COMPLETED CG Diso Initiative for Famine Prevention (Trade)

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Volunteer Moderator
System: Diso
Station: Shifnalport (Orbis Starport, large pads available, 289 Ls from main star, 112.20 Ly from Sol)
Objective: Deliver Pesticides, Synthetic Reagents and Grain
Time limit: 16th October 3305 @ 15:00 UTC

A trade initiative has been launched in an effort to mitigate the impact of low crop yields in key systems.
The initiative has been organised by Crimson State Limited in the Diso system. The significant loss of crops in this agricultural centre is a primary cause for the low availability of staple foodstuffs.
The initiatives received praise from Dr Genevieve Kane of the Interstellar Association for Agriculture:
This campaign is a step in the right direction, and with the help of the galactic community should stop the situation from becoming a full-scale crisis.
The IAA is currently investigating the reasons for such poor harvests, and it seems that a new form of blight may be responsible for the rapid degeneration of crops. Scientific teams are analysing samples of diseased tissue, and we expect to know more soon.
Traders are asked to deliver pesticides, synthetic reagents and grain to Shifnalport in the Diso system.
The initiative is scheduled to run from the 10th to the 16th of October 3305. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
To earn rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering Pesticides, Synthetic Reagents and Grain to Shifnalport in the Diso system.
Be aware that faction-state changes and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.
- Part of the new Interstellar Initiative - The Scourge
- Station services: Commodities Market, Shipyard, Outfitting, Repair, Restock, Refuel
- Prices at Shifnalport:

  • Pesticides: 876 Cr/T
  • Synthetic Reagents: 13,056 Cr/T
  • Grain: 868 Cr/T
PESTICIDES - *=Planetary Bases

