DLC18 discussion and predictions

Why were people expecting any more than this, though? We're on Unlocked #6 and the descriptions have been consistently accurate.
I really think what's throwing things slightly off is the random tidbit a few streams ago where they let us know a knew DLC was coming. But that's also pretty clearly the outlier.

I mean, what else is there to say, though? They haven't spent more than a minute on an announcement like that in the past. I'm all for optimism but the negative reaction to the obvious happening is striking for me...
The fact that they took the time and effort to make a twitter poster announcing special news for console players on stream for it only to be a single line that took less than 20 seconds of time to read is the problem it literally only stated the bundles combo not even when it would release. This could of just been a tweet it would of been more informative and less resource intensive than announcing pretty much nothing on stream.
i think i have come up with the most realistic final dlc animal pack:
Mountain Gorilla {Headliner of Pack}
Grey Kangaroo
White-Tailed Deer
Honey Badger
Black Swan
Giant Sable Antelope
Europe Salamander 2.0 [E]
scenario: Bernie goodwin tells you to screw off and spend even more money in the sequel 🔥
So we’ll probably have year one situation with second dlc on August and if we’re lucky another one on December. And if the December one will also be an animal pack we’ll end up with 21-22 animals in total. What do you think?
this stream hasnt changed my opinion of pack announcement in july release either last week of july or first week of august another pack october and something big for the anniversary in november either a small pack or a small pack sized free update.

I dont think planet coaster will be announced till later this year with im guesing a winter release
I genuinely don't even feel like speculating anymore with another month to go, or at least not as much as I used to. With nothing going on I don't have any ideas for the last pack other than the 2 themes we've talked about to death, I have no motivation to make videos because my videos of any kind haven't been doing well lately, probably because less and less people have an interest in Planet Zoo, and if theres another month of nothing then this trend of low numbers will probably continue, and along with that I just don't really have motivation to play the game in general.
Ever since OakWood Zoo, my main zoo flopped, I've focused on small projects, so theres not really an overall zoo to motivate myself to work on. I would rather just play other games until the next pack comes out honestly but for the best chance at regaining larger numbers on the channel, I should still post PZ regularly. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. This next month is gonna suck :(
Yeah, and any time someone brings up a potential alternative pack it kind of gets shot down. I honestly get it, there isn’t much to talk about and with things continuously pointing to the game ending it just brings the whole mood down.

Even now I can’t help and feel like it’s birdover for us bird bros. If this is the last dlc, and it follows all basic patterns, we will get one more bird. Even if it’s a major meta wishlister like the secretary bird it won’t be enough. That’s not even mentioning habitat reptiles, monkeys, or rodents. Shoot that’s not even mentioning getting more small mammals like a muntjac or the Pallas cat.

Part of me hopes frontier goes all out with another 12 species animal pack, but considering they haven’t done that since grasslands over a year ago I don’t know if it will happen again. Frontiers habits of keeping everything under tight lips really doesn’t help the YouTubers who try to get the game out, or the community who play it.

I just recently played planet zoo after a week, and I finally finished my “entrance area”. I just started building one of my barns for my farm area, and finally building for animals again got me back into the game! But at the same time, I don’t only play Planet Zoo. I don’t want to get too burned out.

I always enjoy talking to you on here, so keep the head up king! 👑
Shoot I’ll start a new speculation pack/ idea. I’m gonna try to do what barnyard did, just give a popular theme/ vibe that’s been asked for for awhile. It’s gonna focus on marine animals, and it will be the speculated Coastal Pack. So admittedly it won’t do much for monkeys, but I think convincing ourselves those were next is what caused us to be blindsided.

This is based on a couple things: walrus is high on the meta wishlist, people really like marine wildlife, would give us a couple birds, would also contain some fluffy popular options, and one other important thing I’m gonna get into.

A lot of animal packs (also packs in general, think Oceania and Australia) act as a sister to a prop based pack. If you buy the Europe Pack, the Eurasia Pack acts as a necessary sister to it. The Africa Pack is really filled out by the Arid Pack. So in my mind, the Coastal Animal Pack is a sister to the old and popular Aquatic Pack.

