DLC18 discussion and predictions

Yeah honestly the cassowary was ahead of its time. In general every bird frontier does look soo good even the flamingo and peafowl in the basegame still hold up very well, which makes it even sadder that we have so few
I'd argue that really it's the Carnivorans that get the bad models. Binturong, felines, bears.
Most ungulates seem fine, apart from like the bison and the Bactrian. Of course, maybe update the fir texture to look less plastic, but overall not bad...

Actually, I don't like that, when animals get wet in-game, they have a weird reflection. It looks weird and fake, especially if the animals has fur. I'm ok with reptiles and birds, but mammals?
Yeah honestly the cassowary was ahead of its time. In general every bird frontier does look soo good even the flamingo and peafowl in the basegame still hold up very well, which makes it even sadder that we have so few
Even just the three penguin species... I love how Frontier was able to make them appropriately unique in terms of behavior too. With that being said, I hope we don't get any more penguins, I'm perfectly content with what we have
I'd argue that really it's the Carnivorans that get the bad models. Binturong, felines, bears.
Most ungulates seem fine, apart from like the bison and the Bactrian. Of course, maybe update the fir texture to look less plastic, but overall not bad...

Actually, I don't like that, when animals get wet in-game, they have a weird reflection. It looks weird and fake, especially if the animals has fur. I'm ok with reptiles and birds, but mammals?
I largely agree but I think a few of the base game ungulates (Bongo, Okapi, etc.) also have pretty bad models
Even just the three penguin species... I love how Frontier was able to make them appropriately unique in terms of behavior too. With that being said, I hope we don't get any more penguins, I'm perfectly content with what we have
Really depends for me actually, like with more support id love to get another antarctic penguin. Just to have something to throw in with the king penguins as you rarely see them housed alone
Well, regarding the 1st 3 packs, for the Arctic I think that it's fine. I don't hear many complaints about the designs on that one.
For South America, only the anteater and the jaguar have had comments, especially the anteater.
For Australia, only the koala has really had issues, but the rest seem ok
Maybe you're right, maybe individual animals have a problem, I fired up my animal photo album and actually, they don't look bad!
I will upload a few (only saiga is the original photo) but I am inserting for comparison

I thought the reindeer had old fur and it has a very similar look to saiga (in my opinion and in this photo), which looks really good, also I take it back that the animals from earlier packages need an upgrade (certainly not all of them)

Here (for me) the worst looking is sable antelope but that is only because it is from the base.... by the way one of my favorite antelope....
But damn the longer I look at it, the more and more I like it hahh, I think I'm not the only one who has this, that I get the impression that the model is old, and the longer I look at it, it's actually “great”

Maybe on a kangaroo you can see it more, you can see that fur, that it is not so “sharpened”? I don't know how to say it, but that's what I'm talking about
I just see it that these models are old, which does not mean that they are ugly, which I have mentioned before 😁
That's kinda sad... the Matschie's is so much prettier.
I don't know, I think the Goodfellow's is actually a prettier animal in regards to its patterning and shape (its alternative name is literally the ornate tree kangaroo), while Matschie's is more overwhelmingly cute, looking like a living teddy bear.


While I have a slight preference for Goodfellow's just because they're the species in zoos here (+ I love their longer banded tails), I would still be thrilled if we got Matschie's. In terms of highland theming, both species are restricted to montane regions nowadays but the Goodfellow's reportedly once also occurred in lowland areas while the Matschie's has always been more of a highland specialist. This could make Matschie's the better pick for the theming, but gelada are also a better pick over Hamadryas baboon in the same vein and both are still mountain animals.

Who knows, maybe me listening to Huon Montane on repeat willed the Matschie's into existence!
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I don't know, I think the Goodfellow's is actually a prettier animal in regards to its patterning and shape (its alternative name is literally the ornate tree kangaroo), while Matschie's is more overwhelmingly cute, looking like a living teddy bear.


While I have a slight preference for Goodfellow's just because they're the species in zoos here (+ I love their longer banded tails), I would still be thrilled if we got Matschie's. In terms of highland theming, both species are restricted to montane regions nowadays but the Goodfellow's reportedly once also occurred in lowland areas while the Matschie's has always been more of a highland specialist. This could make Matschie's the better pick for the theming, but gelada are also a better pick over Hamadryas baboon in the same vein and both are still mountain animals.