STATION                     SYSTEM          BUY         COMPARE     SUPPLY      PAD     LAST UPDATE DIST STAR   DIST LYs
George Lucas                Leesti          264         -40 %       261,696     L       13 mins     260 ls      2.57 ly
Kolmogorov Hub              Leesti          263         -40 %       20,497      M       3 days      3,007 ls    2.57 ly
Janes Horizons              Arexe           194         -56 %       109,350     L       1 hours     2,294 ls    12.57 ly
Ciferri Holdings            Bhutas          134         -69 %       65,120      M       11 days     5,654 ls    24.93 ly
Feynman Terminal            Bhutas          134         -69 %       327,779     L       22 hours    3,317 ls    24.93 ly
Kozeyev Settlement          LTT 5013        175         -60 %       24,998      M       6 days      4,298 ls    29.49 ly
Margulis Station            LTT 5013        131         -70 %       110,107     L       11 mins     2,308 ls    29.49 ly
McNair Gateway              LTT 5013        176         -60 %       39,818      M       11 days     2,987 ls    29.49 ly
Mawson Park *               M Hydrae        158         -64 %       18,276      L       8 days      208 ls      34.78 ly
Nourse City                 Esumindii       194         -56 %       14,815      L       2 days      1,801 ls    35.29 ly
Shaikh Hub                  Arro Kop        139         -68 %       40,920      M       52 days     1,780 ls    37.91 ly
Svavarsson City             Arro Kop        140         -68 %       107,742     L       2 days      465 ls      37.91 ly
Budrys Holdings             Tjindjin        231         -47 %       18,081      M       6 days      1,291 ls    38.83 ly
Cousin Ring                 Tjindjin        144         -67 %       9,239       L       1 hours     1,015 ls    38.83 ly
Ing Settlement              Tjindjin        144         -67 %       1,905       M       3 days      735 ls      38.83 ly
Conway City                 LTT 4961        131         -70 %       53,300      L       36 mins     22 ls       41.08 ly
Landis Settlement           Lansbury        204         -53 %       1,876       L       1 days      335 ls      42.33 ly
Thomson Orbital             Lansbury        204         -53 %       1,347       L       1 days      449 ls      42.33 ly
Henson Laboratory           Lansbury        204         -53 %       26,554      M       7 days      1,600 ls    42.33 ly
Asprin Orbital              Bugayaman       134         -69 %       38,349      L       19 hours    2,268 ls    44.41 ly
Cavalieri City              Ngandins        144         -67 %       65,988      L       14 hours    10 ls       49.20 ly
Pinto City                  Ngandins        144         -67 %       29,759      M       8 days      33 ls       49.20 ly
Baffin Horizons             Ngandins        232         -47 %       84,924      M       51 days     18 ls       49.20 ly
Herschel Horizons           CD-44 10336     144         -67 %       7,355       M       26 days     1,500 ls    49.89 ly
Margulis Station            CD-44 10336     232         -47 %       17,891      L       26 days     1,490 ls    49.89 ly
Schwann Dock                Mehet           135         -69 %       523,297     L       22 hours    287 ls      52.91 ly
Williams Laboratory *       Minot           165         -62 %       8,759       L       16 days     200,875 ls  54.42 ly
Nicolet Terminal *          Minot           178         -59 %       12,989      L       18 days     200,874 ls  54.42 ly
Huxley Survey *             Minot           178         -59 %       9,401       L       5 days      200,887 ls  54.42 ly
Meredith City               LFT 926         145         -67 %       31,393      L       31 mins     357 ls      55.26 ly
Vetulani Port               T'ieni          136         -69 %       8,658       L       2 days      1,017 ls    55.42 ly
Drew Vision                 Maljenni        193         -56 %       65,014      M       11 days     22 ls       55.74 ly
Satcher Hub *               Maljenni        193         -56 %       10,345      L       9 days      17 ls       55.74 ly
Bowersox Enterprise         Maljenni        134         -69 %       186,836     L       13 hours    17 ls       55.74 ly
Jameson Memorial            Shinrarta
                                Dezhra      149         -66 %       36,271      L       6 mins      346 ls      56.05 ly
Zhen Landing *              Juipek          254         -42 %       6,774       L       69 days     13 ls       59.08 ly
Avdeyev Station             Barku           158         -64 %       63,277      L       5 hours     624 ls      59.36 ly
Pudwill Gorie Port          Barku           158         -64 %       45,598      M       1 days      880 ls      59.36 ly
Porsche Dock                Unegak Maku     144         -67 %       104,873     L       5 days      878 ls      59.88 ly
Lovelace Station            Unegak Maku     144         -67 %       39,070      M       5 days      1,615 ls    59.88 ly
Macarthur Orbital           Unegak Maku     144         -67 %       21,034      M       6 days      2,827 ls    59.88 ly
McMahon Ring                Hai Chan        136         -69 %       33,439      M       11 days     1,483 ls    63.69 ly
Sladek Ring                 Hai Chan        227         -48 %       15,716      L       2 days      586 ls      63.69 ly
Wegener Terminal            GD 175          134         -69 %       145,277     L       10 days     382,853 ls  64.13 ly
Rutherford Ring             GD 175          144         -67 %       29,240      M       3 days      1,540 ls    64.13 ly
Al-Battani Ring             Pachita         145         -67 %       258,449     L       6 days      893 ls      64.69 ly
Gemar Horizons              Thiana          134         -69 %       23,242      L       11 hours    293 ls      65.19 ly
McMullen Ring               Millese         127         -71 %       207,560     L       3 days      700 ls      65.32 ly
Lee Gateway                 Millese         127         -71 %       149,575     M       39 days     1,151 ls    65.32 ly
Smith Hub                   LP 908-11       158         -64 %       7,926       M       4 hours     13 ls       65.60 ly
So-yeon City                LP 908-11       158         -64 %       19,483      L       54 mins     8 ls        65.60 ly
Huygens Ring                LP 908-11       145         -67 %       5,286       M       5 days      22 ls       65.60 ly
Artyukhin Terminal          LP 861-12       159         -64 %       254,734     L       19 days     1,332 ls    65.78 ly
Thoreau Ring                LP 861-12       158         -64 %       97,442      M       39 days     2,834 ls    65.78 ly
Land Orbital                Jambavan        135         -69 %       47,721      L       15 hours    1,781 ls    66.04 ly
Kerwin Horizons             LHS 2875        144         -67 %       8,567       L       6 days      16,944 ls   66.57 ly
Hoffman Vision              LHS 2875        144         -67 %       3,787       M       6 days      16,401 ls   66.57 ly
Soddy Gateway *             Sosong          158         -64 %       32,481      L       15 days     1,899 ls    66.75 ly
Galilei Platform *          Sosong          158         -64 %       34,640      L       9 days      1,914 ls    66.75 ly
Kozeyev Ring                Oshepra         144         -67 %       17,320      L       3 days      312 ls      67.22 ly
Rashid Port                 Kunggi          134         -69 %       13,811      M       5 hours     132,431 ls  68.28 ly
Vesalius City               Kunggi          134         -69 %       31,234      L       13 hours    14,238 ls   68.28 ly
Marshburn Gateway           Kunggi          134         -69 %       22,814      M       1 days      132,902 ls  68.28 ly
Gelfand Lab *               Cupinook        257         -41 %       9,344       L       13 days     12 ls       68.47 ly
Bondar Platform *           Cupinook        257         -41 %       9,052       L       21 days     43 ls       68.47 ly
Csoma Ring                  HIP 80242       172         -61 %       730,372     L       17 hours    58 ls       69.28 ly
Revin Survey *              Wiljanherbi     153         -65 %       36,057      L       21 hours    30 ls       69.30 ly

