm not sure why Frontier would be urging us to make sure we're in the system in question if nothing is going to happen.

But who knows (other than Frontier)?
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