DLC18 discussion and predictions

So is this confirmation or do you think it’s actually a mistake?
This doesn't explicitly confirm anything either way. Perhaps these were just leftovers from ideas that didn't take off that still managed to funnel their way into the dictionary, and they removed them after seeing how much of a stir they've caused. Or perhaps they are genuinely upcoming information and they're now choosing to Streisand Effect it for some reason. Could go either way.
So does this confirm secretary bird, echidna, and Goodfellows tree kangaroo? Are the others not confirmed? I’m mean it’s possible it was a mistake but the removal of words is weird.
So does this confirm secretary bird, echidna, and Goodfellows tree kangaroo? Are the others not confirmed? I’m mean it’s possible it was a mistake but the removal of words is weird.
You could interpret it the other way around, they removed the others because they hint towards what's in the upcoming pack whilst secretary, echidna and Goodfellow do not.

(I really hope not but it's a possibility lol)
This doesn't explicitly confirm anything either way. Perhaps these were just leftovers from ideas that didn't take off that still managed to funnel their way into the dictionary, and they removed them after seeing how much of a stir they've caused. Or perhaps they are genuinely upcoming information and they're now choosing to Streisand Effect it for some reason. Could go either way.
I figured that was the case, but then that doesn’t explain Howe being there. Unless it’s actually unrelated to the stick bug. I’m still gonna wait for official word, I get the dictionary is official frontier information, but it also isn’t always related to what animals we get.

If that’s the case we would have got macaws, eagles, vultures, ducks, impalas, eels, and other animals awhile ago.
You could interpret it the other way around, they removed the others because they're in the upcoming pack while the secretary bird, echidna and tree kangaroo are not.

(I really hope not but it's a possibility lol)
I got to be honest if the pack not only has no birds, but also possible excluded the #1 ranked bird. I might be upset :(
Not every animal-related word in the dictionary is there because it was ever intended to be an animal in Planet Zoo. And at the same time, I'd take the presence of Howe as a pretty strong indicator that yes, at least one unused animal idea has made it into the dictionary. So I really wouldn't put any real weight towards anything added prior to the update that gave us Hamadryas, etc.
So only old world animals are gone?

Alright 👀

Edit: Oh wait Secretary's still there, nevermind, I wanted to go for baseless hype
I mean it can go any which way, maybe we are getting more New World animals than we initially thought?

Maybe the dik-dik, markhor, Safika, and hamadryas baboon are what are in the new pack, or maybe it’s the secretary bird, goodfellows tree kangaroo, and echidna are what are in it?

Or maybe the new pack is unrelated and this is all just a dictionary with words? Or maybe we caught on and an intern deleted stuff? Or maybe these were planned animals, or are somehow references to other animals/ PC2 stuff?

I don’t know! It could mean everything and nothing! Speculation!
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