[Distant Worlds] Thank you Gift from Frontier

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This can only be a rhetorical question. In my perception there can't be any discussion about who should receive the last skin pack, the answer is about as clear as can be: of course it has to be
CMDR Kamzel
Without him noone of us would be here.

I'm not eligible - this is for everyone other than Dr Kaii and myself. :p

Plus an Anaconda skin is no use to me, I flew an Anaconda to Beagle Point and back once... I'll probably never set foot in one again, its a ship I just don't enjoy exploring in for some reason so I'm in no rush to buy or fly another one :D
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So.. Is that code for:
"Buy skins. send FD a note, get skin applied"...?

Hhmm... A purple Golden Phallus™. It could work...

I don't speak in code

I'm not eligible - this is for everyone other than Dr Kaii and myself. :p

Plus an Anaconda skin is no use to me, I flew an Anaconda to Beagle Point and back once... I'll probably never set foot in one again, its a ship I just don't enjoy exploring in for some reason so I'm in no rush to buy or fly another one :D

Yes, please don't vote for me. Erimus will flog me if I win...PLEASE DONT
Hmm. Since I rely on and enjoy work from Glasswalker, Neotron, Kancro Vantas, Katejina and Olivia Vespera the most, I got to nominate those four. I think we need more skins.
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I nominate the entire Candy Crew because TS is just way too much fun not to want fly: the list is too long and I don't want to leave anyone out.
Newman1702 for TS
Kancro Vantas/NeoTron for Discord.
Olivia Vespera for the Wasp but mostly because you are the only bloke I know who is totally comfortable with having their gender mangled.
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... to nominate exceptional pilots of the main areas of the fleet. 3 we are giving to a Fuel Rat, a Rock Rat and a Cartographer. We are going to ask the organisers of those divisions to nominate the person they think deserves them the most.

For the fourth, we'd like to ask you, the noble and brave pilots of the expedition, to nominate someone who you think has been outstanding. Please post below who you think deserves it and why. At the end we will cast a vote among the organisers and announce the winner.
To many names I can think of so make a choice for "who deserves the best" I'm applying my own subjective perception.

Fuel Rat Anuranium
Rock Rat Fedora
Cartographer Mengy
Outstanding Kancro Vantas


For fuel rats it was between CMDR Anuranium, Michael Darkmoore and Domaq. A hard choice, but since they are also rock rats and I chose a different rock rat to be nominated, in my view, Anuranium should be nominated as fuel rat, since he and a few other rats flew back to the bubble on the request of Kancro to get cargo back for Olivia, that was quite the achievement. But he also gave the fuel rats a name by re-applying their "brand" into the rock rats and showing his leadership skills.

For prospectors (aka rock rats in the broad sense) that is a very very very hard choice, since rock rats are all about community and group and team building, sure we got the Nexolek & Fedora "scientist couple", and sure we got lots of people that showed outstanding effort, just to name a few: Eisen, the 3 fuel rats mentioned above, Myshka, Bafaut, then others joined and started showing awesome committment like IDragox, Star Crusader, AbsolutePK and THEN even more recent commanders joined like Nightstrider, Lyneira and now even more recent Olfart and Greytest.. so in the end you wonder: how the hell do you choose a name ?? In the end when throwing scientists & rock rats together it became a choice on a scientist for me. For the simple reason that their work is NOT so self-explanatory. Not saying a rock rat's job is. Since its very time consuming. But realistically its just less expected to have all that science data & analysis available as we have. It just could as well not have been the case and it goes further then just math & statistical knowledge. Their efforts will benefit us a lot for this new role. So how to choose a scientist ? Its not even just between Nexolek & Fedora. Michael Darkmoore, Setaou and a few others have contributed to science a lot as well. Still I chose Fedora over the rest for one very simple reason. He is a very intelligent young commander that has certain talents that go beyond "just being good". He is more then just good. His skills have lots of potential to be top notch. But on top of that he has the modesty not to brag about it. And he creates a great sense of "rock rat humour" (cf. his DWEBot jokes !shrug for one), also he helped with Michael during the prospector Q&A for answering questions out of his own iniative. So.. does that make him worth being nominated ? Hell yeah.

For cartographers I can only think in terms of "prospection scouting" so it's limited in scope.. a couple of names immediately come to mind: Byped, Mengy, Jak, Myschka and Pallkipanteri. Its not so easy a choice. Byped found a few green systems by himself and has shown quite a good communication towards rock rats via Trello. But I could say the same about Mengy. He might not realise but his findings helped us a lot and he kept producing good stuff. In the end I chose Mengy simply because he is one of those commanders who stays in the background but deserves the attention for once that he actually does a lot of good stuff.

For being outstanding I chose Kancro without hesitation. The way he helped the organisation of the Q&A, in fact, the organisation of just about anything is on par with what Erimus & Kai are doing. This commander is very good at what he does and it just so happens that benefits the whole DW expedition A LOT.
This is a hard one. There are so many great people here in DWE.
All my homies from TS (the Candy Crew), that has made this trip a lot more entertaining. (there are too many to name them but you guys know who they are, plus im very bad at remembering people's names! but that does not mean I have forgotten who you are :)

There are also a lot of great people in discord
Shabooka: He just makes these amazing videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEVW_sPVjFqHUCWRchOG4cg
Olivia: of course
Barefoot Bandit: Who does not know him and like him :)
I am missing a lot of people, and I feel that there are so many that would deserve it.

