I nominate CMDR Byped, he has basically lead our group in TeamSpeak, he knows how and where to prospect as well as cartographing an absolutely enormous amount of systems, if anyone else comes close its Isokix who I would also like to nominate as he does damn near the same amount of work.
I don't know who to nominate, perhaps someone in a super low range ship, but good job on the giveaway.
Fraud is in a Sidewinder...
It's awesome Anaconda skins are finally out, I know a lot of us have wanted these for a long time. I do wonder if "had us (DW) in mind" means that Frontier have a way of letting us apply them without returning to port? Because with the expedition being in full swing, returning over 30kly to apply a skin is, well.. not practical. And having those skins would certainly liven up the screenshots and videos..
Lol no. They just had explorers in mind when making them - not the only thing they had in mind, for sure but they certainly did factor it into the equation. That's why they were very happy to announce to us that they were made