DLC18 discussion and predictions

The biggest problem I have with PZ2 is it almost seems like a cash grab.
How??? How is an improved game with a new pathing tool expirience, new building mechanics, new choices of railings and pathes, recolorable pathes and additional features we wanted in PZ1 but didn't get them (and I'm sure it is mostly for technical reasons) a cash grab?
And I mean, that are only the features we "know of" looking at PC2 now. I'm sure we can improved graphic to the list in 4 years time. And most probably flying birds, if they are the equivalent of Waterparks in Planco.

What on earth are companies supposed to do? Put months and years of work into improving or re-developing the game engine to make new features possible and just smile and say "here, it's a gift!"
Do you really think those improvements are able to be financed with just another DLC in a years old game and NOT with a new base game that gets new players way more easily on board? People will not start to Play PZ1 anymore now, because, lets face it, the number of DLCs are overwhelming. You attract new audience with new games. It's as simple as that.

You feel like you feel, but this is becomming kind of a pet peve for me. What do people expect? That people work for free? That we are entitled to being given stuff as a gift? That game developers work for minimum wage, just because after 8 years we don't want to put a bit more money on the table?

I said it several times now, I say it again: Calculate how much money you paid for the game + DLCs and divide it by the hours you played the game. If what comes out is worth more than a coffee or any other treat you give to yourself, consider if you just don't play the game enough and skip Planet Zoo 2 therefore. If it's anything less than something you usually gift to yourself, well, you got a lot of fun out of the game and it can not be a cash grab.

As I said, maybe I'm also looking different at this because I'm self-employed and I demand a fair price for my hard work. I want to live a stressfree, relaxed life and I owe it to every other working being to have the same as well, so I need to pay money for it.

And at the end of the day: We are talking about an entertainment product, not something anyone needs to survive.
This is one of the reasons why I think it's strange they would stop support for PlanetZoo.
First of all, it's what gives them the most income from all games they work so hard to please fans on.
Then thinking of what to do for DLCs is extremely easy. They don't have to think of a design and texture of a fantasy dinosaur, non-boring coaster ride or believable spaceship. All they need to do is to copy reality.
Players give them so many ideas what they want though all the wishlists, their own DLC ideas, even mods.
If I was the manager of this game I would try to support it until the start of sales drop. I would check forums and mods to know what the playerbase wants. Sell "clone" DLCs to enlarge species variety between big DLCs to keep supporting but not make creators have to work too much. We saw the game is able to update existing animals to keep up with recent graphics and more detailed animals in newer DLCs so even 1-4 animal update once a year would make players happy. What about the same enrichment but with slightly edited design. More types of food and water bowls, more signs or simple props, all copied from real zoos, as long as it's recolorable players seemed to be happy about anything.
Jeez, mobile games players pay much more for much less. Or shall we talk about theSims???

I simply don't understand why would they stop supporting such a "cashgrab" "goldencow" of a game on it's peak of popularity and taking the first place of financial income when there is still hundred thousands of people willing to buy any DLC that comes?
What would be the racional plan/idea for this?
This is one of the reasons why I think it's strange they would stop support for PlanetZoo.
First of all, it's what gives them the most income from all games they work so hard to please fans on.
Then thinking of what to do for DLCs is extremely easy. They don't have to think of a design and texture of a fantasy dinosaur, non-boring coaster ride or believable spaceship. All they need to do is to copy reality.
Players give them so many ideas what they want though all the wishlists, their own DLC ideas, even mods.
If I was the manager of this game I would try to support it until the start of sales drop. I would check forums and mods to know what the playerbase wants. Sell "clone" DLCs to enlarge species variety between big DLCs to keep supporting but not make creators have to work too much. We saw the game is able to update existing animals to keep up with recent graphics and more detailed animals in newer DLCs so even 1-4 animal update once a year would make players happy. What about the same enrichment but with slightly edited design. More types of food and water bowls, more signs or simple props, all copied from real zoos, as long as it's recolorable players seemed to be happy about anything.
Jeez, mobile games players pay much more for much less. Or shall we talk about theSims???

I simply don't understand why would they stop supporting such a "cashgrab" "goldencow" of a game on it's peak of popularity and taking the first place of financial income when there is still hundred thousands of people willing to buy any DLC that comes?
What would be the racional plan/idea for this?
I still think its the most likely that the next dlc will be the last, but the fact that PZ is still doing so good gives me a little hope that maybe they will continue supoort with the smaller team they have now and drop down from a 4 Dlcs a year to a 2-3 Dlcs a year schedule.
Okay enough copium for today
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This is one of the reasons why I think it's strange they would stop support for PlanetZoo.
First of all, it's what gives them the most income from all games they work so hard to please fans on.
Then thinking of what to do for DLCs is extremely easy. They don't have to think of a design and texture of a fantasy dinosaur, non-boring coaster ride or believable spaceship. All they need to do is to copy reality.
Players give them so many ideas what they want though all the wishlists, their own DLC ideas, even mods.
If I was the manager of this game I would try to support it until the start of sales drop. I would check forums and mods to know what the playerbase wants. Sell "clone" DLCs to enlarge species variety between big DLCs to keep supporting but not make creators have to work too much. We saw the game is able to update existing animals to keep up with recent graphics and more detailed animals in newer DLCs so even 1-4 animal update once a year would make players happy. What about the same enrichment but with slightly edited design. More types of food and water bowls, more signs or simple props, all copied from real zoos, as long as it's recolorable players seemed to be happy about anything.
Jeez, mobile games players pay much more for much less. Or shall we talk about theSims???