(@Frontier maybe a unit paint job for the pilots of the DWE?? ;-) (here is hoping!)
I can't vote for anyone. There have been so many outstanding people on this trip, from those who are working behind the scenes and making vids and other work and contributing to newsletters, to the crazy Olivia in his/her T9 and doing Wasp Radio, to people i've flown with.

As someone who is basically along for the ride, and not contributing much myself, I can only say every single person who has contributed deserves a tip of the hat, and i cannot vote for any individual.
The fact I've been mentioned is flattering, but honestly, there are many more commanders who are more deserving. My vote goes for Olivia as well, not only for being absolutely insane taking a T-9 filled with party loot, but also for working so tirelessly to get the un-instanced people in Discord into Sunday's Sgr A* gathering.
The fact I've been mentioned is flattering, but honestly, there are many more commanders who are more deserving. My vote goes for Olivia as well, not only for being absolutely insane taking a T-9 filled with party loot, but also for working so tirelessly to get the un-instanced people in Discord into Sunday's Sgr A* gathering.

Actually, that does deserve a special round of thanks.

It's awesome Anaconda skins are finally out, I know a lot of us have wanted these for a long time. I do wonder if "had us (DW) in mind" means that Frontier have a way of letting us apply them without returning to port? Because with the expedition being in full swing, returning over 30kly to apply a skin is, well.. not practical. And having those skins would certainly liven up the screenshots and videos..
This. I am extremely happy about these new skins, and I would already have bought some if I had any way to use them right now. Right now I'm rocking the gold 'Conda but I've wanted a purple one since the beginning.

If there's any way for FDev or Support to change a ship's set skin to one that a player already owns, my money will be in Frontier's hands before the day is out. It would take some of the sting out of having these come out when I'm already 30 kylies from any possibility of using them, and won't be back for another couple months.
I'll make 2 nominations here, of a more personal nature, but those count as well, I'm sure:

Cmdr Eisen & Cmdr NightStrider

These are the two first expedition members I made contact with when I first joined the expedition around WP10. They kept me company and offered much encouragement during my travel from Sol to the core, keeping my space madness at manageable levels. They were welcoming, excited and full of advice as well as jokes. Upon arrival, these two in particular taught me the craft of prospecting - Rock Rat style.

There are many more that surely should be mentioned for providing me with that over the top friendship, help or advice. Baroness Galaxy, iDragox, Lord Fedora and GreyTest - you are all awesome.
For cartographers I can only think in terms of "prospection scouting" so it's limited in scope.. a couple of names immediately come to mind: Byped, Mengy, Jak, Myschka and Pallkipanteri. Its not so easy a choice. Byped found a few green systems by himself and has shown quite a good communication towards rock rats via Trello. But I could say the same about Mengy. He might not realise but his findings helped us a lot and he kept producing good stuff. In the end I chose Mengy simply because he is one of those commanders who stays in the background but deserves the attention for once that he actually does a lot of good stuff.

Thanks for that Baroness! I've actually enjoyed prospecting for the fleet much more than I anticipated. However, I'd like to respectfully decline your nomination of me for two reasons:

1. I don't even own an Anaconda, so I'd rather it go to someone who does
2. There are other CMDR's who have done much more than I have for the fleet who deserve it more than I

Still, you brought a huge smile to my face, thanks for that! Next time I'm prospecting on the same rock as you are I'll give you a case of Lavian Brandy I've got stowed on The Amity! :D
No but it would be a nice gesture to help recognise the excellent work done by a lot of people.

If it's possible to swell the prize pool I am willing to contribute.
Oh boy!! Thank you so very much for all the appreciation notes and nominations, to all CMDRS!! That's a much valuable reward at the end of the day than any paintjob yet!

Really appreciate it guys!

As per my own nominations, I am terrible at this 'cause I want to reward everybody, and hand out gold stars to everyone... probably a good thing I am not a teacher! lol...

But since we have to pick, these would be the people who has left a deep impression in my overall experience with the expedition so far:

- Olivia Vespera, cause you need to grow a pair to bring a T9 along.....TWICE....

- iDragox, cause you need another heavy pair, to bring a T6 and then an Asp, and do 3 runs to the bubble, and yet being so outspoken and so lively in the chats and in Waspradio! Amazing dude!

- grnbrg, cause he is been fundamental in helping out with the Discord Chat

- NeoTron, cause he is been of great help with the chat and that bot that I still don't know much how to handle but it is an !awesomebot

- Finwenn and Anthor for basically customize EDDiscovery and EDSM for all the CMDRS in the DWE!! Big HUg!

- Akira Masakari, who brought this incredible group of CMDRS called Prospectors and that have changed the face of the game, the chat and the expedition for me!

- All The Prospectors, specially, Baroness Galaxy, Nexolek -he found a Kancro on a planet the other day-, Michael Darkmoor -who's been infinitely patient with my impertinent questions in the chat-, Eisen, Myshka, LordFedora, Anuranium, OlFart, etc.

- My favorite wine drinker and indulgent "Golden Phallus" of the Galaxy: Barefoot Bandit!

- Terrorfirma, Kaellito, Morcalavin -the slowest ship in the fleet-, and OmegaThr33 for their upbeat and great attitude! Love you guys!

- Blackneto, whose irreverent comments crack me up every single time, and the amazing job he's done streaming

These are my nominations!!

I know...told you I suck big time narrowing down people... #dealwithit


And everyone else in the DWE!!! Love you guys!! This experience has been awesome!!
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