[Distant Worlds] Thank you Gift from Frontier

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I nominate Commander Icobacca. For filming me being hit by a bug that destroyed my ship, but which was confirmed a bug and I was put back on track for the expedition.
I have to vote for the giants who made exploration possible.

Stand up B. Nutter, Zulu Romeo

and the person who inspired 'You brave Explorers' Fraud Digger, To the Far Rim in a Sidey. I'm not sure he'd even want a Conda skin, but he bloomin well deserves one!
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I'd like to nominate CMDR Olivia Vespera. She's been very helpful to a lot of people, started up WASP Radio, and I always see her in discord helping out with random questions. Plus she speaks Esperanto!
I nominate CMDR Byped, he has basically lead our group in TeamSpeak, he knows how and where to prospect as well as cartographing an absolutely enormous amount of systems, if anyone else comes close its Isokix who I would also like to nominate as he does damn near the same amount of work.

Agreed. Byped is the rock we can rely upon.
I'd like to nominate NeoTron for the relentless job adding and refining a bunch of useful automated commands on the discord app. Albeit only one random duck, the rest of the commands are generally really useful.
It's awesome Anaconda skins are finally out, I know a lot of us have wanted these for a long time. I do wonder if "had us (DW) in mind" means that Frontier have a way of letting us apply them without returning to port? Because with the expedition being in full swing, returning over 30kly to apply a skin is, well.. not practical. And having those skins would certainly liven up the screenshots and videos..
If i can nominate several then...

Content creators:
Qohen Leth. They created the logo for wasp radio and helped create the majority of the playlists that plays. He's been a great help with wasp radio. They're also one of the photographers.
You may recognise the badges he did for sag A*
Barefoot Bandit because of the shirts we all might be able to buy to commemorate this journey. It's not easy to make and send shirts internationally.
Shabooka mostly for his insightful videos that capture the zeitgeist of DWE(i haven't watch many vids)
iDragox for being the voice of wasp radio

Neotron and Kancro Vantas for the creation of the bot and being the managing discord,
Byped because the teamspeak community needs love too and he's been all round plesant guy with a fair amount of knowledge of the stars(though unsurpassed by CMDR Diets).
Setaou for setting up and encouraging CQC
...there are just too many names

BUT I MUST NAME CMDR Krollin for his part in that loveable gif!


If they're not covered under the category of rock rats, I would want to nominate the prospectors and scientists guild for their efforts in discerning the nature of the galaxy. without them I would not have been on this expedition. This includes but is not limited to, Lyneira, Nexolek, Baroness Galaxy, LordFedora.
If not then just Qohen Leth

Thanks Ed Lewis!
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Same here: If I can vote for a few, I'll vote for Olivia Vesperia for Wasp Radio; Corbin Moran for the FGE fleet, DW poster, and overall fantastic job; and Katejina for the DW commander's profiles, which really made the expedition come alive for me.
Very tough to choose..

But if I had to pick a few. NeoTron and Kancro Vantas for the all the great work in Discord.
Olivia Vespera for having the patience to fly a T-9 and all the work on the Wasp Radio
This can only be a rhetorical question. In my perception there can't be any discussion about who should receive the last skin pack, the answer is about as clear as can be: of course it has to be
CMDR Kamzel
Without him noone of us would be here.
Anaconda skins? Finally! I *may* have to... Erm... Do a quick dash back... but of course, that would mean The Golden Phallus™ is no longer golden...


Regardless, I think it's pretty hard to split Erimus, Dr Kaii, Kancro, and also Katejina for all their work...

It's awesome Anaconda skins are finally out, I know a lot of us have wanted these for a long time. I do wonder if "had us (DW) in mind" means that Frontier have a way of letting us apply them without returning to port? Because with the expedition being in full swing, returning over 30kly to apply a skin is, well.. not practical. And having those skins would certainly liven up the screenshots and videos..

Lol no. They just had explorers in mind when making them - not the only thing they had in mind, for sure but they certainly did factor it into the equation. That's why they were very happy to announce to us that they were made
Lol no. They just had explorers in mind when making them - not the only thing they had in mind, for sure but they certainly did factor it into the equation. That's why they were very happy to announce to us that they were made

So.. Is that code for:
"Buy skins. send FD a note, get skin applied"...?

Hhmm... A purple Golden Phallus™. It could work...
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