SYNTHETIC REAGENTS - ALL Planetary Bases therefore Horizons only

STATION                     SYSTEM          BUY         COMPARE     SUPPLY      PAD     LAST UPDATE DIST STAR   DIST LYs
O'Brien Prospect            Baijungu        6,674       2 %         176         L       2 hours     1,085 ls    2.65 ly
Collins Plant               Lemastshi       6,357       -3 %        621         L       3 days      325 ls      15.16 ly
Wollheim's Inheritance      Chemaluk        6,675       2 %         358         L       1 hours     352 ls      15.25 ly
Gantt's Folly               Chemaluk        6,195       -5 %        1,464       L       56 mins     352 ls      15.25 ly
Pelt Base                   CD-35 9019      6,674       2 %         11          L       38 mins     331 ls      16.43 ly
Terry Works                 Ensoreus        6,047       -7 %        1,408       L       8 days      32,630 ls   17.76 ly
Nikitin Refinery            Flechti         6,608       1 %         7           L       17 mins     17 ls       17.82 ly
Irens Enterprise            He Pora         5,798       -11 %       3,948       L       3 days      14,001 ls   18.94 ly
Daniel Settlement           Teveri          6,279       -4 %        2,800       L       11 days     20 ls       19.39 ly
Arkwright Base              Ejagalki        5,821       -11 %       659         L       22 days     1,366 ls    20.89 ly
Reamy Refinery              Agatavun        6,674       2 %         761         L       2 hours     37 ls       22.54 ly
Banks Depot                 Haeduwong       6,006       -8 %        2,391       L       50 days     304 ls      22.74 ly
White Depot                 Fu Huangaa      5,697       -13 %       547         L       50 days     327 ls      24.84 ly
Galindo Settlement          Har Itari       5,789       -11 %       2,260       L       23 days     432,636 ls  26.32 ly
Vittori Settlement          Obastini        5,821       -11 %       1,180       L       23 days     621 ls      31.81 ly
Staden Beacon               Ac Yanto        6,476       -1 %        742         L       16 days     10 ls       32.17 ly
Ziemkiewicz Terminal        Hydrae Sector
                                NS-U c2-9   5,696       -13 %       746         L       140 days    294 ls      32.21 ly
Watson's Progress           Komovoy         5,759       -12 %       1,971       L       10 days     7 ls        32.31 ly
Rae Terminal                Larrid          6,272       -4 %        130         L       65 days     552 ls      32.92 ly
Gann Installation           Asetsi          5,851       -10 %       792         L       21 days     65 ls       33.62 ly
Verne Vision                Asetsi          5,851       -10 %       2,509       L       149 days    65 ls       33.62 ly
Narbeth's Progress          Djiwali         5,722       -12 %       1,655       L       17 days     66 ls       33.65 ly
Drake Refinery              Aranbarahun     6,225       -5 %        1,174       L       11 days     796 ls      34.18 ly
Bierce Works                Thadaguru       5,977       -8 %        694         L       16 days     862 ls      35.14 ly
Kandel Terminal             Caillapit       5,722       -12 %       852         L       10 days     14 ls       35.73 ly
Humphreys Settlement        Hydrae Sector
                                QI-T b3-2   5,814       -11 %       687         L       98 days     52 ls       36.56 ly
Coblentz's Progress         57 Virginis     6,476       -1 %        1,164       L       6 days      371 ls      36.80 ly
Ford Landing                Meche           5,673       -13 %       611         L       23 days     186 ls      36.80 ly
Hubble Settlement           Kurutas         5,673       -13 %       1,208       L       64 days     9 ls        37.66 ly
Fanning Terminal            Kauruk          6,220       -5 %        807         L       98 days     32 ls       37.75 ly
Weber Works                 Dzacab          5,660       -13 %       725         L       26 days     1,110 ls    37.93 ly
Sauma Settlement            Widow's Light   5,805       -11 %       1,585       L       11 days     2,001 ls    39.09 ly
Barton Beacon               HIP 72986       5,775       -12 %       1,470       L       21 days     200 ls      40.35 ly
Reiter Vision               Ailurians       6,674       2 %         339         L       41 mins     375 ls      41.26 ly
Auld Plant                  Kokoimudji      5,847       -10 %       2,144       L       158 days    233 ls      41.36 ly