I simply don't understand why would they stop supporting such a "cashgrab" "goldencow" of a game on it's peak of popularity and taking the first place of financial income when there is still hundred thousands of people willing to buy any DLC that comes?
What would be the racional plan/idea for this?
whilst planet zoo is one of their most profitable games it is not at its "peak of popularity" active players have remained stable since year 1 with a slight downwards trend we are currently at the weakest the game has been not it strongest.
I do however agree it makes no sense to end such as consistent source of revenue which is why I think they have already made significant progress through a sequel and that it will be how frontier plans to make more money out of the game.
This is one of the reasons why I think it's strange they would stop support for PlanetZoo.
First of all, it's what gives them the most income from all games they work so hard to please fans on.
Then thinking of what to do for DLCs is extremely easy. They don't have to think of a design and texture of a fantasy dinosaur, non-boring coaster ride or believable spaceship. All they need to do is to copy reality.
Players give them so many ideas what they want though all the wishlists, their own DLC ideas, even mods.
If I was the manager of this game I would try to support it until the start of sales drop. I would check forums and mods to know what the playerbase wants. Sell "clone" DLCs to enlarge species variety between big DLCs to keep supporting but not make creators have to work too much. We saw the game is able to update existing animals to keep up with recent graphics and more detailed animals in newer DLCs so even 1-4 animal update once a year would make players happy. What about the same enrichment but with slightly edited design. More types of food and water bowls, more signs or simple props, all copied from real zoos, as long as it's recolorable players seemed to be happy about anything.
Jeez, mobile games players pay much more for much less. Or shall we talk about theSims???

I simply don't understand why would they stop supporting such a "cashgrab" "goldencow" of a game on it's peak of popularity and taking the first place of financial income when there is still hundred thousands of people willing to buy any DLC that comes?
What would be the racional plan/idea for this?
See how the start of the curve for all the games (including sequels) is steeper than later on in each game’s life?… New games (including sequels) make more money than continued support for old ones.
I mean, I think it makes sense to end PZ. Player numbers are consistently going down, while still profitable the DLCs make less, base game sales are decreasing, and it’s possible PC2 will take a section of the PZ player base.

If anything, maybe they can make mini DLCs? Like a handful of only animals, or only props. Even then, depending on how the final dlc goes I may just be satisfied with the game.

Like I have said before, I am having mixed feelings about how this game might end. Still, I have hope Frontier is gonna end things on good terms. At least good enough.
As much as I want to be optimistic, are we sure that Frontier Unlocked will give us any news? Last time we didn't get it until the Barnyard Animal Pack was already announced.
If I was the manager of this game I would try to support it until the start of sales drop.
If you only stop support after the sales start to drop, you make a loss. If you do it before they starting to show a potential drop, you don't. That's literally how the vast majority of companies work.

Also, do keep in mind that the massive bump for PZ is also attributed to the fact that it has released on console. We saw the exact same thing when Planet Coaster got released to console. There's no way of knowing for us if that growth is a one of thing or sustainable without having more insider information we simply do not have.
As much as I want to be optimistic, are we sure that Frontier Unlocked will give us any news? Last time we didn't get it until the Barnyard Animal Pack was already announced.
If the DLC releases in early october, the pack could be announced the day before the Unlocked and get more info on it in the Unlocked itself.
Sooo.... Epic Games just made a boo boo on Twitter and leaked the release date for Planet Coaster2. Well, resumably leaked, as I can't see it release on the 6th of November, which is a wednesday.

BUT if the release date were true, I can't see them release a PZ DLC just a day before. Do they even have enough staff to hot fix any bugs on both games? All a bit strange.
If that’s true, then maybe that outsource thing from yesterday has more credit. Maybe we will be seeing something in October.

Or we have the opposite, and this last dlc is coming in December a month after.
Sooo.... Epic Games just made a boo boo on Twitter and leaked the release date for Planet Coaster2. Well, resumably leaked, as I can't see it release on the 6th of November, which is a wednesday.

BUT if the release date were true, I can't see them release a PZ DLC just a day before. Do they even have enough staff to hot fix any bugs on both games? All a bit strange.
Preorder trailer just dropped officially, it is indeed releasing on November 6th

Source: https://youtu.be/qGPREY4fEeo?si=oh92z6fkV9mGhzAx
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