So while this list is being filled out, it’s gonna be bird heavy. My idea however, is all the birds have pre-existing rigs. So don’t expect anything too out of the ordinary. With that being said, here will be the animals!

Coastal Pack
  1. The first animal is obvious, and frankly needs little introduction or reasoning for being on this list. It’s the walrus, while not common in zoos it’s unique and famous enough to have a deserved spot.
  2. Staying in the arctic, the next animal is the sea otter. While it is another mammal for North America, it is popular and unique enough to have a spot. Like wise this animal is very popular with people.
  3. For our first bird, I was thinking something from the arctic. I’m still gonna say the Atlantic puffin. After seeing the mod based on the little blue penguin, I’m convinced it can be done in planet zoo. They don’t fly much in captivity, and similar to penguins they rest on the water in the surface and swim using their wings. While it may require new animations, I think it can be done on rigs that already exist. If this is too unrealistic, go for a king eider or common eider.
  4. After that, we get into some new territory! Going down into warmer waters we have the Caribbean Flamingo which also needs little explanation.
  5. Likewise, we have the Brown Pelican which is another animal found in the waters of the Caribbean. Both the flamingo and the pelican can have an interspecies bonus. With the pelican also getting a bonus with the California sea lions. While I understand a lot of my friends outside of NA want the Great White Pelican, South America could really use the representation. Not to mention the cool interspecies bonuses.
  6. Now heading farther south out of warmer waters, we have the South American Sea Lion! While I was thinking of Australian Sea Lions, I started to think about boosting South America a bit more. I don’t know sue me. I understand this isn’t what people were hoping for South America rep, but it’s my list I will do what I want 😎
  7. For the last animal, I’m gonna go with the Southern Rockhopper. Oh my goodness this list has 4 birds! Yes it does. I genuinely believe they would be the best filler for a pack like this.
  8. For the exhibit animals, I have no idea I didn’t get that far lol. Maybe we get new fish, maybe mudskippers, maybe hermit crabs. Maybe we get a new mangrove/ fish tank for the exhibit box. If anyone has anything better they can add it. Frankly I was thinking just, fish. I would be happy with fish.
I understand this list may not be the most popular, but considering in the past year the Americas have been largely ignored, I wanted it to be somewhat of a stealth boost. Also do to where I am from, outside of being 100% aquatic animals this is what I think of. If you have some changes feel free to mention it!
I’ve come up with the worst possible scenario pack

Farmland Animal Pack
1. African Pygmy Goat
2. Suffolk Sheep
3. Jersey Cow
4. Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pig
5. Rhode Island Red Chicken
6. Miniature Donkey
7. Shetland Pony
That basically already happened though…
Shoot I’ll start a new speculation pack/ idea. I’m gonna try to do what barnyard did, just give a popular theme/ vibe that’s been asked for for awhile. It’s gonna focus on marine animals, and it will be the speculated Coastal Pack. So admittedly it won’t do much for monkeys, but I think convincing ourselves those were next is what caused us to be blindsided.

This is based on a couple things: walrus is high on the meta wishlist, people really like marine wildlife, would give us a couple birds, would also contain some fluffy popular options, and one other important thing I’m gonna get into.

A lot of animal packs (also packs in general, think Oceania and Australia) act as a sister to a prop based pack. If you buy the Europe Pack, the Eurasia Pack acts as a necessary sister to it. The Africa Pack is really filled out by the Arid Pack. So in my mind, the Coastal Animal Pack is a sister to the old and popular Aquatic Pack.

So while this list is being filled out, it’s gonna be bird heavy. My idea however, is all the birds have pre-existing rigs. So don’t expect anything too out of the ordinary. With that being said, here will be the animals!

