DLC18 discussion and predictions

We only ever get 3 different animals in the promo image for animal packs, 2 of which appear as shadows. And those are the baboon and the markhor here. The shorter horns silhouette is obviously just the female counterpart for the markhor, being on these forums feels like an acid trip sometimes.

Furthermore idk about this not being final DLC, there's literally a zookeeper in the image. Highlands/Mountains themed still, but perhaps a sort of zookeeper collection.
Im not taking it personal, im just voicing my honest oppinion that this is a slap in the face.
Also the most excited anyone was was something saying "im actually okay with the leopard" so what happyness are we talking about?
Literally no one here showed any excitement towards it, only indifference or dissapointment
I don't post here often considering most animals I want in the game haven't /won't get in the game so I'm not very vocal about my opinions. I've wanted african leopard since the game launched. I'm quite happy about it compared to the pack. I'm not super interested in the animals they chose as they don't really appeal to me. I'm glad others got what they wanted though and maybe I'll come around to liking those animals a bit more from using them.
There were 2 other guys that wanted it, but I guess they aren't here anymore. Brandon Gill and Leegonlocal, if I recall. Lee actually did t even want to buy the game of the African leopard wasn't added
Homey 3 people really do not compare to the literal explosion of joy and excitement of the peccary last year, and thats really all youd need to know about if this gift was good or not
It's not an Asia pack, the Hamadryas baboon's range is much more in Africa. A tiny bit of the Middle East. I'd be really happy though if the majority of species are from the Himalayas and that we are getting a little bit of Tibetan scenery, that would be lovely.
I am with you on hoping for the hyrax :)
Give me hyrax or give me death
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