Who knows, maybe me listening to Huon Montane on repeat willed the Matschie's into existence!
I remember seeing Goodfellow's in Berlin earlier this year.
I had a fever, it was raining, and I got into the walkthrough Tree Kangaroo enclosure. There was no one around.
Then I found myself sitting on a rock 2 metres away from this majestic creature... We were looking each other in the eyes, it felt so awesome. Like it was trying to tell me some of its marsupial wisdom
Hyraxes are afrotherians tho. Same as elephants, manatees, aardvarks, etc. Not ungulates. The whole group is closer to Xenarthrans (anteaters, armadillos and sloths).
Oh, I thought elephants where ungulates l, so hence hyraxs were ungulates, guess I was wrong 😅
I know you want hyrax just as much as I want Père David’s deer and @Britches wanted her Pallas cat. I really hope you’ll get it.
Thank you and I hope you get your Père David's Dear, which is actually my second most wanted dear behind the Muntjac so I would not complain
At least y'all have realistic choices. Me? I just want a 4th fox, the best fox, the gray fox
Honestly I forgot that the hyrax is a actually realistic choice sometimes, especially compared to some of my other wishes like the Zebu and Southern Screamer. Anyway hope we hmget the Grey fox in their PZ or in a sequel.
Maybe you're right, maybe individual animals have a problem, I fired up my animal photo album and actually, they don't look bad!
I will upload a few (only saiga is the original photo) but I am inserting for comparison

I thought the reindeer had old fur and it has a very similar look to saiga (in my opinion and in this photo), which looks really good, also I take it back that the animals from earlier packages need an upgrade (certainly not all of them)

Here (for me) the worst looking is sable antelope but that is only because it is from the base.... by the way one of my favorite antelope....
But damn the longer I look at it, the more and more I like it hahh, I think I'm not the only one who has this, that I get the impression that the model is old, and the longer I look at it, it's actually “great”

Maybe on a kangaroo you can see it more, you can see that fur, that it is not so “sharpened”? I don't know how to say it, but that's what I'm talking about
I just see it that these models are old, which does not mean that they are ugly, which I have mentioned before 😁
The waterbuck photo you have there is a mod, just so you know

Edit: my mistake, that's just the female lechwe
And I'd actually disagree concerning NA rep in base game. I wouldn't even consider the pronghorn a keystone animal. And the other 3 are more associated with the north, like Canada. We still lacked the much more common ABB, we still lacked the iconic alligator, and we still lacked our iconic cat (puma). NA animal pack definitely boosted it, and I'm happy with the state of animals we got from there, but the ABB is a NA zoo staple and the most common and widespread species of bear here; heck, I'd go as far and say they're THE North American bear, more than the grizzly. We literally have a chain called the Black Bear Diner
ABB is definitely the most glaring NA omission. And I blame the FBB for that... I find it hard to complain about the other species I'd want because they aren't particularly common in zoos outside of the US (river otter, porcupine) and/or they're pretty niche (burrowing owl, black-footed ferret).

Interestingly, when birds inevitably enter the chat in PZ2, I would really hope that our rep would increase because of all the raptors!

I don't know, I think the Goodfellow's is actually a prettier animal in regards to its patterning and shape (its alternative name is literally the ornate tree kangaroo), while Matschie's is more overwhelmingly cute, looking like a living teddy bear.


While I have a slight preference for Goodfellow's just because they're the species in zoos here (+ I love their longer banded tails), I would still be thrilled if we got Matschie's. In terms of highland theming, both species are restricted to montane regions nowadays but the Goodfellow's reportedly once also occurred in lowland areas while the Matschie's has always been more of a highland specialist. This could make Matschie's the better pick for the theming, but gelada are also a better pick over Hamadryas baboon in the same vein and both are still mountain animals.

Who knows, maybe me listening to Huon Montane on repeat willed the Matschie's into existence!
They're both gorgeous in their own way! I just figure that if we get one, the other could be effectively modded into existence. I plan on commissioning that day 1 if they're in the pack, TBH. :ROFLMAO: Regardless of which sub-species we get.

Regarding the Hamadryas baboon versus the gelada, I think Hamadryas is an "okay" rep for highlands that was higher-requested, more recognizable than the gelada, and would be (theoretically) easier to craft. The fur on the gelada is pretty wild and would likely be trickier to pull off. So when you take all of that together? It can see the justification.

The tree kangaroos are both probably the exact same amount of energy. But I could see them opting for Matschie's over Goodfellow's based solely on the appearance. More copium...
I wouldn't hate the Yak its one of the few ungulates I would be ok with getting, but only if its the domestic one
Yea I would rather drink a jar of venom then get a wild yak, like it is the only animal (that has a good chance of getting in) that I would hate, even the Siaga and proboscis monkey where cool looking, but a wild yak would be so bland compared to a domestic one, unless the domestic one comes without color morphs
The waterbuck photo you have there is a mod, just so you know

Edit: my mistake, that's just the female lechwe
YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!
(No offense just a joke)
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