Coastal Pack
  1. The first animal is obvious, and frankly needs little introduction or reasoning for being on this list. It’s the walrus, while not common in zoos it’s unique and famous enough to have a deserved spot.
  2. Staying in the arctic, the next animal is the sea otter. While it is another mammal for North America, it is popular and unique enough to have a spot. Like wise this animal is very popular with people.
  3. For our first bird, I was thinking something from the arctic. I’m still gonna say the Atlantic puffin. After seeing the mod based on the little blue penguin, I’m convinced it can be done in planet zoo. They don’t fly much in captivity, and similar to penguins they rest on the water in the surface and swim using their wings. While it may require new animations, I think it can be done on rigs that already exist. If this is too unrealistic, go for a king eider or common eider.
  4. After that, we get into some new territory! Going down into warmer waters we have the Caribbean Flamingo which also needs little explanation.
  5. Likewise, we have the Brown Pelican which is another animal found in the waters of the Caribbean. Both the flamingo and the pelican can have an interspecies bonus. With the pelican also getting a bonus with the California sea lions. While I understand a lot of my friends outside of NA want the Great White Pelican, South America could really use the representation. Not to mention the cool interspecies bonuses.
  6. Now heading farther south out of warmer waters, we have the South American Sea Lion! While I was thinking of Australian Sea Lions, I started to think about boosting South America a bit more. I don’t know sue me. I understand this isn’t what people were hoping for South America rep, but it’s my list I will do what I want 😎
  7. For the last animal, I’m gonna go with the Southern Rockhopper. Oh my goodness this list has 4 birds! Yes it does. I genuinely believe they would be the best filler for a pack like this.
  8. For the exhibit animals, I have no idea I didn’t get that far lol. Maybe we get new fish, maybe mudskippers, maybe hermit crabs. Maybe we get a new mangrove/ fish tank for the exhibit box. If anyone has anything better they can add it. Frankly I was thinking just, fish. I would be happy with fish.
I understand this list may not be the most popular, but considering in the past year the Americas have been largely ignored, I wanted it to be somewhat of a stealth boost. Also do to where I am from, outside of being 100% aquatic animals this is what I think of. If you have some changes feel free to mention it!
If this were the second to last DLC I'd be all for this. I'm not a fan of the walrus but the sea otter would offer up some unique animations (I'll always prefer a river otter but that doesn't quite fit the theme); puffins and pelicans would be fun, unique additions; and the flamingo and penguin would be similar to what we have in-game while allowing for/encouraging creations of these species in different regions. I don't really think we need the sea lion but I get why it would be included and beyond the marine iguana (which isn't common in captivity) I'm struggling to think of anything better.

Getting a mangrove fish tank would be really fun! Maybe with piranhas? Alternately, mudskippers would be super fun.

I like the general pack. But with the caveat that it's not the final one.
If this were the second to last DLC I'd be all for this. I'm not a fan of the walrus but the sea otter would offer up some unique animations (I'll always prefer a river otter but that doesn't quite fit the theme); puffins and pelicans would be fun, unique additions; and the flamingo and penguin would be similar to what we have in-game while allowing for/encouraging creations of these species in different regions. I don't really think we need the sea lion but I get why it would be included and beyond the marine iguana (which isn't common in captivity) I'm struggling to think of anything better.

Getting a mangrove fish tank would be really fun! Maybe with piranhas? Alternately, mudskippers would be super fun.

I like the general pack. But with the caveat that it's not the final one.
Yeah I get that, we really need monkeys and some non-sea birds/ other animals in general. If this is the final pack I would honestly not be upset. It would have been much worse if barnyard finished us off. Outside of more sea birds I had a hard time deciding animals but I liked the South American sea lion enough. For the birds I picked, I really wanted to pick “easy filler” that I found to be realistic. Outside of the puffin adding some new stuff, the other 3 wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary. And as you said, the flamingo and second Antarctic penguin gives us just that slight bit more options.