McCandless Base             Solati          6,307       -3 %        1,361       L       55 mins     42 ls       41.41 ly
Nearchus Prospect           Nariya          5,686       -13 %       463         L       109 days    24,794 ls   42.86 ly
Anders Terminal             LTT 5964        5,673       -13 %       1,123       L       11 days     22 ls       43.12 ly
Gunn Refinery               Ugricopa        6,634       2 %         338         L       433 days    781 ls      43.19 ly
Springer Landing            Catarihas       5,685       -13 %       754         L       1 days      152 ls      43.56 ly
Hiraga Enterprise           Salibal         5,768       -12 %       2,760       L       62 days     3,334 ls    43.91 ly
Ostrander Landing           Salibal         5,824       -11 %       1,960       L       137 days    2,487 ls    43.91 ly
Crown Plant                 Cholhou         5,660       -13 %       584         L       50 days     817 ls      44.13 ly
Filter's Inheritance        Hualarna        5,824       -11 %       2,816       L       15 days     2,731 ls    45.34 ly
Gilliland Prospect          Hualarna        5,824       -11 %       1,847       L       63 days     2,714 ls    45.34 ly
Thomas Works                Esien Ming      6,102       -7 %        477         L       3 days      18 ls       46.03 ly
Moskowitz Enterprise        HIP 70756       6,195       -5 %        520         L       222 days    50 ls       46.06 ly
Nikolayev Terminal          Scorpii Sector
                                CQ-Y c24    5,607       -14 %       850         L       153 days    404 ls      46.28 ly
Mitra Installation          Kedo            6,077       -7 %        681         L       31 days     467 ls      46.53 ly
Lamarr Terminal             Pyemmamayo      5,833       -11 %       613         L       179 days    374 ls      47.27 ly
Holberg Works               Tomani          5,859       -10 %       1,885       L       58 days     90 ls       47.63 ly
Bulleid Holdings            Hydrae Sector
                                TD-T b3-1   5,935       -9 %        326         L       236 days    2,724 ls    47.80 ly
Volta Base                  Nganeru         5,742       -12 %       2,346       L       9 days      587 ls      48.12 ly
Akiyama's Inheritance       LTT 5212        6,608       1 %         7           L       32 mins     38 ls       48.39 ly
Shipton Depot               Ngandins        6,151       -6 %        1,210       L       136 days    10 ls       49.20 ly
Leestma Terminal            Djak            5,823       -11 %       860         L       52 days     158 ls      49.77 ly
Goonan's Folly              Wakinyan        5,878       -10 %       5,015       L       72 days     86,722 ls   50.22 ly
Rucker Base                 CD-51 9202      6,219       -5 %        1,263       L       276 days    73 ls       50.60 ly
Carlisle Enterprise         LTT 4772        6,207       -5 %        481         L       30 days     1,523 ls    51.20 ly
Gardner Works               LTT 4772        6,208       -5 %        1,347       L       30 days     6,981 ls    51.20 ly
Taylor Prospect             Heikegani       6,198       -5 %        855         L       6 days      98 ls       51.65 ly
Isherwood Holdings          ADS 8444        5,722       -12 %       1,712       L       28 days     129 ls      51.76 ly
Shiner Terminal             Hydrae Sector
                                RT-R b4-2   5,673       -13 %       896         L       265 days    307 ls      52.25 ly
Crown Refinery              Hydrae Sector
                                RT-R b4-2   6,635       2 %         345         L       313 days    9,992 ls    52.25 ly
Doctorow Vision             LTT 4898        5,907       -10 %       1,289       L       36 days     800 ls      52.72 ly
Cixin Vision                LTT 4898        6,105       -6 %        1,816       L       2 days      800 ls      52.72 ly
Coblentz Plant              Crucis Sector
                                GR-V b2-4   5,724       -12 %       1,401       L       146 days    154 ls      52.73 ly
Land Terminal               Beta Circini    6,208       -5 %        978         L       339 days    659 ls      52.84 ly
Sutcliffe Holdings          Beta Circini    6,209       -5 %        2,745       L       205 days    660 ls      52.84 ly
Nemere Prospect             Taultam         5,822       -11 %       848         L       122 days    1,462 ls    52.99 ly

