DLC18 discussion and predictions

Speaking of embassador animals btw im kinda surprised we dont have, we got the educator and the mechanic for exhibit animals for a while know and recently got the animal encounter, but a keeper who takes out a lemur and does a little presentaion is the first thing i think of with this stuff.
Yeah this makes more sense for the thing the past updates have been building up to, I still don’t think playgrounds are in the cards.
This is the 3rd pack in a row with birds, we get another necessary bird, and it once again feels like we got a ton of effort into it. Makes me hopeful for the next pack!
Of course, I would like the pack to have more than one bird, maybe we can even break the record of two birds and get three in one pack!

Also looking at the official list of birds in the zoopedia, I’m gonna be fine if we get more “clones” if it just means we will get more bird options. Looking off the birds already in game we can get some cool stuff:
  1. Another flamingo/ spoonbill
  2. Another crane/ stork
  3. Another waterfowl, my hope is a duck
  4. Another gamebird/ poultry, like a turkey, golden pheasant, or capercaillie
  5. Another ratite like the Rhea or tinamou
  6. Another penguin like the gentoo or rockhopper
I’m a bit hopeful, maybe not with the overall pack. We will see though.
I would love for them to release Orcas, Dolphins, Walruses.
I think the problem with that is that cetaceans are a touchy subject. They aren't always kept in the best conditions, and things like attacks at SeaWorld and people who hate zoos are further putting wood into this fire.
I'm sure they'd be fun, but considering that Frontier doesn't really wanna do anything controversial or that can offend somebody, they most likely will not bring these types of animals
Frontier doesn't really wanna do anything controversial or that can offend somebody
I would love for them to release Orcas, Dolphins, Walruses.

I think the problem with that is that cetaceans are a touchy subject.
Yeah there've been a fair few massive debates on this forum about cetaceans so I think we're all a bit hesitant to comment and rehash it 😅 if Frontier did a Planet Planet game where we could build wild habitats and ecosystems, that would be something!
Either that or:
  • Hotels
  • Elevators
  • Binocular viewing
  • Animal feeding
For actual new features similar to what we have been getting, I feel this is what is requested most.
The hotels and binoculars still baffle me that they are not in the game yet since literally everyone's biggest complaints about guests them leaving too quickly and being half blind would be fixed by them.
Given that dlcs are planned who knows how long in advance, there is little to no chance a non domestic petting zoo pack is coming. We know frontier doesn't do "oh sorry guys I messed up, here's a better pack". While an educational pack could work in some degree, I feel the barnyard pack tried to cover as much as the petting zoo theme that frontier was comfortable with doing, since that we got an animal pack with the scenery required to build petting zoos.
I can see an education pack working if it focuses more on like a natural history museum style with more museum and education board scenery and animals with complex conservations stories.
Do you guys think next update will be playgrounds?
Honestly for a new feature I think make a type of facility called the classroom.
Neither of these would actually work, as child-modeled guests can't separate from adult-modeled guests. They aren't individuals. From the way guests seem to work, it's an all or nothing situation. If you want children separated from adults, they will have to spawn alone without adult guardians, and then we end up with a bunch of unattended children running around. Either way, adults will have to also use playground equipment and classrooms.

Of course, it's possible Frontier could pull a hat-trick of some kind, but I don't see it happening.

There's one other highly-requested feature that often gets forgotten about, though; the international food shops from Coaster. And even though the free update doesn't always tie into the DLC, this feature, along with hotels, would tie together nicely with a world tour to finish off the game.
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