But I’m just trying to stir conversation, and also recommend we all think outside of the box. Barnyard got us all bad, I think it would be good we prepare for anything! I also don’t think every pack idea should be thought of as this grand finale.
Because it saves frontier both time and money to look at species near them rather than to travel further to see different breeds. Their HQ is in the UK and most of the picks are from the UK, coincidence? I think not.
Regional breeds hold on some traditional farm or breeds that are hold in most of the uks zoos and are also common in the rest of the world with the kunekune, vitnamese potbelly, african dwarf goat, ouessant sheep or maybe even the one thats literally from brittain that people actually wanted called "shetland pony".
Logic doesnt hold up, its still just a highly questionable decision
Regional breeds hold on some traditional farm or breeds that are hold in most of the uks zoos and are also common in the rest of the world with the kunekune, vitnamese potbelly, african dwarf goat, ouessant sheep or maybe even the one thats literally from brittain that people actually wanted called "shetland pony".
Logic doesnt hold up, its still just a highly questionable decision
Well now it is even more confusing! Here’s a weird question, do their local zoos in the UK have a low amount of birds and monkeys? Could that explain it? Or is it a general popularity/ game design issue?
Yeah I get that, we really need monkeys and some non-sea birds/ other animals in general. If this is the final pack I would honestly not be upset. It would have been much worse if barnyard finished us off. Outside of more sea birds I had a hard time deciding animals but I liked the South American sea lion enough. For the birds I picked, I really wanted to pick “easy filler” that I found to be realistic. Outside of the puffin adding some new stuff, the other 3 wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary. And as you said, the flamingo and second Antarctic penguin gives us just that slight bit more options.

But I’m just trying to stir conversation, and also recommend we all think outside of the box. Barnyard got us all bad, I think it would be good we prepare for anything! I also don’t think every pack idea should be thought of as this grand finale.
It's funny. I would definitely be disappointed with that as a final pack but I'd also get over it pretty quickly, I think. I would feel letdown that we didn't get an additional monkey (or two), more of the SA rep people are really wanting, a shot at the tree kangaroo, etc. But I'd be very excited about the puffin, sea otter, penguin, and flamingo! The exhibit too would actually get some use if it were any of the options you presented. So it would still be really fun.

But I definitely think we've got a much better shot at seeing something broader that leans harder into the top five of the meta wish list (even if it's just 1-2 picks) after what we didn't get with the Barnyard pack. So something like Coastal might not be where they go... Treetops? Forests? Latin America? Zookeeper? Safari? So many options! Actually, something I just said shook loose another idea I have... A way to name a pack to make it less-regionally focused and broader. That could tie into some fun update features that have been speculated. Need to think more about the roster but will probably share later today! Haha.

As for whether or not the pack will be a "grand finale"? I dunno. I feel like it will be. We probably won't get 20 species. But I'd imagine it will be a bit bigger than usual. Not by much. But enough to justify a slightly higher price tag.
I genuinely don't even feel like speculating anymore with another month to go, or at least not as much as I used to. With nothing going on I don't have any ideas for the last pack other than the 2 themes we've talked about to death, I have no motivation to make videos because my videos of any kind haven't been doing well lately, probably because less and less people have an interest in Planet Zoo, and if theres another month of nothing then this trend of low numbers will probably continue, and along with that I just don't really have motivation to play the game in general.
Ever since OakWood Zoo, my main zoo flopped, I've focused on small projects, so theres not really an overall zoo to motivate myself to work on. I would rather just play other games until the next pack comes out honestly but for the best chance at regaining larger numbers on the channel, I should still post PZ regularly. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. This next month is gonna suck :(
I try to avoid double-posting but I just saw this and... I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated. For whatever it's worth I've enjoyed your last few videos and think you're an exceptionally talented builder. I know you weren't posting this to fish for compliments, but man your channel deserves better! Haha. OakWood is such a rad place to visit!

That said, if you're not feeling it? Just take a break and ignore the numbers. Probably easier said than done, but I'm a firm believer that when it stops being fun it stops being worthwhile.

Anyway, SteamDB is updating just not in the way that any of us want or need. LOL
Well now it is even more confusing! Here’s a weird question, do their local zoos in the UK have a low amount of birds and monkeys? Could that explain it? Or is it a general popularity/ game design issue?
Shepreth wildlife park does have a relatively small animal collection in general, but the weird thing is that it has a more the average focus on south american animals and the only 2 ungluate species they have are alpacas and donkeys. Its almost like they saw it and said lets do the exact opposite
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