GRAIN - NO Planetary Bases

STATION                     SYSTEM          BUY         COMPARE     SUPPLY      PAD     LAST UPDATE DIST STAR   DIST LYs
Ferguson Market             Baijungu        366         -16 %       1,760,227   L       1 mins      30 ls       2.65 ly
Castellan Station           Lave            390         -10 %       27,868      M       2 days      3,107 ls    3.59 ly
Austen Town Station         Arque           386         -11 %       160         L       16 mins     589 ls      15.45 ly
Liska Port                  CD-35 9019      380         -12 %       308,548     L       45 secs     8,352 ls    16.43 ly
Petaja Station              He Pora         184         -58 %       6,344,732   L       2 mins      431 ls      18.94 ly
Busch Ring                  Chac Cimih      200         -54 %       3,521,292   L       1 hours     390 ls      23.88 ly
Shaw Gateway                Ededleen        238         -45 %       1,878,044   L       7 days      750 ls      24.98 ly
James Sneddon               Morten-Marte    320         -26 %       10,837      L       1 days      879 ls      27.83 ly
Forrester Station           BD-22 3573      225         -48 %       115,858     L       3 days      267 ls      27.87 ly
Brongniart Station          Zarece          229         -47 %       1,199,043   L       16 days     1,175 ls    29.38 ly
Herbert Port                Tiveronisa      150         -65 %       5,402,909   L       1 hours     199 ls      29.80 ly
Sadi Carnot Hub             HR 4803         238         -45 %       3,932,817   L       13 days     1,391 ls    30.74 ly
Hoffman Market              Selkana         205         -53 %       3,374,166   L       12 days     168 ls      31.31 ly
Erikson Hub                 Gliese 9423     365         -16 %       882,189     L       16 days     1,297 ls    31.44 ly
O'Connor Port               Asetsi          390         -10 %       2,717,752   L       10 days     458 ls      33.62 ly
Camarda Dock                Laiawa          323         -26 %       3,662,189   L       7 days      286 ls      33.78 ly
Bokeili Port                HIP 65636       366         -16 %       3,952,342   L       5 hours     218 ls      33.89 ly
Kroehl Station              HIP 68434       238         -45 %       4,252,531   L       12 days     21,530 ls   34.05 ly
Barnes Terminal             Aranbarahun     226         -48 %       3,859,091   L       7 days      33 ls       34.18 ly
Higginbotham Station        NLTT 38960      378         -13 %       241,906     L       17 days     713 ls      35.03 ly
Feoktistov Orbital          Ancalufon       176         -59 %       742,083     L       25 days     350 ls      35.20 ly
Reed Dock                   BD-19 3629A     378         -13 %       1,321,406   L       6 days      945 ls      36.32 ly
Henize Hub                  Anek Wang       355         -18 %       15,710      L       6 days      72 ls       36.57 ly
Teller Dock                 Daksakhi        378         -13 %       2,262       L       4 days      345 ls      36.92 ly
Erikson Station             Mokusa          200         -54 %       1,143,355   L       10 days     4,016 ls    37.71 ly
Al Saud Port                55 Virginis     390         -10 %       42,893      L       5 hours     1,148 ls    37.87 ly
Jodrell Bank                Jodrell         359         -17 %       66,456      L       12 days     335 ls      38.25 ly
Duxford Station             Jodrell         330         -24 %       83,778      L       29 days     1,040 ls    38.25 ly
Doctorow Terminal           Gliese 550      351         -19 %       5,180,176   L       26 days     2,451 ls    39.46 ly
Bresnik Terminal            Beimech         379         -13 %       318,747     L       4 days      301 ls      40.93 ly
Ramelli Gateway             Tau Centauri    346         -20 %       53,941      L       46 days     2,816 ls    40.93 ly
Solati Reach                Solati          386         -11 %       83,154      L       49 mins     259 ls      41.41 ly
Jim Bergerac                Gippsworld      307         -29 %       16,245      L       13 days     200 ls      41.58 ly
Henry Ring                  NLTT 35146      186         -57 %       4,012,468   L       1 days      285 ls      41.82 ly
