Oh boy!! Thank you so very much for all the appreciation notes and nominations, to all CMDRS!! That's a much valuable reward at the end of the day than any paintjob yet!
Really appreciate it guys!
As per my own nominations, I am terrible at this 'cause I want to reward everybody, and hand out gold stars to everyone... probably a good thing I am not a teacher! lol...
But since we have to pick, these would be the people who has left a deep impression in my overall experience with the expedition so far:
- Olivia Vespera, cause you need to grow a pair to bring a T9 along.....TWICE....
- iDragox, cause you need another heavy pair, to bring a T6 and then an Asp, and do 3 runs to the bubble, and yet being so outspoken and so lively in the chats and in Waspradio! Amazing dude!
- grnbrg, cause he is been fundamental in helping out with the Discord Chat
- NeoTron, cause he is been of great help with the chat and that bot that I still don't know much how to handle but it is an !awesomebot
- Finwenn and Anthor for basically customize EDDiscovery and EDSM for all the CMDRS in the DWE!! Big HUg!
- Akira Masakari, who brought this incredible group of CMDRS called Prospectors and that have changed the face of the game, the chat and the expedition for me!
- All The Prospectors, specially, Baroness Galaxy, Nexolek -he found a Kancro on a planet the other day-, Michael Darkmoor -who's been infinitely patient with my impertinent questions in the chat-, Eisen, Myshka, LordFedora, Anuranium, OlFart, etc.
- My favorite wine drinker and indulgent "Golden Phallus" of the Galaxy: Barefoot Bandit!
- Terrorfirma, Kaellito, Morcalavin -the slowest ship in the fleet-, and OmegaThr33 for their upbeat and great attitude! Love you guys!
- Blackneto, whose irreverent comments crack me up every single time, and the amazing job he's done streaming
These are my nominations!!
I know...told you I suck big time narrowing down people... #dealwithit
And everyone else in the DWE!!! Love you guys!! This experience has been awesome!!