Comer Hub                   Didio           378         -13 %       1,410,902   L       5 days      711 ls      42.36 ly
Soto Orbital                LTT 5990        390         -10 %       46,281      L       5 days      211 ls      42.96 ly
Vaugh City                  Bhrima          214         -51 %       17,950      L       23 hours    141,056 ls  43.12 ly
Bennett Hub                 Ross 467        355         -18 %       20,534      L       5 days      90 ls       43.52 ly
Horowitz City               LTT 4337        272         -37 %       43,831      L       11 days     595 ls      45.13 ly
Vela City                   HIP 74255       342         -21 %       3,486,973   L       26 days     237 ls      45.50 ly
Cortes Dock                 Esien Ming      235         -46 %       14,478      L       2 days      66 ls       46.03 ly
Reynolds Terminal           HIP 70756       390         -10 %       30,454      L       97 days     1,192 ls    46.06 ly
Kent Ring                   Gulngaba        390         -10 %       4,987,588   L       26 days     1,252 ls    46.30 ly
Shukor Ring                 LTT 5954        294         -32 %       1,647,797   L       7 days      10,519 ls   46.72 ly
Henize Ring                 LTT 5954        292         -33 %       1,905,253   L       24 days     10,526 ls   46.72 ly
Kozeyev Gateway             Hreintania      304         -30 %       1,615,096   L       7 days      164,718 ls  47.33 ly
Gold Dock                   Tomani          318         -27 %       1,203,399   L       6 days      90 ls       47.63 ly
Manarov Orbital             Pontae          110         -75 %       1,941,500   L       5 hours     193 ls      47.85 ly
Morgan Market               Sagar           348         -20 %       2,808,539   L       2 days      301 ls      48.01 ly
Vaucanson Orbital           Gacrux          390         -10 %       13,675      L       4 hours     5,720 ls    48.19 ly
Sarafanov Dock              Selebegua       378         -13 %       251,372     L       20 days     1,056 ls    48.70 ly
Tognini Dock                Njuwar          372         -14 %       20,518      L       10 days     259 ls      48.97 ly
Armstrong Ring              1 i Centauri    271         -38 %       14,898      L       2 days      1,094 ls    49.11 ly
Bulmer Port                 HR 5504         127         -71 %       3,429,925   L       19 days     1,429 ls    49.17 ly
Tiptree Dock                Algorab         390         -10 %       26,988      L       3 days      50,156 ls   49.29 ly
Forbes Terminal             Algorab         390         -10 %       29,197      L       5 days      3,465 ls    49.29 ly
Garriott Ring               Wakinyan        378         -13 %       1,409,472   L       46 days     103 ls      50.22 ly
McMonagle Hub               HIP 59143       232         -47 %       1,080,794   L       125 days    3,517 ls    50.43 ly
Lorentz Dock                Folna           390         -10 %       1,315,903   L       3 days      915 ls      50.56 ly
Gagnan Market               Bandua          390         -10 %       30,833      L       4 days      865 ls      51.01 ly
MacCurdy City               LTT 4772        378         -13 %       706,769     L       3 days      7,006 ls    51.20 ly
Minkowski City              LTT 4772        378         -13 %       1,231,158   L       26 days     7,034 ls    51.20 ly
Wingqvist City              LTT 4898        390         -10 %       3,594,688   L       2 days      263 ls      52.72 ly
Dana Hub                    LTT 4898        301         -31 %       3,608,441   L       2 days      188 ls      2.72 ly
Bernoulli City              Beta Circini    275         -37 %       35,668      L       6 days      1,843 ls    52.84 ly
Hurston Terminal            Mannboo         183         -58 %       2,899,529   L       13 days     320 ls      53.14 ly
Levi-Montalcini Hub         Kaurt           120         -72 %       2,522,632   L       19 days     407 ls      53.24 ly
Williamson City             Minot           141         -68 %       18,241,922  L       11 days     200,960 ls  54.42 ly
Ledyard Terminal            Gaula           220         -49 %       1,140,020   L       8 days      283 ls      54.97 ly
Latest status
Last updated: 16 October 15:00 UTC - finished

Current Progress:
Current Participation Rewards:
Global Progress: 9,681,126 tonnes delivered
Contributors: 2,706
Reward Tier: 6/8
Global Reward:
None listed
Top 10 CMDRs: 18,604,800 CR
Top 10%: 14,883,840 CR
Top 25%: 11,162,880 CR
Top 50%: 7,441,920 CR
Top 75%: 3,720,960 CR
Top 100%:
600,000 CR

CG Participation Threshold Calculator
Courtesy of CMDR pprovart
Data entry and current threshold estimates:

New &/or have questions about the Community Goals? Check out the Community Goal Guide ... click here
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Dark on most of these planets for collection...


Not the highest pay CG but not the worst...​
1.7 million tonnes of Grain at Ferguson Market just 2.65 ly away from Diso. This "food shortage" is clearly fabricated to drive up prices. Another failure of a capitalist system where the rich can afford to buy food, and the poor starve! The people of Birmingham are right to riot.
Just joined the CG last night, hauling cargo for the Alliance. Good to know that this time the station is far closer to the main star than the Judson Station at MIZAR (~160kLs), in the last II. Boy, was that trip to the station long and tedious.

BTW, does anyone know why the Empire doesn't have its own CG this time?
Why is this CG lagging behind ? You can perfectly alternate between the two from a single source.

My thoughts exactly. And I was doing exactly that yesterday. Then I realized that each CG was aligned to a superpower (except the Empire, who apparently have found a royal solution to the problem). The Federation, having a larger pilot base, will probably have an advantage in this.

I, on the other hand, like to side with the Alliance in these situations. That started when we were unfairly assigned a pretty bad station (Judson Station at MIZAR) in the previous II. Also, I have dear memories from Diso from the original Elite. I must have docked there more than a thousand times as it was one of the most profitable routes in the early game.

So, let's haul for the Alliance, folks!
Why is this CG lagging behind ? You can perfectly alternate between the two from a single source.
If you split the trips You LOWER the Perecentage in the player reward section...
to get to the same % level you have to run 2X the trips... Many user WILL NOT have the play time to run BOTH they will only have enough time for 1 side to get in and stay in the 25% bracket on just one side...
This is why the OLD CGS were done as soon as the faction side were set up If a fed was set up as the power the other side were set up to be the losing side, the FEDS have to many unlimited play time users...the Alliance and Empire have never had that many unlimited play time users.. this has allways made CGs ofset from day 1..
Remember to leave the station quickly after docking, had some issues with the station being full and docking access being denied. Safe hauling, CMDRs. o7
My thoughts exactly. And I was doing exactly that yesterday. Then I realized that each CG was aligned to a superpower (except the Empire, who apparently have found a royal solution to the problem). The Federation, having a larger pilot base, will probably have an advantage in this.

I, on the other hand, like to side with the Alliance in these situations. That started when we were unfairly assigned a pretty bad station (Judson Station at MIZAR) in the previous II. Also, I have dear memories from Diso from the original Elite. I must have docked there more than a thousand times as it was one of the most profitable routes in the early game.

So, let's haul for the Alliance, folks!
Same here, also because of Judson station. For the Alliance!
I, on the other hand, like to side with the Alliance in these situations. That started when we were unfairly assigned a pretty bad station (Judson Station at MIZAR) in the previous II. Also, I have dear memories from Diso from the original Elite. I must have docked there more than a thousand times as it was one of the most profitable routes in the early game.

So, let's haul for the Alliance, folks!

Yep, here we go again :D
So, looking for sources of synthetic reagents I've started using EDDB to find sources over 1000 tons. It's not completely reliable as they might have already been cleared out, but the one I'm going for at the moment is...
Kessel's Inheritance in Merengila.

That's right! I'm doing the Kessel Run! (But from Diso it's more than seven parsecs).
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